Welcome to the README of the My Village VHacks app, by the University of Melbourne team!
- MongoDB
- NodeJS
- React Framework
- GoogleMap API
- Ensure you have Mongo installed locally. Add User.
mongo db.createUser({ user:"vhacks", pwd: "vhacks2018", roles: [{role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "test"}] })
- Ensure you have NodeJs installed
cd api npm install npm start
cd village
npm install
npm run start
P1 - Signup / Login | P2 - CountrySelect | P3 - ProfileCreate | P4 - Home | P5 - Recommend |
Title | Country | Title | NavBar | NavBar |
Text | Language Selector | Field | Welcome | Title |
Button | Button | Button | ProgressBar | Recommendations |
Field | ... | ... | ConnectionsList | Recommendation |
BackgroundImage | BackgroundImage | BackgroundImage | Service | Map |
... | ... | ... | Button | ... |