Small enhancement of AsciiDoc features #95
on: pull_request
1 error and 2 warnings
The message 1 is invalid:
* The subject must start with a verb in imperative mood, but it started with: "Small". Whether the word is in imperative mood is determined by whitelisting. The general whitelist is available at You can whitelist additional verbs using "additional-verbs" input to your GitHub action (currently no additional verbs were thus specified). Moreover, you can also whitelist additional verbs in a file given as "path-to-additional-verbs" input to your GitHub action (currently the file is: src/AdditionalVerbsInImperativeMood.txt). Please check the whitelist and either change the first word of the subject or whitelist the verb.
* The line 18 of the message (line 16 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 80 characters: "This is the keyboard macro (in src/AasxPackageExplorer/options-debug.MIHO.json):". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 26 of the message (line 24 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 203 characters: " \"Tool(\\\"ExportSmtAsciiDoc\\\", \\\"File\\\", \\\"C:\\\\Users\\\\homi0002\\\\Desktop\\\\tmp\\\\\\\", \\\"ExportHtml\\\", \\\"true\\\", \\\"ExportPdf\\\", \\\"false\\\", \\\"AntoraStyle\\\", \\\"false\\\", \\\"ViewResult\\\", \\\"true\\\");\",". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
The original message was:
Small enhancement of AsciiDoc features
This branch brings small enhancement of AsciiDoc features:
- add a heading4 semanticId to allow deeper nested
Submodel templates
- add the ability for directory structures to be zipped
- add the UI option to produce AsciiDoc for Antora
(special directory structure)
- arrange files in special directory structure
- add a view post command to AsciiDoc, together with a
small keyboard macro in the options, the currently
edited SMT could be viewed immedeatily without
any script file
- replace the CountryFlags nuget with code already
used by the BlazorExplorer project
This is the keyboard macro (in src/AasxPackageExplorer/options-debug.MIHO.json):
"Name": "AsciiDoc - Export and view (Ctrl+Shift+8)",
"Lines": [
"Select(\"Submodel\", \"First\");",
"Select(\"Submodel\", \"Next\");",
"Tool(\"ExportSmtAsciiDoc\", \"File\", \"C:\\Users\\homi0002\\Desktop\\tmp\\\", \"ExportHtml\", \"true\", \"ExportPdf\", \"false\", \"AntoraStyle\", \"false\", \"ViewResult\", \"true\");",
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: mristin/opinionated-commit-message@v2.2.0. For more info:
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: mristin/opinionated-commit-message@v2.2.0. For more info: