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File metadata and controls

134 lines (114 loc) · 4.98 KB

Hardware VPU acceleration for RK3566

You must be using vendor kernel 5.x or 6.x instead of mainline kernel. For this to work use jammy release with this ppa package installed. Use apt-cache policy <package> to ensure that mpv / ffmpeg is installed from this repo.

VPU acceleration information


H265 10bit acceleration is not supported (I am getting a bluescreen [vo/gpu] Initializing texture for hardware decoding failed.), however, H265 8bit (or lower) acceleration is supported.

Update: This issue is resolved You need to add --vf=scale_rkrga=force_yuv=8bit or permanently add it in mpv.conf

Using CLI

mpv --vo=gpu --hwdec=rkmpp video.mp4

Terminal must show

VO: [gpu] XxY drm_prime[nv12]

Use ls /dev | grep -i dec to get list of video decoders available




Now trying this

mpv --vo=gpu --hwdec=video-dec1 video.mp4

Terminal must show

VO: [gpu] XxY yuv420p

The result was poor than before & many frames were dropped!

Thus to get things done rightly by default

cd ~/.config/mpv
nano mpv.conf

file contents






Using GUI Celluloid

AskUbuntu comment & program's FAQ is more than enough...


Hurray, H265 10bit acceleration is supported! Check VPU decoders available

$ffmpeg -decoders | grep rkmpp

 V..... av1_rkmpp            Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) AV1 decoder (codec av1)
 V..... h263_rkmpp           Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) H263 decoder (codec h263)
 V..... h264_rkmpp           Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) H264 decoder (codec h264)
 V..... hevc_rkmpp           Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) HEVC decoder (codec hevc)
 V..... mpeg1_rkmpp          Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) MPEG1VIDEO decoder (codec mpeg1video)
 V..... mpeg2_rkmpp          Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) MPEG2VIDEO decoder (codec mpeg2video)
 V..... mpeg4_rkmpp          Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) MPEG4 decoder (codec mpeg4)
 V..... vp8_rkmpp            Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) VP8 decoder (codec vp8)
 V..... vp9_rkmpp            Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) VP9 decoder (codec vp9)

Using CLI

Use this command ffplay -vcodec hevc_rkmpp video.mp4 To make things easier nano ~/.bash_profile Add following lines to .bash_profile You can add more aliases or customise a shorter name

alias ffplay264="ffplay -vcodec h264_rkmpp"

alias ffplay265="ffplay -vcodec hevc_rkmpp"

Then you can just ffplay265 video.mp4

Keyboard controls to make life easy

q, ESC            quit
f                 toggle full screen
p, SPC            pause
a                 cycle audio channel in the current program
v                 cycle video channel
t                 cycle subtitle channel in the current program
c                 cycle program
w                 cycle video filters or show modes
s                 activate frame-step mode
left/right        seek backward/forward 10 seconds
down/up           seek backward/forward 1 minute
page down/page up seek backward/forward 10 minutes
mouse Rclick      seek to percentage in file corresponding 
                  to fraction of width

Using GUI

Cannot find any :( Please write to me if you have an idea

FFPLAY as Youtube GUI

Before purge yt-dlp if installed via repos because its outdated

sudo apt purge yt-dlp -y
sudo apt autoremove -y
pip install -U yt-dlp

# Know available formats i.e resolution & vcodec used maybe av1 or vp9 or h264
# <CODEC> can be anyone from $ffmpeg -decoders | grep rkmpp
yt-dlp --list-formats <URL>
ffplay -vcodec <CODEC> $(yt-dlp -f 270 -s -g <URL>) -autoexit -loglevel quiet

Now you can use aforementioned keyboard shortcuts & to navigate the video use Rclick on screen. You can remove -loglevel quiet if you want to see information related to fd= (frames dropped)

FFPLAY as Media Player

Create any named <file>.sh file /home/<user>/.local/share/nautilus/scripts & make it executable via chmod +x <file>.sh Contents will be as follows [The script will auto detect correct video type & select appropriate codec]

#! /bin/bash
set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail

# For handling file names with spaces

FILE_EXT=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=codec_name -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$FILE_NAME")
zenity --info --title="Video Codec Used" --text="$FILE_EXT"_rkmpp
ffplay -vcodec "$FILE_EXT"_rkmpp "$FILE_NAME"