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This Helm chart will install RabbitMQ (docs, code) and is based from the Bitnami Helm chart (code).

How to create or update the chart

# adds helm chart repository
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update

# searches for the latest version
helm search repo -l rabbitmq

# manual: update version number in Chart.yaml

# updates Chart.lock
helm dependency update

How to deploy manually

# checks the Kubernetes objects generated from the chart
helm template rabbitmq . -f values.yaml \
  --namespace rabbitmq > temp.yaml

# applies the manifest (add "--debug > output.yaml" in case of issue)
helm upgrade --install rabbitmq . -f values.yaml --create-namespace \
  --namespace rabbitmq

# checks everything is ok
kubectl get svc,deploy,pod,ingress,pv,certificate -n rabbitmq

# displays RabbitMQ cluster status
kubectl exec rabbitmq-0 -n=rabbitmq -- rabbitmq-diagnostics cluster_status

# if needed, deletes the chart
helm uninstall rabbitmq -n rabbitmq

How to configure


  • Set a specific username and set ah hard coded password
    username: myyser
    password: "myp@ass0rd"
    securePassword: false

How to start once the application is running

Rabbit Management

# displays RabbitMQ cluster status
kubectl exec rabbitmq-0 -n=rabbitmq -- rabbitmq-diagnostics cluster_status

# retrieves generated password
kubectl get secret rabbitmq -n rabbitmq -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-password}" | base64 -d

# tunnels calls to Rabbit Management (
kubectl port-forward svc/rabbitmq 15672:15672 -n rabbitmq

# manual: open (and login with "user" as username and the password retrieved before)