The Alplakes project uses ctracker a modified version of TRACMASS to run particle tracking (PT) simulations based on the velocity fields of the 3D hydrodynamic models.
git clone
cd alplakes-particletracking
Two python environments are required to run PT simulations using the Alplakes framework:
- Python 3 - Preprocessing and postprocessing (see requirements.txt)
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Python 2.7 - Running ctracker (see ctracker/requirements.txt)
conda env create -f ctracker/environment.yml
conda activate ctracker
cd ctracker
python build_ext --inplace
Particle tracking can be run interactively using notebooks/processing.ipynb
instructions are contained within the
Particle tracking can be run independently of the notebook see src/
for an example of how to implement this.