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File metadata and controls

88 lines (66 loc) · 2.64 KB

2. Firestore collections

Create a project and add three collections:

  • items
  • countries
  • locations

As firestore is schema-less I can't provide a schema, but will add required fields for documents in each collection in due course.

You will need to set up firebase rules like so:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {

  	function isPublic() {
    	return == 1;

  	function isLoggedIn() {
    	return request.auth.uid != null;

  	function isAuthor() {
      return request.auth.uid ==;

    function isAdmin() {
    	return request.auth.uid != null && 'admin' in request.auth.token.roles;

    function isModerator() {
    	return request.auth.uid != null && 'moderator' in request.auth.token.roles;

    function hasRole() {
    	return isAdmin() || isModerator();

    match /countries/{country} {
      allow read;
      allow write,update,delete: if isAdmin();

    match /locations/{location} {
      allow read;
      allow create: if isLoggedIn();
      allow update: if isAuthor() || hasRole();
      allow delete: if hasRole();

    match /items/{item} {
      allow read;
      allow create: if isLoggedIn();
      allow update: if isAuthor() || hasRole();
      allow delete: if hasRole();

Add an index to the items collection across the following fields: type Ascending name Ascending

3. Search

We will use Algolia for search. Sign up and get your necessary API keys. Create two indices called Items and Locations.

4. Firebase functions

We will use Firebase functions for two purposes:

  • Pinging netlify to rebuild when firestore receives changes
  • Syncings firestore data with Algolia's search index


  • Make sure you have the firebase-tools installed: npm install -g firebase-tools
  • Navigate to firebase-functions and type firebase init and authenticate against your account
  • firebase init and choose Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions
  • Select the buyxiny project
  • Follow the necessary instructions
  • Set the following env variable to point to your netlify build hook: firebase functions:config:set netlify.buildhook="<id>" and confirm it's set by typing: firebase functions:config:get
  • Set the following env variable to set your Algolia app id: firebase functions:config:set algolia.appid="<id>" algolia.apikey="<admin-api-key>"
  • Run firebase deploy
  • This should deploy all the firebase functions for Netlify build hooks, and syncings Firestore CRUD operations with the Algolia search index.