This is a simplified rewrite of ItemSubjector into a webapp to help wikimedians curate scientific articles with topics.
Start page:
Subtopic page:
Query page:
Results page:
See the documentation.
See the issues in Github. Feel free to open a new one or send a pull request. :)
- open pycharm and make sure there is a local interpreter
- if no local interpreter: 3. delete the .venv directory 3. create a new venv in pycharm
- run $pip install --upgrade pip && pip install poetry
- search for a suitable updated python image here
- update the Dockerfile with the new python image name
- run ./
- run ./
- commit and push changes
- go to the vps and pull & rebuild the image & start the docker container
This app was inspired by topictagger, AuthorDisambiguator and Scholia. The bootstrap layout was inspired by Wikidata Lexeme Forms
- the syntax of flask and FastAPI seem very similar
- jinja2 templates are really cool
- pycharm has very nice html editing support :)
- chatgpt is very good at helping with flask apps, which really sped up development
- bootstrap is nice, I don't have to fiddle with CSS at all, just choose a few classes and it's good enough to get out the door
- chatgpt can generate all the javascript I'll ever need for simple projects like this one. Very nice not having to learn and keep that in memory at all.
This software is a product of about two weeks work of time.