Update on AsciiDoc export, direct viewing option #113
on: pull_request
1 error
The message 1 is invalid:
* The line 5 of the message (line 3 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 82 characters: "This quick fix enables the AasxPluginExportTable plugin to directly view AsciiDoc.". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 6 of the message (line 4 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 79 characters: "To enable this, the \"Export HTML\" and \"View Results\" options need to be ticked.". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 8 of the message (line 6 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 85 characters: "Additionally, the `AasxPluginExportTable.options.json` need to be configured as this:". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 11 of the message (line 9 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 162 characters: "\"SmtExportHtmlArgs\": \"run -it -v %WD%:/documents/ asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram -a stylesheet=asciidoc-style-idta.css %ADOC%\",". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 13 of the message (line 11 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 73 characters: "\"SmtExportViewArgs\": \"/c start %WD%\\\\%HTML% && ping -n 5 >nul\",". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 16 of the message (line 14 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 114 characters: "This comes in very handy, especially when called from a keyboard shortcut from `AasxPackageExplorer.options.json`:". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 26 of the message (line 24 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 92 characters: " \"Tool(\\\"ExportSmtAsciiDoc\\\", \\\"File\\\", \\\"C:\\\\Users\\\\Micha\\\\Desktop\\\\tmp\\\\new.zip\\\");\",". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
* The line 36 of the message (line 34 of the body) exceeds the limit of 72 characters. The line contains 198 characters: " \"Tool(\\\"ExportSmtAsciiDoc\\\", \\\"File\\\", \\\"C:\\\\Users\\\\Micha\\\\Desktop\\\\tmp\\\\new.zip\\\", \\\"ExportHtml\\\", \\\"true\\\", \\\"ExportPdf\\\", \\\"false\\\", \\\"AntoraStyle\\\", \\\"false\\\", \\\"ViewResult\\\", \\\"true\\\");\",". Please reformat the body so that all the lines fit 72 characters.
The original message was:
Update on AsciiDoc export, direct viewing option
** Ready to be merged with main branch. **
This quick fix enables the AasxPluginExportTable plugin to directly view AsciiDoc.
To enable this, the "Export HTML" and "View Results" options need to be ticked.
Additionally, the `AasxPluginExportTable.options.json` need to be configured as this:
"SmtExportHtmlCmd": "docker",
"SmtExportHtmlArgs": "run -it -v %WD%:/documents/ asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram -a stylesheet=asciidoc-style-idta.css %ADOC%",
"SmtExportViewCmd": "cmd.exe",
"SmtExportViewArgs": "/c start %WD%\\%HTML% && ping -n 5 >nul",
This comes in very handy, especially when called from a keyboard shortcut from `AasxPackageExplorer.options.json`:
"ScriptPresets": [
"Name": "AsciiDoc - Just export (Ctrl+Shift+7)",
"Lines": [
"Select(\"Submodel\", \"First\");",
"Select(\"Submodel\", \"Next\");",
"Tool(\"ExportSmtAsciiDoc\", \"File\", \"C:\\Users\\Micha\\Desktop\\tmp\\new.zip\");",
"Name": "AsciiDoc - Export and view (Ctrl+Shift+8)",
"Lines": [
"Select(\"Submodel\", \"First\");",
"Select(\"Submodel\", \"Next\");",
"Tool(\"ExportSmtAsciiDoc\", \"File\", \"C:\\Users\\Micha\\Desktop\\tmp\\new.zip\", \"ExportHtml\", \"true\", \"ExportPdf\", \"false\", \"AntoraStyle\", \"false\", \"ViewResult\", \"true\");",