Publicly internal API providing access to data pipeline metadata.
Implemented in Python using Fast API. DuckDB is used to read from Parquet files hosted on S3.
The minimum requirements for building and running locally are:
- Docker
- Docker Compose
In order to build and test the software outside of Docker, you will need
- Make
- Python (version as per .python-version)
You can run the API locally by running either make compose-up
or docker compose up -d --build
The docker compose setup runs the S3 locally using Localstack as well as the API. An S3 bucket called local-collection-data is created and seeded with example files in the collection-data directory.
The Swagger UI bundled with Fast API is a useful way to explore the API and try out the endpoints. It's exposed on the /docs path, e.g.
The /log/issue path exposes issue logs in a paginated result style. Offset and limit query parameters control the page of results you want to obtain while the X-Pagination-* headers provide the context for where you are within the result set as well as the total results available.
Most basic request:
curl http://localhost:8000/log/issue
Basic request with pagination:
curl http://localhost:8000/log/issue?offset=50&limit=50
Request for ancient-woodland issues:
Request for ancient-woodland issues with pagination:
Request for issues for a specific resource:
curl http://localhost:8000/log/issue?resource=4a57239e3c1174c80b6d4a0278ab386a7c3664f2e985b2e07a66bbec84988b30
Request for issues for a specific dataset and resource:
curl http://localhost:8000/log/issue?dataset=border&resource=4a57239e3c1174c80b6d4a0278ab386a7c3664f2e985b2e07a66bbec84988b30&field=geometry
can be accessed via
Optional Parameters:
- Offset
- Limit
- Organisation
- Dataset
can be accessed via
Optional Parameters:
- Offset
- Limit
- Dataset