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DomainTools helps security analysts turn threat data into threat intelligence. It takes indicators from your network, including domains and IP addresses, and connects them with nearly every active domain on the internet. These connections perform risk assessments, help profile attackers, guide online fraud investigations, and map cyber activity to the attacker’s infrastructure.

The goal is to proactively stop security threats from disrupting your organization using: domain/DNS data, predictive analysis, and monitoring of trends on the internet. DomainTools collects Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) data from many sources, along with historical records, and stores it in a central database. It then indexes and analyzes the OSINT data based on various connection algorithms to deliver actionable intelligence, including domain scoring and forensic mapping.

DomainTools has over 10 billion related DNS data points to build a map of ‘who’s doing what’ on the internet. Fortune 1000 companies, global government agencies, and leading security solution vendors use the DomainTools platform as a critical ingredient in threat investigation and mitigation.

PRE-REQUISITES to use DomainTools and DNIF

Outbound access required to resolve DomainTools API

Protocol Source IP Source Port Direction Destination Domain Destination Port
TCP DS,CR,A10 Any Egress 443
TCP DS,CR,A10 Any Egress 443

DomainTools lookup plugin functions

Details of the functions that can be used with the DomainTools lookup plugin are given in this section.

Common response codes

The $DTResponseCode field contains the response code of a request (function call). This field is common to all the functions. Possible values of this field and their descriptions are as given below

Response Codes Description
0 Domain is invalid
206 Unable to parse the WHOIS record
400 Incorrect syntax
404 WHOIS information not available for this domain/IP address
  • Rate limit reached on the DomainTools backend
  • Some other error related to the WHOIS server has occurred (for example, WHOIS server not responding)
503 Service level limit exceeded


In all the functions explained below, the examples use an event store named threatsample.
This event store does not exist in DNIF by default. However, it can be created/imported.


This function returns basic (summarized) data about products like registrant, server, registration etc. for a domain name.


  • Domain name


_fetch $Domain from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_domain_profile $Domain


Click here to view the output of the above example.

The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data):

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTHistoricIPAddressEvents Count of events for IP addresses, recorded by DOMAINTOOLS for the queried domain
$DTHistoricIPAddressProductURL Permalink for more information on the events of the IP addresses for the queried domain
$DTHistoricIPAddressTimespaninyears Number of years since DOMAINTOOLS has this information in its database
$DTHistoricNameserverEvents Count of nameserver events recorded by DOMAINTOOLS for the queried domain
$DTHistoricNameserverProductURL Permalink for more information on the events of the nameserver for the queried domain
$DTHistoricNameserverTimespaninyears Number of years since DOMAINTOOLS has this information in its database
$DTHistoricRegistrarEvents Count of events of the registrar recorded by DOMAINTOOLS for the queried domain
$DTHistoricRegistrarProductURL Permalink for more information on the events of the registrar for the queried domain
$DTHistoricWhoisEarliestevent Date of the first WHOIS record for the queried domain
$DTHistoricWhoisProductURL Permalink for more information on the WHOIS history for the queried domain
$DTHistoricWhoisRecords Count of WHOIS records present for the queried domain
$DTRegistrantDomains Count of domains the registrant has
$DTRegistrantName Name of the registrant for the domain
$DTRegistrantProductURL Permalink for more information on the registrant for the queried domain
$DTRegistrationCreated Domain registration date
$DTRegistrationExpires Domain registration expiry date
$DTRegistrationUpdated Domain registration updation date
$DTSeoProductURL Permalink for SEO details of the queried domain
$DTSeoScore SEO score of the website
$DTServerIpaddress IP address of the server on which other domains are hosted
$DTServerOtherdomains Count of other domains hosted on the server
$DTServerProductURL Permalink for more information on the server
$DTWebsitedataProductURL Permalink to the website of the product (DomainTools), which can be accessed for more information.
$DTWebsitedataResponsecode Response code of the website, when accessed
$DTWebsitedataServer Server type
$DTWebsitedataTitle Title of the website


This function returns the WHOIS record. It includes the most recent details of the ownership record of a domain name or IP address including its basic registration details.


  • Domain name or (valid) IP address


_fetch $Domain from threatsample where $ limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_whois $Domain


Click here to view the output of the above example.

The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data)

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTNameServers List of nameservers
$DTRegistrant Registrant details for the domain
$DTRegistrationCreated Domain registration date
$DTRegistrationExpires Domain registration expiry date
$DTRegistrationRegistrar Details of the registrar for the domain
$DTRegistrationStatuses List of registration statuses for the domain
$DTRegistrationUpdated Domain registration updation date
$DTWHOISDate Date when the WHOIS record was last updated
$DTWHOISRecord Raw WHOIS record received from DOMAINTOOLS


This function returns a list of domain names that share the same internet host (IP address) as the one specified in the query.


  • IP address


_fetch $SrcIP from threatsample  limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_reverse_ip $SrcIP


The output of the query is as shown below get_reverse_ip

The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data)

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTDomainCount Count of domain names that share the same internet host (same IP address)
$DTDomainNames List of domain names that share the same internet host
$DTIP IP address being queried


This function returns the reverse IP addresses for a specified domain name. When a domain name resolves to multiple IP addresses, the response has multiple nodes. Each node contains an IP address, a domain count and a domain names node.


Domain name


_fetch $Domain from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_reverse_domain $Domain


The output of the query is as shown below:


The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data)

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTDomainCount Count of domain names that share the same internet host
$DTDomainNames List of domain names that share the same internet host
$DTIP IP address that hosts these domains


This function returns a list of domain names that share the same primary or secondary nameserver. Reverse nameserver (NS) lets you see all the domain names currently pointed to any nameserver.


  • Domain name.


_fetch $Domain from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_reverse_nameserver $Domain

Click here to view the output of the above example.

The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data)

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTNameServerHostname The nameserver host name
$DTNameServerPrimary Count of domain names pointing to the same nameserver as the primary
$DTNameServerSecondary Count of domain names pointing to the same nameserver as the secondary
$DTNameServerTotal Count of all domain names pointing to the same nameservers as the primary or secondary
$DTPrimaryDomains List of domain names pointing to the same nameservers as the primary
$DTSecondaryDomains List of domain names pointing to the same nameservers as the secondary


This function returns a list of domain names that have your search terms listed in the WHOIS record.


  • Terms that describe a domain owner, like an email address or a company name


_fetch $Email from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_reverse_whois $Email


Click here to view the output of the above query.

The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data)

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTDomaincountCurrent Count of current domains that have your search terms listed in the WHOIS record
$DTDomaincountHistoric Count of historic domains that have your search terms listed in the WHOIS record
$DTDomains List of domain names that have your search terms listed in the WHOIS record
$DTReportpriceCurrent Lists the retail price of the query if you have per-domain pricing access for current domains
$DTReportpriceHistoric Lists the retail price of the query if you have per-domain pricing access for historic domains


This function returns parsed information extracted from the most recent raw WHOIS record.


  • Domain name or IP address


_fetch $Domain from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_parsed_whois $Domain


Click here to view the output of the above query.

The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data) , which is variable based on the queried domain present in the WHOIS record

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTCreatedDate Date when the domain was originally registered
$DTUpdatedDate Date when the domain was last updated
$DTExpiredDate Date when the domain has to be renewed or will expire
$DTAdminCity City of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTAdminCountry Country of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTAdminEmail Email of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTAdminName Name of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTAdminOrg Organization of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTAdminPhone Phone number of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTAdminPostal Postal code of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTAdminState State of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTAdminStreet Street of the admin contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTDomain Name of the domain present in the WHOIS record
$DTNameServers Nameserver of the domain present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantCity City of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantCountry Country of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantEmail Email of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantName Name of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantOrg Organization of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantPhone Phone number of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantPostal Postal code of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantState State of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrantStreet Street of the registrant contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTRegistrarAbusecontactemail Email-id of the registrar, to report abuse
$DTRegistrarAbusecontactphone Phone number of the registrar, to report abuse
$DTRegistrarIanaid IANA ID of the registrar
$DTRegistrarName Name of the registrar
$DTRegistrarUrl URL of the registrar
$DTRegistrarWhoisserver Registrar WHOIS server
$DTStatuses List of statuses for the queried domain
$DTTechCity City of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTTechCountry Country of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTTechEmail Email of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTTechName Name of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTTechOrg Organization of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTTechPhone Phone number of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTTechPostal Postal code of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTTechState State of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTTechStreet Street address of the technical contact present in the WHOIS record
$DTWHOIS-Record Raw copy of the WHOIS record


This function returns a list of IP network ranges with WHOIS records that match a queried IP address.


  • IP address.


_fetch $SrcIP from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_reverse_ipwhois $SrcIP


Click here to view the output of the above query

The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data), which is variable based on the queried IP address present in the WHOIS record:

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTCountry Country of the queried IP address
$DTIPFrom Start of the IP address block
$DTIPTo End of the IP address block
$DTIPFromAlloc Starting allocation of the range of IP addresses
$DTIPToAlloc Ending allocation of the range of IP addresses
$DTOrganization Name of the organization present in the WHOIS record
$DTRange Range of the IP address block
$DTRecordDate Date of the WHOIS record
$DTRecordIP IP address present in the WHOIS record
$DTServer Server returning the WHOIS record
$DTWHOISRecord Raw WHOIS record


This function returns risk scores and threat predictions based on DomainTools Proximity and Threat Profile algorithms.


  • Domain name


_fetch $Domain from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_domain_riskscore $Domain


The output of the query is as shown below


The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for the available data)

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTDomain Domain name being queried
$DTblacklistRiskScore Blacklist risk-scoring for the domain
$DTRiskScore Risk-scoring for the queried domain


This function returns risk scores and threat predictions based on DomainTools’ Proximity and Threat Profile algorithms and evidence for the categorization made by it. It helps in deeper investigation of a domain.


  • Domain name.


_fetch $Domain from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup domaintools get_domain_riskscore_evidence $Domain


The output of the lookup call has the following structure (for available data)

Fields Description
$DTMessage Error message corresponding to the $DTResponseCode
$DTDomain Domain name being queried
$DTProximityEvidence Blacklist risk-scoring for the queried domain
$DTProximityRiskScore Score associated with proximity risk
$DTThreatProfileRiskScore Score associated with threat profile
$DTRiskScore Risk-scoring for queried domain


The DOMAINTOOLS API is found on github at

Getting started with DOMAINTOOLS API and DNIF

  1. Login to your Data Store, Correlator, and A10 containers.
  2. Move to the ‘/dnif/<Deployment-key/lookup_plugins’ folder path.
$cd /dnif/CnxxxxxxxxxxxxV8/lookup_plugins/
  1. Clone using the following command
git clone domaintools
  1. Move to the /dnif/<Deployment-key>/lookup_plugins/domaintools/ folder path and open dnifconfig.yml configuration file

    Replace the <Add_your_username_here> and <Add_you_key_here> tags with your DOMAINTOOLS API username and key.

  DOMAINTOOLS_USERNAME: <Add_your_username_here>
  DOMAINTOOLS_KEY: <Add_your_key_here>  


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