LiveSplit.Skyrim is a LiveSplit component for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Keeps track of Game Time to get rid of loading times.
- Auto start/stop/reset the timer.
- Customizable autosplitting.
- LiveSplit 1.6.3 or newer
You can download and install LiveSplit.Skyrim automatically from within the Splits Editor with just one click. Just type in "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" and click Activate. This downloads LiveSplit.Skyrim to the Components folder.
If the plugin is not working with this process, download the plugin from the releases page and place the LiveSplit.Skyrim.dll in your Components directory of LiveSplit.
You may have issues when upgrading from a version prior to 2.0. Try deactivating the autosplitter from the splits editor, removing it from the layout editor, and restarting LiveSplit before upgrading. If the problem persists, delete the LiveSplit.Skyrim.dll from your Components folder and try again.
Open the Splits Editor and click Settings.
After configuring everything you'll most likely want to turn on game time as primary timing, so that your splits will run off game time. You can do this by right-clicking LiveSplit and going to Compare Against -> Game Time.
The default settings are to automatically reset, start, and end the splits (the first and last splits). You have to choose a preset or create one to enable autosplits.
If you wish to show Real Time on your layout, download AlternateTimingMethod from the LiveSplit Components page or its own Github page.
- DrTChops
- Dalleth
- Plugin is based off LiveSplit.Dishonored by Fatalis.