This is a test script that you can run in a lab environment that will facilitate the creation of multiple file types (Word, Excel, PDF, Text, Email (Eml)).
- Copy down to a local directory
- Run . .\NewJunkFiles.ps1 - This will import the script in to the local PowerShell session
EXAMPLE 1: New-Junkfile -DefaultType Text -FileSize StupidLarge -NumberOfFilesToCreate 1 -NumberOfWords 100
Will create 1 extremely large text file
EXAMPLE 2: New-Junkfile -DefaultType Word, Excel -FileSize Large -NumberOfFilesToCreate 25 -NumberOfWords 5
Will create 25 large Word and Excel documents
EXAMPLE 3: New-Junkfile -DefaultType Word, Excel, Pdf, Email -FileSize Massive -NumberOfFilesToCreate 50 -NumberOfWords 5
Will create 50 massive Word, Excel, exported Pdf's and eml files
For more help information please reference: New-Junkfile Help File