Tags: digistorm/omnipay-windcave
Toggle 2.0.2's commit message
Merge pull request #7 from digistorm/hotfix/PSYS-93-fix-get-data-stri…
[PSYS-93] Fix getData strict array type problem when data is a string
Toggle 2.0.1's commit message
Merge pull request #6 from digistorm/hotfix/PSYS-168-http-library
[PSYS-168] Payments API V2 - WindCave - Fix Request Structure
Toggle 2.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request #5 from digistorm/PSYS-93-upgrade-omnipay-windcave
[PSYS-93] Upgrade to support PHP 8.2
Toggle 1.1.3's commit message
Merge pull request #2 from digistorm/Custom-callback-urls
Custom callback urls
Toggle 1.1.2's commit message
Allow 202 response to be treated as success for create session response
Toggle 1.1.1's commit message
Check pending status on response
Toggle 1.1.0's commit message
Add support for isPending status check in responses
Toggle 1.0.9's commit message
Limit description to 64 chars
Toggle 1.0.8's commit message
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Toggle 1.0.7's commit message
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