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Utility Bash shell scripts I've written - typically these will run on Unix, Linux, OS X, and Cygwin


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"The cosmic operating system uses a command line interface. It runs on something like a teletype, with lots of noise and heat; punched-out bits flutter down into its hopper like drifting stars. The demiurge sits at his teletype, pounding out one command line after another, specifying the values of fundamental constants of physics:

universe -G 6.672e-11 -e 1.602e-19 -h 6.626e-34 -protonmass 1.673e-27

and when he’s finished typing out the command line, his right pinky hesitates above the enter key for an aeon or two, wondering what’s going to happen; then down it comes—and the whack you hear is another Big Bang."

― Neal Stephenson, In the Beginning...Was the Command Line


Utility Bash shell scripts I've written - typically these will run on Unix, Linux, OS X, and possibly under Cygwin or the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Includes over 175 useful or convenient commands I've developed over decades of work on Unix and Linux operating system environments.

Table of Contents

  1. Clone the Source
  2. Installation
    1. Debian Package installation
    2. RPM Package installation
    3. Mac OS X installation
  3. Removal
  4. Documentation
  5. Introduction to Using the Command Line
  6. Contents

Clone the Source

To clone:

    git clone
    git clone


DoctorFreeScripts version 3.1 and later includes both Debian and RPM format packages which can be used to install the DoctorFreeScripts utilities with either the Apt Package Management system or the Red Hat Package Management system. Support is also included for installing on Mac OS X. Other systems will require a manual installation described below. The Mac OS X installation procedure may also work under Microsoft's Windows Subsystem for Linux but it is as yet untested.

Debian Package installation

Many Linux distributions, most notably Ubuntu and its derivatives, use the Debian packaging system.

To tell if a Linux system is Debian based it is usually sufficient to check for the existence of the file /etc/debian_version and/or examine the contents of the file /etc/os-release.

To install on a Debian based Linux system, download the latest Debian format package from the DoctorFreeScripts Releases.

Install the DoctorFreeScripts package by executing the command

sudo apt install ./DoctorFreeScripts_<version>-<release>.deb


sudo dpkg -i ./DoctorFreeScripts_<version>-<release>.deb

RPM Package installation

Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux, and their derivatives use the RPM packaging format. RPM based Linux distributions include Fedora, AlmaLinux, CentOS, openSUSE, OpenMandriva, Mandrake Linux, Red Hat Linux, and Oracle Linux.

To install on an RPM based Linux system, download the latest RPM format package from the DoctorFreeScripts Releases.

Install the DoctorFreeScripts package by executing the command

sudo yum localinstall ./DoctorFreeScripts_<version>-<release>.rpm


sudo rpm -i ./DoctorFreeScripts_<version>-<release>.rpm

Mac OS X installation

Installation of DoctorFreeScripts on Mac OS X systems can be accomplished by cloning the DoctorFreeScripts repository and executing the Install script:

    git clone ``
    cd DoctorFreeScripts


On Debian based Linux systems where the DoctorFreeScripts package was installed using the DoctorFreeScripts Debian format package, remove the DoctorFreeScripts package by executing the command:

    sudo apt remove doctorfree-scripts


    sudo dpkg -r doctorfree-scripts

On RPM based Linux systems where the DoctorFreeScripts package was installed using the DoctorFreeScripts RPM format package, remove the DoctorFreeScripts package by executing the command:

    sudo yum remove DoctorFreeScripts


    sudo rpm -e DoctorFreeScripts

On Mac OS X systems, the DoctorFreeScripts package can be removed by executing the "Uninstall" script in the DoctorFreeScripts source directory:

    git clone
    cd DoctorFreeScripts

Note: Removal may issue a warning about removing /usr/local and other folders within /usr/local. This is an artifact of the Debian packaging system. If you wish to silence that warning and prevent the Debian packaging system from trying to remove /usr/local then install the core-custom-local Debian package.


Many DoctorFreeScripts commands have manual pages. Execute man <command-name> to view the manual page for a command. Most commands also have help/usage messages that can be viewed with the -u argument option, e.g. any2any -u.

Manual pages for these DoctorFreeScripts commands can be viewed by issueing the following commands:

Introduction to Using the Command Line

The command line has a long and storied history in computing. Read some of that history, learn how to open a command line terminal window on various systems, how to get started using the command line, and see some examples of why the command line interface is so powerful by reading the DoctorFreeScripts wiki article Introduction to Using the Command Line.

This introduction to the command line includes three example use cases of automation using the command line:


LICENSE - Copyright and licensing, roughly the MIT license but without the heavy handed use of the caps lock key. for easy bulk downloading.

DoctorFreeScripts/IFTTT - Scripts to invoke IFTTT applets I've configured. These include scripts to manage my lights and devices like my AppleTV, Bluray player, and TV.

DoctorFreeScripts/MagicMirror - Scripts to manage my MagicMirror (

DoctorFreeScripts/Roon - Scripts to control my Roon audio system via the Roon API (

DoctorFreeScripts/Utils/bin - Utility scripts

DoctorFreeScripts/Wallpapers - Scripts to manage pics used for desktop wallpaper and slideshows

DoctorFreeScripts/binance - Scripts to access the Binance API providing command line support for placing buy/sell trade orders and retrieving ticker or average prices for trading pairs

DoctorFreeScripts/chrome-themes - Scripts to create and manage themes for the Chrome browser including themes I have created

DoctorFreeScripts/coinmarketcap - Scripts to access the Coinmarketcap API providing command line support for retrieving market info on specified cryptocurrency coins and tokens

DoctorFreeScripts/profittrailer - Scripts to access the ProfitTrailer API providing command line support for listing, loading, managing, switching ProfitTrailer configurations including trading strategies

add2itunes - Add the media files provided as arguments to the iTunes library. Uses OS X osascript to execute AppleScript.

any2any - Uses ffmpeg to convert from any audio/video format to any other

  This program works by either linking or copying any2any to a file
  which specifies the desired input and output formats by its name.
  For example, if you want to convert from WMV to MP4 then you could
  create a symbolic link from any2any to wmv2mp4 as follows:

      ln -s any2any wmv2mp4

  Similarly, symbolic links (or copies or hard links) could be created
  to convert from any (3 lowercase letter representation) audio/video format
  to any other audio/video format. Commonly used conversions include:

      wmv2mkv avi2mpg wmv2mp4 and so on.

  Naming restricton: [3 lowercase letters]2[3 lowercase letters]
  for a 7 letter name with "2" in the middle. The 3 letter prefix
  and suffix must also be a filename suffix that ffmpeg recognizes
  as a supported audio/video format.

audlinks - Create symbolic links to audio files where possible to reduce duplicate storage of songs. Link into my iTunes library.

bash_aliases - Bash aliases, install in $HOME/.bash_aliases

bash_profile - Bash profile, install in $HOME/.bash_profile

bashrc - Bash startup, install in $HOME/.bashrc

cap2any - Uses ffmpeg to capture screen video and write to the specified audio/video format

 This program works by either linking or copying cap2any to a file
 which specifies the desired output format by its name.
 Alternately, the -o command line option can be used to specify
 the output file format.

 For example, if you want to capture to MP4 then you could
 create a symbolic link from cap2any to cap2mp4 as follows:
     ln -s cap2any cap2mp4
 Similarly, symbolic links (or copies or hard links) could be created to
 capture to any other audio/video format. Default output format is AVI.

chkall - Invokes "chk" to check the Aperture, Movies, and Pictures rsync'd directories and sync them if specified and necessary

chk - Check the specified directories/libraries and see if they need to by sync'd with rsync to the USB flash drive backup

Note: to check other directories use the -s, -a, and -t arguments

When invoked as chkaplibs it checks directories in my Apertures libraries

When invoked as chkpicdir it checks directories in my Pictures dir

When invoked as chkmovdir it checks directories in my Movies dir

When invoked as chkhome it checks directories in $HOME

chkinst - Check if installed versions of files in current directory are different in order to determine if git repository is up-to-date.

clndl - Moves the most recently downloaded versions of files to their regular filename without the (#) in the name. By default, relies on the Mac OS X convention of inserting (#) in the name of newer version filenames.

cpBackups - Copy, Move, or Remove Time Machine backups with bypass command. Depending on how this command is invoked (cpBackups, mvBackups, or rmBackups) or what arguments are supplied on the command-line, this will copy, move, or remove Time Machine backups using the bypass command

cron.bash - Set SHELL=/usr/local/bin/cron.bash in your crontab to use this script to execute commands via cron. Modify this script to set any additional environment variables cron jobs might need, the PATH to use, etc.

dash2space - Convenience script to replace the first occurence of "-" in all MP3 filenames in this directory with " ". For example, this would rename "03-My Song.mp3" to "03 My Song.mp3".

dircolors - Settings for the dircolors utility to enable color support of ls. Install as $HOME/.dircolors

eject - Convenience script to eject the CD/DVD

femzip - Convenience script to unzip Femjoy photo downloads

filenuminc - Convenience script to rename files beginning with a track number after increasing the number by some previously ripped number of tracks. For example, the command "filenuminc 11" would rename "04 My Song.mp3" to "15 My Song.mp3".

filenumset - Convenience script to rename files beginning without a track number to a filename with track number as prefix. For example, the command "filenumset foo.mp3" might rename "foo.mp3" to "5 foo.mp3".

find2import - Find and report photo albums and movies that may not have already been imported to iTunes

findbroken - Find and save a list of broken symbolic links in current directory

findempty - Find and report empty directories. Optionally, remove them.

findgrep - Recursive grep in current directory.

gethue - Retrieve info on lights, scenes, configuration, etc from Philips Hue bridge.

gitlog - pretty format the output of "git log ..."

latest - List the top N newest files in a directory or hierarchy

mandelhist - Display a zoom on the Mandelbrot set with histograms using a built-in ffplay/ffmpeg filter.

mkcomps - Join 2 or 3 images then split the resulting composite in half. Uses ImageMagick.

md2man - Generate man pages from markdown using pandoc

mkreadme - Creates a Readme.html in all subdirectories. Assumes a directory and file structure of Artist/Album/Tracks. A quick way to populate my USB drives with HTML documents to provide an initial way to navigate around. This currently only dives two levels deep to allow for Artist/Album/Tracks directory structure:

         Artist Name/

           Album Name/

             Pics/if-any.jpg (put cover art and other pics in Pics folder)


             Track2.m4a (and so on, any file format)

             Year (Year file should just be year released in parens)

mkseamless - Make a texture seamless. Uses ImageMagick and the Vertical.png image located in this repository.

Vertical.png should be placed in /usr/local/lib on the system where
mkseamless is run.

mkwmv - Creates a Readme.html in all subdirectories.

Assumes all files of interest are WMV, MOV, MP4, or AVI. A quick way to
populate my USB flash drive of movies with HTML documents to provide an
initial way to navigate around.

mvfem - Rename a downloaded Femjoy zip archive that contains two model names to use only one model's name so it will work with femzip.

only - Report files or directories only in one directory hierarchy but not in a second directory hierarchy.

packaud - archive and compress my Audacity project files.

piclinks - Create symbolic links to photo files where possible to reduce duplicate storage of photos. Link into my Aperture libraries.

progress_bar - Function to display a progress bar and percent complete

revlink - Reverse the direction of symbolic links

stop_leapd - Stop the Leap Motion daemon and agent then backup and remove the plist files so they do not auto start. Includes Bash functions to replace auto start with manual start/stop

upd - Sync specified libraries/directories to a USB flash drive

Note: to sync other directories use the -s, -a, and -t arguments

When invoked as updaplibs it syncs directories in my Aperture libraries

When invoked as updpicdir it syncs directories in my Pictures dir

When invoked as updmovdir it syncs directories in my Movies dir

When invoked as updhome it syncs directories in $HOME

updgit - Perform the git add, git commit, and git push to the remote repository associated with this clone.

updsums - Create or update a SUMS file which contains chksums for all files in that directory hierarchy

updflash - Convenience script to frontend the rsyncs needed to sync my flash drive using my "upd" script.

vidlinks - Create symbolic links to movie files where possible to reduce duplicate storage of movies. Link into my iTunes library.

vimrc - Vim startup configuration file. Install as $HOME/.vimrc

wikivim - Use in conjunction with It's All Text Firefox Add-On to use Vim to edit wiki pages. On OS X use Applescript and iTerm 2, otherwise use Bash and xterm.


Utility Bash shell scripts I've written - typically these will run on Unix, Linux, OS X, and Cygwin






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