diff --git a/src/routes/(split)/components/tooltip/+page.md b/src/routes/(split)/components/tooltip/+page.md
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+++ b/src/routes/(split)/components/tooltip/+page.md
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+# Tooltip
+Used to provide extra information, often about why a button is disabled, on
+hover or tap over the target element.
+## Properties
+| Property | Description | Type | Default |
+| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------------------- |
+| `id` | Used to link the target to the tooltip via `aria-describedby` | `string` | |
+| `testId` | Add a `data-tid` attribute to the DOM, useful for test purpose. | `string` | `"tooltip-component"` |
+| `text` | The text displayed in the tooltip. | `string` | `""` |
+| `noWrap` | Whether to prevent the tooltip text from taking mulitple lines. | `boolean` | `false` |
+| `top` | Whether to prevent the tooltip text from taking mulitple lines. | `boolean` | `false` |
+| `center` | Whether to ignore overflow logic an just center align instead. | `boolean` | `false` |
+| `containerSelector` | Used to query for the container used to determine overflow. | `string` | `"main"` |
+## Slots
+| Slot name | Description |
+| ------------ | -------------------------- |
+| Default slot | The target of the tooltip. |
+## Showcase
+The tooltips will appear when the buttons are hovered or tapped.