stage | group | info |
Plan |
Project Management |
To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see |
- Enhanced email styling introduced in GitLab 14.9 with a feature flag named
. Disabled by default.- Enhanced email styling enabled on in GitLab 14.9.
- Enhanced email styling enabled on self-managed in GitLab 15.0.
Stay informed about what's happening in GitLab with email notifications. You can receive updates about activity in issues, merge requests, epics, and designs.
For the tool that GitLab administrators can use to send messages to users, read Email from GitLab.
When notifications are enabled for an issue, merge request, or epic, GitLab notifies you of actions that happen there.
You might receive notifications for one of the following reasons:
- You participate in an issue, merge request, epic, or design. You become a participant when you comment or edit, or someone mentions 1 you.
- You've enabled notifications in an issue, merge request, or epic.
- You've configured notifications for the project or group.
- You're subscribed to group or project pipeline notifications via the pipeline emails integration.
- GitLab doesn't send a notification when a comment is edited to include a user mention.
NOTE: Administrators can block notifications, preventing them from being sent.
Getting many notifications can be overwhelming. You can tune the notifications you receive. For example, you might want to be notified about all activity in a specific project. For other projects, you only want to be notified when you are mentioned by name.
These notification settings apply only to you. They do not affect the notifications received by anyone else.
To edit your notification settings:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Preferences.
- On the left sidebar, select Notifications.
- Edit the desired global, group, or project notification settings. Edited settings are automatically saved.
You can tune the scope of your notifications by selecting different notification levels for each project and group.
Notification scope is applied from the broadest to most specific levels:
- Your global, or default, notification level applies if you have not selected a notification level for the project or group in which the activity occurred.
- Your group setting overrides your default setting.
- Your project setting overrides the group setting.
For each project and group you can select one of the following levels:
Level | Description |
Global | Your global settings apply. |
Watch | Receive notifications for any activity. |
Participate | Receive notifications for threads you have participated in. |
On mention | Receive notifications when you are mentioned in a comment. |
Disabled | Receive no notifications. |
Custom | Receive notifications for selected events and threads you have participated in. |
Your Global notification settings are the default settings unless you select different values for a project or a group.
- Notification email: the email address your notifications are sent to. Defaults to your primary email address.
- Receive product marketing emails: select this checkbox to receive periodic emails about GitLab features.
- Global notification level: the default notification level which applies to all your notifications.
- Receive notifications about your own activity: select this checkbox to receive notifications about your own activity. Not selected by default.
You can select a notification level and email address for each group.
To select a notification level for a group, use either of these methods:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Preferences.
- On the left sidebar, select Notifications.
- Locate the project in the Groups section.
- Select the desired notification level.
- On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your group.
- Select the notification dropdown list, next to the bell icon ({notifications}).
- Select the desired notification level.
Introduced in GitLab 12.0.
You can select an email address to receive notifications for each group you belong to. You can use group notifications, for example, if you work freelance, and want to keep email about clients' projects separate.
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Preferences.
- On the left sidebar, select Notifications.
- Locate the project in the Groups section.
- Select the desired email address.
To help you stay up to date, you can select a notification level for each project.
To select a notification level for a project, use either of these methods:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Preferences.
- On the left sidebar, select Notifications.
- Locate the project in the Projects section.
- Select the desired notification level.
- On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
- Select the notification dropdown list, next to the bell icon ({notifications}).
- Select the desired notification level.
To learn how to be notified when a new release is available, watch Notification for releases.
You can receive emails that teach you about various GitLab features. These emails are enabled by default.
To opt out:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Preferences.
- On the left sidebar, select Notifications.
- Clear the Receive product marketing emails checkbox. Edited settings are automatically saved and enabled.
Disabling these emails does not disable all emails. Learn how to opt out of all emails from GitLab.
The self-managed installation generates and automatically sends these emails based on user actions. Turning this on does not cause your GitLab instance or your company to send any personal information to GitLab Inc.
An instance administrator can configure this setting for all users. If you choose to opt out, your setting overrides the instance-wide setting, even when an administrator later enables these emails for all users.
Users are notified of the following events:
Event | Sent to | Settings level |
New release | Project members | Custom notification. |
Project moved | Project members | Any other than disabled. |
Email changed | User | Security email, always sent. |
Group access level changed | User | Sent when user group access level is changed. |
New email address added | User | Security email, sent to primary email address. Introduced in GitLab 14.9. |
New email address added | User | Security email, sent to newly-added email address. |
New SAML/SCIM user provisioned | User | Sent when a user is provisioned through SAML/SCIM. Introduced in GitLab 13.8. |
New SSH key added | User | Security email, always sent. |
New user created | User | Sent on user creation, except for OmniAuth (LDAP). |
Password changed | User | Security email, always sent when user changes their own password. |
Password changed by administrator | User | Security email, always sent when an administrator changes the password of another user. |
Personal access tokens expiring soon | User | Security email, always sent. |
Personal access tokens have been created | User | Security email, always sent. Introduced in GitLab 14.9. |
Personal access tokens have expired | User | Security email, always sent. |
Personal access token has been revoked | User | Security email, always sent. Introduced in GitLab 15.5. |
Project access level changed | User | Sent when user project access level is changed. |
SSH key has expired | User | Security email, always sent. Introduced in GitLab 13.12. |
Two-factor authentication disabled | User | Security email, always sent. |
User added to group | User | Sent when user is added to group. |
User added to project | User | Sent when user is added to project. |
Group access expired | Group members | Sent when user's access to a group expires in seven days. Introduced in GitLab 16.3. |
Project access expired | Project members | Sent when user's access to a project expires in seven days. Introduced in GitLab 16.3. |
You also receive notifications for events happening on issues, merge requests, and epics.
In issues, merge requests, and epics, for most events, the notification is sent to:
- Participants:
- The author and assignee.
- Authors of comments.
- Anyone mentioned by username in the title or description.
- Anyone mentioned by username in a comment if their notification level is "Participating" or higher.
- Watchers: users with notification level "Watch".
- Subscribers: anyone who manually subscribed to notifications.
- Custom: users with notification level "Custom" who turned on notifications for a fitting type of events.
NOTE: To minimize the number of notifications that do not require any action, in GitLab 12.9 and later, eligible approvers are no longer notified for all the activities in their projects. To turn on such notifications, they have to change their user notification settings to Watch instead.
To toggle notifications on an issue, merge request, or epic: on the right sidebar, turn on or off the Notifications toggle.
When you turn on notifications, you start receiving notifications on each update, even if you haven't participated in the discussion. When you turn notifications on in an epic, you aren't automatically subscribed to the issues linked to the epic.
When you turn off notifications, you stop receiving notifications for updates. Turning this toggle off only unsubscribes you from updates related to this issue, merge request, or epic. Learn how to opt out of all emails from GitLab.
If you don't see this action on the right sidebar, your project or instance might have enabled a feature flag for moved sidebar actions.
The following table presents the events that generate notifications for issues, merge requests, and epics:
Type | Event | Sent to |
Epic | Closed | Subscribers and participants. |
Epic | New | Anyone mentioned by username in the description, with notification level "Mention" or higher. |
Epic | New note | Participants, Watchers, Subscribers, and Custom notification level with this event selected. Also anyone mentioned by username in the comment, with notification level "Mention" or higher. |
Epic | Reopened | Subscribers and participants. |
Issue | Closed | Subscribers and participants. |
Issue | Due | Participants and Custom notification level with this event selected. |
Issue | Milestone changed | Subscribers and participants. |
Issue | Milestone removed | Subscribers and participants. |
Issue | New | Anyone mentioned by username in the description, with notification level "Mention" or higher. |
Issue | New note | Participants, Watchers, Subscribers, and Custom notification level with this event selected. Also anyone mentioned by username in the comment, with notification level "Mention" or higher. |
Issue | Title or description changed | Any new mentions by username. |
Issue | Reassigned | Participants, Watchers, Subscribers, Custom notification level with this event selected, and the old assignee. |
Issue | Reopened | Subscribers and participants. |
Merge Request | Closed | Subscribers and participants. |
Merge Request | Conflict | Author and any user that has set the merge request to auto-merge. |
Merge Request | Marked as ready | Watchers and participants. Introduced in GitLab 13.10. |
Merge Request | Merged | Subscribers and participants. |
Merge Request | Merged when pipeline succeeds | Author, Participants, Watchers, Subscribers, and Custom notification level with this event selected. Custom notification level is ignored for Author, Watchers and Subscribers. Introduced in GitLab 13.4. |
Merge Request | Milestone changed | Subscribers and participants. |
Merge Request | Milestone removed | Subscribers and participants. |
Merge Request | New | Anyone mentioned by username in the description, with notification level "Mention" or higher. |
Merge Request | New note | Participants, Watchers, Subscribers, and Custom notification level with this event selected. Also anyone mentioned by username in the comment, with notification level "Mention" or higher. |
Merge Request | Pushed | Participants and Custom notification level with this event selected. |
Merge Request | Reassigned | Participants, Watchers, Subscribers, Custom notification level with this event selected, and the old assignee. |
Merge Request | Review requested | Participants, Watchers, Subscribers, Custom notification level with this event selected, and the old reviewer. |
Merge Request | Reopened | Subscribers and participants. |
Merge Request | Title or description changed | Any new mentions by username. |
Pipeline | Failed | The author of the pipeline. |
Pipeline | Fixed | The author of the pipeline. Enabled by default. Introduced in GitLab 13.1. |
Pipeline | Successful | The author of the pipeline, with Custom notification level for successful pipelines. If the pipeline failed previously, a "Fixed pipeline" message is sent for the first successful pipeline after the failure, and then a "Successful pipeline" message for any further successful pipelines. |
By default, you don't receive notifications for issues, merge requests, or epics created by yourself. To always receive notifications on your own issues, merge requests, and so on, turn on notifications about your own activity.
- Introduced in GitLab 13.0.
- Listing the full name and username of the signed-in user introduced in GitLab 15.10.
NOTE: This feature is enabled by default for self-managed instances. Administrators may disable this feature through the Sign-in restrictions section of the UI. The feature is always enabled on
When a user successfully signs in from a previously unknown IP address or device, GitLab notifies the user by email. In this way, GitLab proactively alerts users of potentially malicious or unauthorized sign-ins. This notification email includes the:
- Hostname.
- User's name and username.
- IP address.
- Date and time of sign-in.
GitLab uses several methods to identify a known sign-in. All methods must fail for a notification email to be sent.
- Last sign-in IP: The current sign-in IP address is checked against the last sign-in IP address.
- Current active sessions: If the user has an existing active session from the same IP address. See Active Sessions.
- Cookie: After successful sign in, an encrypted cookie is stored in the browser. This cookie is set to expire 14 days after the last successful sign in.
Introduced in GitLab 15.5.
GitLab sends you an email notification if it detects an attempt to sign in to your account using a wrong two-factor authentication (2FA) code. This can help you detect that a bad actor gained access to your username and password, and is trying to brute force 2FA.
Introduced in GitLab 13.6.
Email notifications are sent to the participants when someone comments on a design.
The participants are:
- Authors of the design (can be multiple people if different authors have uploaded different versions of the design).
- Authors of comments on the design.
- Anyone that is mentioned in a comment on the design.
Introduced in GitLab 16.3.
GitLab sends an email notification if a user's access to a group or project expires in seven days. This reminds group or project members to extend their access duration if they want to.
If you no longer wish to receive any email notifications:
- On the left sidebar, select your avatar.
- Select Preferences.
- On the left sidebar, select Notifications.
- Clear the Receive product marketing emails checkbox.
- Set your Global notification level to Disabled.
- Clear the Receive notifications about your own activity checkbox.
- If you belong to any groups or projects, set their notification setting to Global or Disabled.
On self-managed installations, even after doing this, your instance administrator can still email you. To unsubscribe, select the unsubscribe link in one of these emails.
Notification email messages include GitLab-specific headers. To better manage your notifications, you can filter the notification emails based on the content of these headers.
For example, you could filter all emails from a specific project where you are being assigned a a merge request or an issue.
The following table lists all GitLab-specific email headers:
Header | Description |
List-Id |
The path of the project in an RFC 2919 mailing list identifier. You can use it for email organization with filters. |
X-GitLab-(Resource)-ID |
The ID of the resource the notification is for. The resource, for example, can be Issue , MergeRequest , Commit , or another such resource. |
X-GitLab-(Resource)-State |
The state of the resource the notification is for. The resource can be, for example, Issue or MergeRequest . The value can be opened , closed , merged , or locked . Introduced in GitLab 16.4. |
X-GitLab-ConfidentialIssue |
The boolean value indicating issue confidentiality for notifications. Introduced in GitLab 16.0. |
X-GitLab-Discussion-ID |
The ID of the thread the comment belongs to, in notification emails for comments. |
X-GitLab-Group-Id |
The group's ID. Only present on notification emails for epics. |
X-GitLab-Group-Path |
The group's path. Only present on notification emails for epics |
X-GitLab-NotificationReason |
The reason for the notification. See possible values.. |
X-GitLab-Pipeline-Id |
The ID of the pipeline the notification is for, in notification emails for pipelines. |
X-GitLab-Project-Id |
The project's ID. |
X-GitLab-Project-Path |
The project's path. |
X-GitLab-Project |
The name of the project the notification belongs to. |
X-GitLab-Reply-Key |
A unique token to support reply by email. |
The X-GitLab-NotificationReason
header contains the reason for the notification.
The value is one of the following, in order of priority:
The reason for the notification is also included in the footer of the notification email.
For example, an email with the reason assigned
has this sentence in the footer:
You are receiving this email because you have been assigned an item on <configured GitLab hostname>.
An on-call alert notification email can have one of the alert's statuses:
An incident escalation notification email can have one of the incident's status:
Expanding the list of events included in the X-GitLab-NotificationReason
header is tracked in
issue 20689.
If you want to pull a list of recipients to receive notifications from a project
(mainly used for troubleshooting custom notifications),
in a Rails console, run sudo gitlab-rails c
and be sure to update the project name:
project = Project.find_by_full_path '<project_name>'
merge_request = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: 1)
current_user = User.first
recipients = NotificationRecipients::BuildService.build_recipients(merge_request, current_user, action: "push_to"); recipients.count
recipients.each { |notify| puts notify.user.username }
If you receive notifications (through email or Slack) regarding a failed pipeline that no longer exists, double-check to see if you have any duplicate GitLab instances that could have triggered the message.