Releases: dmm-com/pagoda
Releases · dmm-com/pagoda
- Upgrade django version from 3.2.16 to 3.2.17
- Optimize role form with React Hook Form
Contributed by @syucream
- Fixed the following bugs
Contributed by @hinashi, @syucream, @userlocalhost- Fixed pagination count in list page
- Fixed to add the first attribute into entity
- Fixed edit entry when nothing role value
- Fixed a bug not to be able to move correct page after creating Entity
- Fixed append list value in edit array named entry
- Fixed a bug not to be able to erase selected referral information at EntryEdit page
- Added feature to be able to sort Entries by created time order at list page
Contributed by @userlocalhost
- The first prototype of decoupling frontend implementation from
presentation to service layer that only has JavaScript processing
for increasing maintenancability.
Contributed by @hinashi, @syucream, @userlocalhost - Changed to use DjangoContext instead of login page static descriptions
Contributed by @userlocalhost
- Fixed anchor link in edit entry.
Contributed by @hinashi
- Added django-simple-history library
Contributed by @syucream, @userlocalhost, @hinashi
- Fixed wrong ACL criterion for copy and delete processing.
Contributed by @userlocalhost
- Added following features
- Added attribute 'permissions' at export role feature.
- Enable to receive data that has permissions attribute from import file.
Contributed by @syucream, @userlocalhost, @hinashi
- Make app title a link to top page
Contributed by @syucream - Add a link to entry details page
Contributed by @syucream - Enable to simple-search on AppBar
Contributed by @syucream - Support pagination on advanced search result
Contributed by @syucream - Autofocus at simple search box on dashboard page
Contributed by @syucream - Enable to multi-select advanced search conditions from auto-completed items
Contributed by @syucream - Show entity name on simple search result
Contributed by @syucream
- Make attribute name field shorter
Contributed by @syucream - Replace with an empty element on deleting the first element on array-string and array-named-entry
Contributed by @syucream
- Fixed a bug of Entry.search_entries() when None is passed at the user parameter.
Contributed by @userlocalhost - Fixed a bug not to be able to import Role just after exporting.
Contributed by @hinashi, @userlocalhost - Fixed exact match search results were excluded in simple search
Contributed by @hinashi - Don't show prompt when just showing edit user page
Contributed by @syucream