To determine to which database to connect, DiverCli uses configuration file $eval{eu.kidf.diversicon.cli.DiverCli.INI_FILENAME}
inside project directory. You can edit the file to connect to the database of choice, but note currently only H2 databases are supported (DiverCli uses H2 v1.3.160).
When a database is created default username is $eval{eu.kidf.diversicon.core.Diversicons.DEFAULT_USER}
and password is $eval{eu.kidf.diversicon.core.Diversicons.DEFAULT_PASSWORD}
There is also global config in USER_HOME/$eval{eu.kidf.diversicon.cli.DiverCli.INI_PATH}
where you can parameters like proxy and timeouts. The config is shared by all projects, and settings there will be overridden by individual project settings.
In case global configuration gets messed up, you can reset it by issuing:
To set Java options in Linux / Mac (for example to give DiverCli more memory), you can do something like:
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1g -Xmx3g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit" divercli db-augment
Logs can be found in files with extension .log
available in the directory where you run divercli
DiverCLI uses SLF4J logging system with Logback as SLF4J implementation. They are configured by default via xml files looked upon in this order :
- whatever is passed by command line:
java -jar divercli.jar -Dlogback.configurationFile=path-to-my-logback.xml
in main resources.
For logging during testing, see Developers page.