The Log Analysis Project is a python tool created to query a database called newsdata.sql and produce a report for the following questions:
- What are the top three articles by views
- Who are the authors with the most viewed articles overall.
- On what days were there more than 1% of requests leading to errors
Excluding minor modules, the key tools used for this project include the following:
- Virtual Box:
- Vagrant:
- Vagrant File by Udacity:
- PostgreSQL
- Python3
- Visual Studio Code
- Psycopg2
The easiest to get started with the right environment is to clone the Udacity full stack vm repo:
- Make sure you have the tools identified above installed (or your favourite alternatives) and set up. Some require a pip3 or sudo -apt install.
- Make sure you're in the /vagrant directory based on the Udacity repo you cloned earlier.
- Enter 'vagrant up' into your terminal to get vagrant started up
- Enter 'vagrant ssh' to ssh into your linux instance
- Enter 'psql -d news -f newsdata.sql' to connect with the database
- If you want to test out the reporting tool rather than make one, clone my log-analysis repo or download the file and place it in the /vagrant directory
- Enter 'python3' in your terminal to run it
I'd like to acknowledge Udacity as most of the processes I followed are based on the lectures. I also made use of Psycopg and PostgreSQl documentations and some stack overflow searches when stuck.