See also:
Kafka on AWS
"We recommend using d2.xlarge if you're using instance storage, or r3.xlarge or m4.2xlarge if you’re using EBS"
See lib/kafka/kafka.rake :service:configure
Look for "kafka" in:
$ bundle exec cap -T | grep kafka
cap kafka:nodes:check_settings # List settings in this project
cap kafka:nodes:create # Create nodes
cap kafka:nodes:etc_hosts_private # Compose entries for /etc/hosts using private IPs
cap kafka:nodes:etc_hosts_public # Compose entries for /etc/hosts using public IPs
cap kafka:nodes:find # Find and describe all nodes
cap kafka:nodes:reboot # Reboot Kafka systems - WARNING, can reset IPs
cap kafka:nodes:ssh_config_private # Compose private entries for ~/.ssh/config for nodes
cap kafka:nodes:ssh_config_public # Compose public entries for ~/.ssh/config for nodes
cap kafka:nodes:terminate # Terminate nodes
cap kafka:service:advertised_listeners # Compose public advertised.listeners for brokers
cap kafka:service:brokers # Compose public brokers for client connections
cap kafka:service:brokers_private # Compose private brokers for client connections
cap kafka:service:configure # Configure Kafka service
cap kafka:service:install # Install Kafka service
cap kafka:service:listeners # Compose private listeners for brokers
cap kafka:service:start # Start Kafka service
cap kafka:service:status # Status of Kafka service
cap kafka:service:stop # Stop Kafka service
cap kafka:service:tail_server_log[server] # tail -n250 ${KAFKA_HOME}/logs/server.log
For this quick test, it's assumed there is a local installation of Kafka available in /opt/kafka
. This
test will use some Kafka utilities to work with the AWS cluster. It's a good idea to match the
local version with the AWS cluster version.
export KAFKA_HOME=/opt/kafka
export STAGE={stage}
# get the zookeeper connection details (replace 'test' with your capistrano {stage})
ZK=$(bundle exec cap ${STAGE} zookeeper:service:connections)
echo $KAFKA_ZK
# list all the topics (should be zero for first installation)
${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --zookeeper ${KAFKA_ZK} --list
# create a 'test' topic
# - replication-factor must be less than or equal to the number of brokers
${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --zookeeper ${KAFKA_ZK} --create --topic test --partitions 2 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists
${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --zookeeper ${KAFKA_ZK} --describe --topic test
# use console utils to observe pub/sub activity
# - create a new screen session
# - it should inherit the ENV values for $STAGE and $KAFKA_HOME set above
# - use screen to create a vertical split window for the producer and consumer:
# - `^a |` to split vertically and `^A tab` to jump between them
# - `^a c` to create a new session in the right side window
# - `^a ?` for screen help
# - in the left window:
# get the kafka broker list (replace 'test' with your capistrano {stage})
KAFKA_BROKERS=$(bundle exec cap ${STAGE} kafka:service:brokers)
# create the producer using:
${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --broker-list ${KAFKA_BROKERS} --topic test
# - in the right window:
# get the kafka broker list (replace 'test' with your capistrano {stage})
KAFKA_BROKERS=$(bundle exec cap ${STAGE} kafka:service:brokers)
# create the consumer using:
${KAFKA_HOME}/bin/ --bootstrap-server ${KAFKA_BROKERS} --topic test
# - back in the left window, `^A |`, type in some one-line messages to the 'test' topic
# - watch the consumer in the right window echo back the messages