Make language support more inclusive #96
on: pull_request
1 error and 2 warnings
The message 1 is invalid:
* The line 3 of the message (line 1 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 104 characters: "Note: This PR shall be merged after this one:". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 5 of the message (line 3 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 148 characters: "This branch brings makes language support more inclusive. This refers to the combo boxes for multi language fields in the AAS elements and plug-ins.". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 7 of the message (line 5 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 94 characters: "The original motivation came from:". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 11 of the message (line 9 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 88 characters: "- there is an opt-in prepared in the options to include __all__ countries in these lists". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 13 of the message (line 11 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 82 characters: "For this opt-in, in the options (e.g. src/AasxPackageExplorer/options-debug.json):". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 15 of the message (line 13 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 1128 characters: "\"OfferedLangs\": \"af-ZA,am-ET,ar-AE,ar-BH,ar-DZ,ar-EG,ar-IQ,ar-JO,ar-KW,ar-LB,ar-LY,ar-MA,ar-OM,ar-QA,ar-SA,ar-SD,ar-SY,ar-TN,ar-YE,as-IN,az-az,ba-RU,be-BY,bg-BG,bn-BD,bn-IN,bo-CN,br-FR,ca-ES,co-FR,cs-CZ,cy-GB,da-DK,de-DE,de-AT,de-CH,de-LI,de-LU,dv-MV,el-CY,el-GR,en-GB,en-AU,en-BZ,en-CA,en-cb,en-IE,en-IN,en-JM,en-MT,en-MY,en-NZ,en-PH,en-SG,en-TT,en-US,en-ZA,en-ZW,es-ES,es-AR,es-BO,es-CL,es-CO,es-CR,es-DO,es-EC,es-GT,es-HN,es-MX,es-NI,es-PA,es-PE,es-PR,es-PY,es-SV,es-US,es-UY,es-VE,et-EE,eu-ES,fa-IR,fi-FI,fo-FO,fr-FR,fr-BE,fr-CA,fr-CH,fr-LU,fr-MC,fy-NL,ga-IE,gd-GB,gd-ie,gl-ES,gu-IN,he-IL,hi-IN,hr-BA,hr-HR,hu-HU,hy-AM,id-ID,ig-NG,ii-CN,in-ID,is-IS,it-CH,it-IT,iw-IL,ja-JP,ka-GE,kk-KZ,kl-GL,km-KH,kn-IN,ko-KR,ky-KG,lb-LU,lo-LA,lt-LT,lv-LV,mi-NZ,mk-MK,ml-IN,mn-MN,mr-IN,ms-BN,ms-MY,mt-MT,nb-NO,ne-NP,nl-BE,nl-NL,nn-NO,no-no,oc-FR,or-IN,pa-IN,pl-PL,ps-AF,pt-BR,pt-PT,rm-CH,ro-mo,ro-RO,ru-mo,ru-RU,rw-RW,sa-IN,se-FI,se-NO,se-SE,si-LK,sk-SK,sl-SI,sq-AL,sr-BA,sr-CS,sr-ME,sr-RS,sr-sp,sv-FI,sv-SE,sw-KE,ta-IN,te-IN,th-TH,tk-TM,tn-ZA,tr-TR,tt-RU,ug-CN,uk-UA,ur-PK,uz-uz,vi-VN,wo-SN,xh-ZA,yo-NG,zh-CN,zh-HK,zh-MO,zh-SG,zh-TW,zu-ZA\",". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 18 of the message (line 16 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 80 characters: "In order to allow these features, the language handling was completely re-newed.". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
The original message was:
Make language support more inclusive
Note: This PR shall be merged after this one:
This branch brings makes language support more inclusive. This refers to the combo boxes for multi language fields in the AAS elements and plug-ins.
The original motivation came from:
- all member nations/ languages of IEC WG24 are included
- all member nations/ languages of IDTA are included
- there is an opt-in prepared in the options to include __all__ countries in these lists
For this opt-in, in the options (e.g. src/AasxPackageExplorer/options-debug.json):
"OfferedLangs": "af-ZA,am-ET,ar-AE,ar-BH,ar-DZ,ar-EG,ar-IQ,ar-JO,ar-KW,ar-LB,ar-LY,ar-MA,ar-OM,ar-QA,ar-SA,ar-SD,ar-SY,ar-TN,ar-YE,as-IN,az-az,ba-RU,be-BY,bg-BG,bn-BD,bn-IN,bo-CN,br-FR,ca-ES,co-FR,cs-CZ,cy-GB,da-DK,de-DE,de-AT,de-CH,de-LI,de-LU,dv-MV,el-CY,el-GR,en-GB,en-AU,en-BZ,en-CA,en-cb,en-IE,e
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: mristin/opinionated-commit-message@v2.2.0. For more info:
The following actions use a deprecated Node.js version and will be forced to run on node20: mristin/opinionated-commit-message@v2.2.0. For more info: