Transfer of the primary content (incl. the issues) from admin-shell-io/aasx-package-explorer is finished!
Admin-shell-io/aasx-package-explorer will be archived. (date TBA)
If there is content remaining in admin-shell-io/aasx-package-explore branches that you want our assistance with transferring,
please start an issue here.
Welcome to the new home of Eclipse AASX Package Explorer! See CONTRIBUTING for details on how to migrate your development.
Current development of AASX Package Explorer only supports AAS V3.
If you need to view AAS V2 files, see the branch here.
Eclipse AASX Package Explorer™ is a C# based viewer and editor for the Asset Administration Shell.
To help you familiarize with the concept of Asset Administration Shell and editing an Asset Administration Shell with the AASX Package Explorer we provide screencasts (both in English and German) for V2.0 at: https://admin-shell-io.com/screencasts/.
For V3.0 (including changes to V2.0) please have a look at the tutorials for the Specifications itself at the Youtube Channel Industrial Digital Twin
The basis for the implementatzion are the Specifications of the Asset Administration Shell by [IDTA]A(https://industrialdigitaltwin.org).
We provide a couple of sample admin shells (packaged as .aasx) for you to test and play with the software at (V2.0): http://www.admin-shell-io.com/samples/
We provide the binaries for Windows 10 in the releases.
(Remark: In special cases you may like to use a current build. Please click on a green check mark and select "Check-release" details.)
If you want to request new features or report bugs, please create an issue.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for instructions on joining the development and general contribution guidelines.
The documentation for developers is still available at admin-shell-io and will be migrated to eclipse-aaspe in the near future.
You may find additional documentation in sub-folders, e.g. for
At the time of this writing (2020-08-14), we are aware of the following related implementations of asset administration shells (AAS):
BaSyx (https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.basyx) provides various modules to cover a broad scope of Industrie 4.0 (including AAS). Hence its substantially more complex architecture.
Eclipse BaSyx Python SDK (https://github.com/eclipse-basyx/basyx-python-sdk) project focuses on providing a Python implementation of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) for Industry 4.0 Systems.
SAP AAS Service (https://github.com/SAP/i40-aas) provides a system based on Docker images implementing the RAMI 4.0 reference architecture (including AAS). Repo archived on Jun 13, 2022.
NOVAAS (https://gitlab.com/novaas/catalog/nova-school-of-science-and-technology/novaas) provides an implementation of the AAS concept by using JavaScript and Low-code development platform (LCDP) Node-Red.
Java Dataformat Library (https://github.com/admin-shell-io/java-serializer) provides serializer and derserializer for various dataformats as well as the creation and validation of AAS, written in Java.
While these projects try to implement a wider scope of programatic features, AASX Package Explorer, in contrast, is a tool with graphical user interface meant for experimenting and demonstrating the potential of asset administration shells targeting tech-savvy and less technically-inclined users alike.
In 2021 the Eclipse Digital Twin Top Level Project was created. See sub-projects for more projects featuring digital twins and the Asset Administration Shell.
The AASX Package Explorer also includes an internal REST server and OPC UA server for the loaded .AASX. Based on this a separate AASX Server is available (https://github.com/admin-shell-io/aasx-server) which can host several .AASX simultaneously (see example https://example.admin-shell-io.com).