We created an integration tool for you to integrate easily your design assets from Adobe XD to Respresso. Let see how to use it perfectly.
Create a project in Adobe XD and create your app's design. Finally, import the design assets into Respresso with Adobe XD plugin.
Basically, it is https://app.respresso.io. Change this address if you have an own Respresso server.
Respresso has project token for import data from outside tools. This token isn't same with your project token. You will find this token in path of
//TODO ****
This is a simple option to choose a comfortable way of the exportation. You can export all of your artboards or only the selected items.
Plugin will exports your localization strings if you leave the tick in the rect. This texts have a key and value pair inside XD. Value is a simple text that you can write into a textbox. Key is complicated than value. You will find this under Layers window. Click on the textbox and check the Layer. In that you can modify the key with a double click on the textview with a T symbol. Respresso suggests a key usage like these:
- section.name_of_the_function.name_of_element (main.menu.log_out)
- section_name_of_the_function_name_of_element (main_menu_log_out)
- connected_to.function_name_of_element (user.log_out)
- etc.
Sometimes designer have to modify localization inside the designer tool. We are motivated to help you and for developers that is why you can reimport all of your localization texts. Let see how can we handle it.
- Modify the value is the simpliest case. Respresso will follows the modification.
- Key modification not acceptable function trough import. Respresso will skip this request.
- Remove isn't acceptable as well.
Sometimes you would like skip some texts. In that case add this command: #respresso-ignore to the text's key field.
Respresso plugin can export all of your colors from Color Assets. Export all of your colors from artboards not an option, pleas use Color Assets. Respresso supports solid and gradient colors, although gradient colors will split by parts of colors and Respresso exports them like solid colors. Colors Assets supports key and value pairs. You can modify the key of the color with double click on the color under Colors section.
Respresso supports the modification of the color. Change the value and reimport the project. Key modification not supported.
You can export all of your images from Adobe XD with a simple solution. Select an image and tick Mark for Export option under Appearance section on the right. Respresso supports vector and raster formats but we would like to suggest svg type. Images have keys as well and you can modify it in assets window. Click Layers icon on the left bottom position. Select an image from an artboard and Adobe XD will select the item in the windows. Use double click on the the item and you can rename it.
Change your image asset or add a new one export option. Image modification is fully supported.
Create your app's icon(s) in Adobe XD. Respresso plugin supports Simple and Background - Foreground icons. To import app icons into Respresso you have to use specific keys for images.
- Singe icon key: App icon single
- Background icon: App icon background
- Foreground icon: App icon foreground
Modification is supported as well.
Configuration windows shows basic information about a team and project. You can select a versoin for each digital asset, which was selected previously.
Change log contains all modification (create or update) about the project. This may help you to follow the import process.