Parses stdin for Java exceptions and saves them to a database.
When run with stdin attached to a tty, it will display the errors in a curses interface.
- Python 3
- SQLite 3
- Pyperclip (For copy functionality. Available through pip.)
- If on Linux,
is recommended for pyperclip
- If on Linux,
Tracer uses an ini file for configuration. There are default values, but they can be overriden by having a .tracer.ini in your $HOME folder.
# This serves as both a sample and a default confiuration for tracer.
# For tracer to read this file, save it to $HOME/.tracer.ini
# Main tracer configuration
# Supported colors: black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white, yellow
# command line error color highlighting
highlightErrors = true
errorColor = \033[0;31m
# main screen colors
backgroundColor = black
foregroundColor = white
backgroundInvertedColor = white
foregroundInvertedColor = black
# error highlighting
backgroundErrorHighlightColor = black
foregroundErrorHighlightColor = cyan
# Regular expression patterns to exclude errors from being saved.
# These patterns must match against the first line of the error message.
# example = ^[abc]+
# Regular expression patterns to highlight lines when viewing errors.
# These will be run against every line of the error.
# example = java\.util
Parse stdin and save to a database:
$ java ExceptionThrowingProgram 2>&1 | tracer.db
Read the database file and display the errors in a curses interface:
$ tracer.db