A cellular life simulation written in C#.NET.
The cells demonstrate simple AI behaviour. The beings need all of the different types of essence to survive.
- Full (non-rotational) world movement implemented.
- Left-click to select, right-click to drag.
- Hold ctrl while left-clicking to lock camera onto target.
- To change the time scale, hold down 'T' and scroll with the mouse wheel.
- You can 'jump to being' by clicking on its corresponding waypoint in the radar (to the right).
- Hold shift while scrolling with the mouse wheel to scroll this text.
- This project requires .Net 2.0 and DirectX SDK.
- Compile and run in Visual Studio.
- If you see a
exception, you need to turn off this exception in: Exception Settings > Managed Debugging Assistants > LoaderLock
Tested on Visual Studio Community 2019.
"I Dream" by nomadicxxl. Licence: CC BY 3.0.
"Ting" by Popup Pixels. Licence: CC BY 3.0.
- This was a project written as a hobby a while back which I stumbled upon in archives.
- Original codename: "AI".