Update project AASxPluginAssetInterfaceDesc #109
on: pull_request
1 error
The message 1 is invalid:
* The line 5 of the message (line 3 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 115 characters: "with resepect to this [comment](https://github.com/eclipse-aaspe/package-explorer/pull/243#issuecomment-2396182033)". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The first word of the subject ("Update") must not match the first word of the body. Please make the body more informative by adding more information instead of repeating the subject. For example, start by explaining the problem that this change is intended to solve or what was previously missing (e.g., "Previously, ....").
The original message was:
Update project AASxPluginAssetInterfaceDesc
Update project AASxPluginAssetInterfaceDesc from PR 217
with resepect to this [comment](https://github.com/eclipse-aaspe/package-explorer/pull/243#issuecomment-2396182033)
I have updated the project according to the specification
and this is the PR.
Like I mentioned in the comment, please I would like to know
how to move forward the other project that was reverted.
it is important for what we do at AID submodel template group.