This project is abandoned and redeveloped over at MemberHive2.
Username: demo
Password: hsrtkjeshzyu
Make sure you have the following requirements installed:
- git
- g++ compiler
- MongoDB 2.4
- imagemagick
- libkrb5-dev
sudo apt-get install git libkrb5-dev imagemagick bzip2
Create Datebase:
You need a mongodb == 2.4.x database. Copy the server/datasources.local.json.example
file to server/datasources.local.json
and adjust the settings.
Install process
- clone memberhive from git:
git clone
curl | bash
nvm install 4.4
nvm use 4.4
nvm alias default 4.4
npm install -g bower gulp nodemon
cd memberhive/
npm install
bower install
npm test
start node.js server ornpm run debug
to see debug outputgulp surf
Run local webserver (will compile SASS and ES6 files when changed)
Docs for Loopback Services can be found here
MongoDB == 2.4
nodejs == 4.2.x
angular == 1.4.x
To get started with some example data, import the data in resources/exampledata
using mongoimport
, e.g.:
mongoimport --db memberhive-dev resources/exampledata/Person.json
Check the Translations Wiki Page
Please follow these style guides when writing code:
All files are made available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL). See LICENSE.