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e2002 edited this page Oct 12, 2022
2 revisions
/* Widget */
/* exsample: */
/* const WidgetConfig iptxtConf PROGMEM = { 4, 60, 1, WA_LEFT }; */
struct WidgetConfig {
uint16_t left;
uint16_t top;
uint16_t textsize;
WidgetAlign align;
/* Scroll Widget */
/* exsample: */
/* const ScrollConfig title1Conf PROGMEM = {{ 4, 50, 2, WA_LEFT }, 140, true, 160-8, 5000, 4, 30 }; */
struct ScrollConfig {
WidgetConfig widget;
uint16_t buffsize; // char buffer size
bool uppercase;
uint16_t width; // width in pixels
uint16_t startscrolldelay;
uint8_t scrolldelta;
uint16_t scrolltime;
/* Fill Widget */
/* exsample: */
/* const FillConfig metaBGConf PROGMEM = {{ 0, 0, 0, WA_LEFT }, 320, 38, false }; */
struct FillConfig {
WidgetConfig widget;
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
bool outlined;
/* Progress Widget */
/* exsample: */
/* const ProgressConfig bootPrgConf PROGMEM = { 90, 14, 4 }; */
struct ProgressConfig {
uint16_t speed;
uint16_t width; // in chars
uint16_t barwidth;
/* VU Bands Config */
/* exsample: */
/* const VUBandsConfig bandsConf PROGMEM = { 24, 100, 4, 2, 10, 5 }; */
struct VUBandsConfig {
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
uint8_t space;
uint8_t vspace;
uint8_t perheight;
uint8_t fadespeed;
/* Move Config */
/* exsample: */
/* move weathet string to new position when player is playing */
/* const MoveConfig weatherMove PROGMEM = { 8, 97, 320-16 }; */
struct MoveConfig {
uint16_t x;
uint16_t y;
int16_t width;
/* SROLLS */
const ScrollConfig metaConf // Station name
const ScrollConfig title1Conf // Artist
const ScrollConfig title2Conf // Song Title
const ScrollConfig playlistConf // Current station in the playlist
const ScrollConfig apTitleConf // Acces point mode title
const ScrollConfig apSettConf // Acces point mode settings string
const ScrollConfig weatherConf // Weather
const FillConfig metaBGConf // Station name bg
const FillConfig volbarConf // Volume bar
const FillConfig playlBGConf // Background of the current station in the playlist
const FillConfig heapbarConf // Heap bar
const WidgetConfig bootstrConf // Boot string (Trying to APName)
const WidgetConfig bitrateConf // Bitrate widget
const WidgetConfig voltxtConf // Value of the volume
const WidgetConfig iptxtConf // Current IP address
const WidgetConfig rssiConf // RSSI
const WidgetConfig numConf // Number of station / Value of the volume in adjustment mode
const WidgetConfig apNameConf // Acces point title
const WidgetConfig apName2Conf // Acces point value
const WidgetConfig apPassConf // Password title
const WidgetConfig apPass2Conf // Password value
const WidgetConfig clockConf // Clock widget position
const WidgetConfig vuConf // VU widget position
const WidgetConfig bootWdtConf // Boot widget
const ProgressConfig bootPrgConf // Boot progress
/* BANDS */
const VUBandsConfig bandsConf // VU bands config
const char numtxtFmt[] // Number of station / Value of the volume in adjustment mode format
const char rssiFmt[] // RSSI format
const char iptxtFmt[] // IP format
const char voltxtFmt[] // Volume format
const char bitrateFmt[] // Bitrate format
/* MOVES (Move some widgets in PLAY mode)*/
const MoveConfig clockMove // Clock widget
const MoveConfig weatherMove // Weather widget
const MoveConfig weatherMoveVU // Weather widget if VU enabled