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Gitaly Cluster recovery options and tools

Gitaly Cluster can recover from primary-node failure and unavailable repositories. Gitaly Cluster can perform data recovery and has Praefect tracking database tools.

Manage Gitaly nodes on a Gitaly Cluster

You can add and replace Gitaly nodes on a Gitaly Cluster.

Add new Gitaly nodes

To add a new Gitaly node to a Gitaly Cluster that has replication factor:

  • Set, set the replication factor for each repository using set-replication-factor Praefect command. New repositories are replicated based on replication factor. Praefect doesn't automatically replicate existing repositories to the new Gitaly node.
  • Not set, add the new node in your Praefect configuration under praefect['virtual_storages']. Praefect automatically replicates all data to any new Gitaly node added to the configuration.

Replace an existing Gitaly node

You can replace an existing Gitaly node with a new node with either the same name or a different name.

With a node with the same name

To use the same name for the replacement node, use repository verifier to scan the storage and remove dangling metadata records. Manually prioritize verification of the replaced storage to speed up the process.

With a node with a different name

To use a different name for the replacement node for a Gitaly Cluster that has replication factor:

  • Set, use praefect set-replication-factor to set the replication factor per repository again to get new storage assigned. For example:

    $ sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml set-replication-factor -virtual-storage default -relative-path @hashed/3f/db/3fdba35f04dc8c462986c992bcf875546257113072a909c162f7e470e581e278.git -replication-factor 2
    current assignments: gitaly-1, gitaly-2

    To reassign all repositories from the old storage to the new one, after configuring the new Gitaly node:

    1. Connect to Praefect database:

      /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -h <psql host> -U <user> -d <database name>
    2. Update repository_assignments table to replace the old Gitaly node name (for example, old-gitaly) with the new Gitaly node name (for example, new-gitaly):

      UPDATE repository_assignments SET storage='new-gitaly' WHERE storage='old-gitaly';
  • Not set, replace the node in the configuration. The old node's state remains in the Praefect database but it is ignored.

Primary node failure

  • Introduced in GitLab 13.0, Gitaly Cluster, elects the secondary with the least unreplicated writes from the primary to be the new primary. There can still be some unreplicated writes, so data loss can occur.
  • Primary node failure recovery support added in GitLab 14.1.

Gitaly Cluster recovers from a failing primary Gitaly node by promoting a healthy secondary as the new primary. Gitaly Cluster:

  • Elects a healthy secondary with a fully up to date copy of the repository as the new primary.
  • Repository becomes unavailable if there are no fully up to date copies of it on healthy secondaries.

Unavailable repositories

  • From GitLab 13.0 through 14.0, repositories became read-only if they were outdated on the primary but fully up to date on a healthy secondary. dataloss sub-command displays read-only repositories by default through these versions.
  • From GitLab 14.1, Praefect contains more responsive failover logic which immediately fails over to one of the fully up to date secondaries rather than placing the repository in read-only mode. From GitLab 14.1, the dataloss sub-command displays repositories which are unavailable due to having no fully up to date copies on healthy Gitaly nodes.

A repository is unavailable if all of its up to date replicas are unavailable. Unavailable repositories are not accessible through Praefect to prevent serving stale data that may break automated tooling.

Check for data loss

The Praefect dataloss subcommand identifies:

  • Copies of repositories in GitLab 13.0 to GitLab 14.0 that at are likely to be outdated. This can help identify potential data loss after a failover.
  • Repositories in GitLab 14.1 and later that are unavailable. This helps identify potential data loss and repositories which are no longer accessible because all of their up-to-date replicas copies are unavailable.

The following parameters are available:

  • -virtual-storage that specifies which virtual storage to check. Because they might require an administrator to intervene, the default behavior is to display:
    • In GitLab 13.0 to 14.0, copies of read-only repositories.
    • In GitLab 14.1 and later, unavailable repositories.
  • In GitLab 14.1 and later, -partially-unavailable that specifies whether to include in the output repositories that are available but have some assigned copies that are not available.

NOTE: dataloss is still in Beta and the output format is subject to change.

To check for repositories with outdated primaries or for unavailable repositories, run:

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml dataloss [-virtual-storage <virtual-storage>]

Every configured virtual storage is checked if none is specified:

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml dataloss

Repositories are listed in the output that have either:

  • An outdated copy of the repository on the primary, in GitLab 13.0 to GitLab 14.0.
  • No healthy and fully up-to-date copies available, in GitLab 14.1 and later.

The following information is printed for each repository:

  • A repository's relative path to the storage directory identifies each repository and groups the related information.
  • The repository's current status is printed in parentheses next to the disk path:
    • In GitLab 13.0 to 14.0, either (read-only) if the repository's primary node is outdated and can't accept writes. Otherwise, (writable).
    • In GitLab 14.1 and later, (unavailable) is printed next to the disk path if the repository is unavailable.
  • The primary field lists the repository's current primary. If the repository has no primary, the field shows No Primary.
  • The In-Sync Storages lists replicas which have replicated the latest successful write and all writes preceding it.
  • The Outdated Storages lists replicas which contain an outdated copy of the repository. Replicas which have no copy of the repository but should contain it are also listed here. The maximum number of changes the replica is missing is listed next to replica. It's important to notice that the outdated replicas may be fully up to date or contain later changes but Praefect can't guarantee it.

Additional information includes:

  • Whether a node is assigned to host the repository is listed with each node's status. assigned host is printed next to nodes that are assigned to store the repository. The text is omitted if the node contains a copy of the repository but is not assigned to store the repository. Such copies aren't kept in sync by Praefect, but may act as replication sources to bring assigned copies up to date.
  • In GitLab 14.1 and later, unhealthy is printed next to the copies that are located on unhealthy Gitaly nodes.

Example output:

Virtual storage: default
  Outdated repositories:
    @hashed/3f/db/3fdba35f04dc8c462986c992bcf875546257113072a909c162f7e470e581e278.git (unavailable):
      Primary: gitaly-1
      In-Sync Storages:
        gitaly-2, assigned host, unhealthy
      Outdated Storages:
        gitaly-1 is behind by 3 changes or less, assigned host
        gitaly-3 is behind by 3 changes or less

A confirmation is printed out when every repository is available. For example:

Virtual storage: default
  All repositories are available!

Unavailable replicas of available repositories

Introduced in GitLab 14.0, flag renamed from -partially-replicated and behavior changed.

To also list information of repositories which are available but are unavailable from some of the assigned nodes, use the -partially-unavailable flag.

A repository is available if there is a healthy, up to date replica available. Some of the assigned secondary replicas may be temporarily unavailable for access while they are waiting to replicate the latest changes.

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml dataloss [-virtual-storage <virtual-storage>] [-partially-unavailable]

Example output:

Virtual storage: default
  Outdated repositories:
      Primary: gitaly-1
      In-Sync Storages:
        gitaly-1, assigned host
      Outdated Storages:
        gitaly-2 is behind by 3 changes or less, assigned host
        gitaly-3 is behind by 3 changes or less

With the -partially-unavailable flag set, a confirmation is printed out if every assigned replica is fully up to date and healthy.

For example:

Virtual storage: default
  All repositories are fully available on all assigned storages!

Check repository checksums

To check a project's repository checksums across on all Gitaly nodes, run the replicas Rake task on the main GitLab node.

Accept data loss

WARNING: accept-dataloss causes permanent data loss by overwriting other versions of the repository. Data recovery efforts must be performed before using it.

If it is not possible to bring one of the up to date replicas back online, you may have to accept data loss. When accepting data loss, Praefect marks the chosen replica of the repository as the latest version and replicates it to the other assigned Gitaly nodes. This process overwrites any other version of the repository so care must be taken.

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml accept-dataloss
-virtual-storage <virtual-storage> -relative-path <relative-path> -authoritative-storage <storage-name>

Enable writes or accept data loss

WARNING: accept-dataloss causes permanent data loss by overwriting other versions of the repository. Data recovery efforts must be performed before using it.

Praefect provides the following subcommands to re-enable writes or accept data loss. If it is not possible to bring one of the up-to-date nodes back online, you might have to accept data loss:

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml accept-dataloss -virtual-storage <virtual-storage> -relative-path <relative-path> -authoritative-storage <storage-name>

When accepting data loss, Praefect:

  1. Marks the chosen copy of the repository as the latest version.
  2. Replicates the copy to the other assigned Gitaly nodes.

This process overwrites any other copy of the repository so care must be taken.

Data recovery

If a Gitaly node fails replication jobs for any reason, it ends up hosting outdated versions of the affected repositories. Praefect provides tools for:

  • Automatic reconciliation, for GitLab 13.4 and later.
  • Manual reconciliation, for:
    • GitLab 13.3 and earlier.
    • Repositories upgraded to GitLab 13.4 and later without entries in the repositories table. In GitLab 13.6 and later, a migration is run when Praefect starts for these repositories.

These tools reconcile the outdated repositories to bring them fully up to date again.

Automatic reconciliation

Introduced in GitLab 13.4.

Praefect automatically reconciles repositories that are not up to date. By default, this is done every five minutes. For each outdated repository on a healthy Gitaly node, Praefect picks a random, fully up-to-date replica of the repository on another healthy Gitaly node to replicate from. A replication job is scheduled only if there are no other replication jobs pending for the target repository.

The reconciliation frequency can be changed via the configuration. The value can be any valid Go duration value. Values below 0 disable the feature.


praefect['configuration'] = {
   # ...
   reconciliation: {
      # ...
      scheduling_interval: '5m', # the default value
praefect['configuration'] = {
   # ...
   reconciliation: {
      # ...
      scheduling_interval: '30s', # reconcile every 30 seconds
praefect['configuration'] = {
   # ...
   reconciliation: {
      # ...
      scheduling_interval: '0', # disable the feature

Manual reconciliation

WARNING: The reconcile sub-command was removed in GitLab 14.1. Use automatic reconciliation instead. Manual reconciliation may produce excess replication jobs and is limited in functionality. Manual reconciliation does not work when repository-specific primary nodes are enabled.

The Praefect reconcile sub-command allows for the manual reconciliation between two Gitaly nodes. The command replicates every repository on a later version on the reference storage to the target storage.

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml reconcile -virtual <virtual-storage> -reference <up-to-date-storage> -target <outdated-storage> -f
  • Replace the placeholder <virtual-storage> with the virtual storage containing the Gitaly node storage to be checked.
  • Replace the placeholder <up-to-date-storage> with the Gitaly storage name containing up to date repositories.
  • Replace the placeholder <outdated-storage> with the Gitaly storage name containing outdated repositories.

Manually remove repositories

  • Introduced in GitLab 14.3.
  • Introduced in GitLab 14.6, support for dry-run mode.
  • Introduced in GitLab 15.3, support for removing repositories from the Praefect tracking database.

The remove-repository Praefect sub-command removes a repository from a Gitaly Cluster, and all state associated with a given repository including:

  • On-disk repositories on all relevant Gitaly nodes.
  • Any database state tracked by Praefect.

In GitLab 14.6 and later, by default, the command operates in dry-run mode. In earlier versions, the command didn't support dry-run mode. For example:

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml remove-repository -virtual-storage <virtual-storage> -relative-path <repository>
  • Replace <virtual-storage> with the name of the virtual storage containing the repository.

  • Replace <repository> with the relative path of the repository to remove.

  • In GitLab 15.3 and later, add -db-only to remove the Praefect tracking database entry without removing the on-disk repository. Use this option to remove orphaned database entries and to protect on-disk repository data from deletion when a valid repository is accidentally specified. If the database entry is accidentally deleted, re-track the repository with the track-repository command.

  • In GitLab 14.6 and later, add -apply to run the command outside of dry-run mode and remove the repository. For example:

    sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml remove-repository -virtual-storage <virtual-storage> -relative-path <repository> -apply
  • -virtual-storage is the virtual storage the repository is located in. Virtual storages are configured in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb under praefect['configuration']['virtual_storage] and looks like the following:

    praefect['configuration'] = {
      # ...
      virtual_storage: [
          # ...
          name: 'default',
          # ...
          name: 'storage-1',

    In this example, the virtual storage to specify is default or storage-1.

  • -repository is the repository's relative path in the storage beginning with @hashed. For example:


Parts of the repository can continue to exist after running remove-repository. This can be because of:

  • A deletion error.
  • An in-flight RPC call targeting the repository.

If this occurs, run remove-repository again.

Praefect tracking database maintenance

Common maintenance tasks on the Praefect tracking database are documented in this section.

List untracked repositories

  • Introduced in GitLab 14.4.
  • older-than option added in GitLab 15.0.

The list-untracked-repositories Praefect sub-command lists repositories of the Gitaly Cluster that both:

  • Exist for at least one Gitaly storage.
  • Aren't tracked in the Praefect tracking database.

Add the -older-than option to avoid showing repositories that:

  • Are in the process of being created.
  • For which a record doesn't yet exist in the Praefect tracking database.

Replace <duration> with a time duration (for example, 5s, 10m, or 1h). Defaults to 6h.

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml list-untracked-repositories -older-than <duration>

Only repositories with a creation time before the specified duration are considered.

The command outputs:

  • Result to STDOUT and the command's logs.
  • Errors to STDERR.

Each entry is a complete JSON string with a newline at the end (configurable using the -delimiter flag). For example:

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml list-untracked-repositories

Manually add a single repository to the tracking database

WARNING: Because of a known issue, you can't add repositories to the Praefect tracking database with Praefect-generated replica paths (@cluster). These repositories are not associated with the repository path used by GitLab and are inaccessible.

The track-repository Praefect sub-command adds repositories on disk to the Praefect tracking database to be tracked.

sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml track-repository -virtual-storage <virtual-storage> -authoritative-storage <storage-name> -relative-path <repository> -replica-path <disk_path> -replicate-immediately
  • -virtual-storage is the virtual storage the repository is located in. Virtual storages are configured in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb under praefect['configuration'][:virtual_storage] and looks like the following:

    praefect['configuration'] = {
      # ...
      virtual_storage: [
          # ...
          name: 'default',
          # ...
          name: 'storage-1',

    In this example, the virtual storage to specify is default or storage-1.

  • -relative-path is the relative path in the virtual storage. Usually beginning with @hashed. For example:

  • -replica-path is the relative path on physical storage. Can start with @cluster or match relative_path.

  • -authoritative-storage is the storage we want Praefect to treat as the primary. Required if per-repository replication is set as the replication strategy.

  • -replicate-immediately, available in GitLab 14.6 and later, causes the command to replicate the repository to its secondaries immediately. Otherwise, replication jobs are scheduled for execution in the database and are picked up by a Praefect background process.

The command outputs:

  • Results to STDOUT and the command's logs.
  • Errors to STDERR.

This command fails if:

  • The repository is already being tracked by the Praefect tracking database.
  • The repository does not exist on disk.

Manually add many repositories to the tracking database

Introduced in GitLab 15.4.

WARNING: Because of a known issue, you can't add repositories to the Praefect tracking database with Praefect-generated replica paths (@cluster). These repositories are not associated with the repository path used by GitLab and are inaccessible.

Migrations using the API automatically add repositories to the Praefect tracking database.

If you are instead manually copying repositories over from existing infrastructure, you can use the track-repositories Praefect subcommand. This subcommand adds large batches of on-disk repositories to the Praefect tracking database.

# Omnibus GitLab install
sudo gitlab-ctl praefect track-repositories --input-path /path/to/input.json

# Source install
sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml track-repositories -input-path /path/to/input.json

The command validates that all entries:

  • Are formatted correctly and contain required fields.
  • Correspond to a valid Git repository on disk.
  • Are not tracked in the Praefect tracking database.

If any entry fails these checks, the command aborts prior to attempting to track a repository.

  • input-path is the path to a file containing a list of repositories formatted as newline-delimited JSON objects. Objects must contain the following keys:

    • relative_path: corresponds with repository in track-repository.

    • authoritative-storage: the storage Praefect is to treat as the primary.

    • virtual-storage: the virtual storage the repository is located in.

      For example:

  • -replicate-immediately, causes the command to replicate the repository to its secondaries immediately. Otherwise, replication jobs are scheduled for execution in the database and are picked up by a Praefect background process.

List virtual storage details

Introduced in GitLab 15.1.

The list-storages Praefect sub-command lists virtual storages and their associated storage nodes. If a virtual storage is:

  • Specified using -virtual-storage, it lists only storage nodes for the specified virtual storage.
  • Not specified, all virtual storages and their associated storage nodes are listed in tabular format.
sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/praefect -config /var/opt/gitlab/praefect/config.toml list-storages -virtual-storage <virtual_storage_name>

The command outputs:

  • Result to STDOUT and the command's logs.
  • Errors to STDERR.