1 | 1 | {
2 | 2 | "info": {
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28 | 28 | "key": "NAMESPACE",
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30 |
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31 | 30 | },
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33 | 32 | "key": "FILE-NAME",
34 |
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35 |
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36 | 34 | }
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38 | 36 | "body": {
76 | 74 | "header": [
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78 | 76 | "key": "FILE-NAME",
79 |
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80 |
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81 | 78 | }
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124 | 121 | "key": "NAMESPACE",
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129 | 125 | "key": "FILE-NAME",
130 |
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131 |
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134 | 129 | "url": {
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1279 | 1270 | },
1280 | 1271 | "response": []
1281 | 1272 | },
| 1273 | + { |
| 1274 | + "name": "GenerateYamlOpenApiSpecCrud", |
| 1275 | + "event": [ |
| 1276 | + { |
| 1277 | + "listen": "test", |
| 1278 | + "script": { |
| 1279 | + "exec": [ |
| 1280 | + "pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r", |
| 1281 | + " pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r", |
| 1282 | + "});\r", |
| 1283 | + "pm.test(\"Response body is valid\", function () {\r", |
| 1284 | + " const jsonData = pm.response.text();\r", |
| 1285 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"openapi: 3.0.3\");\r", |
| 1286 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"title: movement\");\r", |
| 1287 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"version: v1\");\r", |
| 1288 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"url: http://www.test.com/api/v1\");\r", |
| 1289 | + "\r", |
| 1290 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"get:\");\r", |
| 1291 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"post:\");\r", |
| 1292 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"put:\");\r", |
| 1293 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"patch:\");\r", |
| 1294 | + "});" |
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| 1297 | + "packages": {} |
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| 1303 | + "packages": {}, |
| 1304 | + "type": "text/javascript" |
| 1305 | + } |
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| 1309 | + "method": "POST", |
| 1310 | + "header": [], |
| 1311 | + "body": { |
| 1312 | + "mode": "raw", |
| 1313 | + "raw": "@prefix samm: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#> .\r\n@prefix samm-c: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:characteristic:2.1.0#> .\r\n@prefix samm-e: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:entity:2.1.0#> .\r\n@prefix unit: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:unit:2.1.0#> .\r\n@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .\r\n@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .\r\n@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .\r\n@prefix : <urn:samm:org.eclipse.examples:1.0.0#> .\r\n\r\n:Movement a samm:Aspect ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"movement\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Aspect for movement information\"@en ;\r\n samm:properties ( :isMoving :position :speed :speedLimitWarning ) ;\r\n samm:operations ( ) ;\r\n samm:events ( ) .\r\n\r\n:isMoving a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"is moving\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Flag indicating whether the asset is currently moving\"@en ;\r\n samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean .\r\n\r\n:position a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"position\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Indicates a position\"@en ;\r\n samm:characteristic :SpatialPositionCharacteristic .\r\n\r\n:speed a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"speed\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"speed of vehicle\"@en ;\r\n samm:characteristic :Speed .\r\n\r\n:speedLimitWarning a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"speed limit warning\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Indicates if the speed limit is adhered to.\"@en ;\r\n samm:characteristic :TrafficLight .\r\n\r\n:SpatialPositionCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"spatial position characteristic\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Represents a single position in space with optional z coordinate.\"@en ;\r\n samm:dataType :SpatialPosition .\r\n\r\n:Speed a samm-c:Measurement ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"speed\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Scalar representation of speed of an object in kilometers per hour.\"@en ;\r\n samm:dataType xsd:float ;\r\n samm-c:unit unit:kilometrePerHour .\r\n\r\n:TrafficLight a samm-c:Enumeration ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"warning level\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Represents if speed of position change is within specification (green), within tolerance (yellow), or outside specification (red).\"@en ;\r\n samm:dataType xsd:string ;\r\n samm-c:values ( \"green\" \"yellow\" \"red\" ) .\r\n\r\n:SpatialPosition a samm:Entity ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"spatial position\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Represents latitude, longitude and altitude information in the WGS84 geodetic reference datum\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <https://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/> ;\r\n samm:properties ( :latitude :longitude [ samm:property :altitude; samm:optional true ] ) .\r\n\r\n:latitude a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"latitude\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"latitude coordinate in space (WGS84)\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat> ;\r\n samm:characteristic :Coordinate ;\r\n samm:exampleValue \"9.1781\"^^xsd:decimal .\r\n\r\n:longitude a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"longitude\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"longitude coordinate in space (WGS84)\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long> ;\r\n samm:characteristic :Coordinate ;\r\n samm:exampleValue \"48.80835\"^^xsd:decimal .\r\n\r\n:altitude a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"altitude\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Elevation above sea level zero\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#alt> ;\r\n samm:characteristic :MetresAboveMeanSeaLevel ;\r\n samm:exampleValue \"153\"^^xsd:float .\r\n\r\n:Coordinate a samm-c:Measurement ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"coordinate\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Representing the geographical coordinate\"@en ;\r\n samm:dataType xsd:decimal ;\r\n samm-c:unit unit:degreeUnitOfAngle .\r\n\r\n:MetresAboveMeanSeaLevel a samm-c:Measurement ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"metres above mean sea level\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Signifies the vertical distance in reference to a historic mean sea level as a vertical datum\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height_above_sea_level> ;\r\n samm:dataType xsd:float ;\r\n samm-c:unit unit:metre .\r\n" |
| 1314 | + }, |
| 1315 | + "url": { |
| 1316 | + "raw": "http://localhost:{{port}}/ame/api/generate/open-api-spec?output=yaml&baseUrl=http://www.test.com&includeQueryApi=true&useSemanticVersion=true&pagingOption=NO_PAGING&includeCrud=true", |
| 1317 | + "protocol": "http", |
| 1318 | + "host": [ |
| 1319 | + "localhost" |
| 1320 | + ], |
| 1321 | + "port": "{{port}}", |
| 1322 | + "path": [ |
| 1323 | + "ame", |
| 1324 | + "api", |
| 1325 | + "generate", |
| 1326 | + "open-api-spec" |
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| 1330 | + "key": "output", |
| 1331 | + "value": "yaml" |
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| 1334 | + "key": "baseUrl", |
| 1335 | + "value": "http://www.test.com" |
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| 1339 | + "value": "true" |
| 1340 | + }, |
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| 1342 | + "key": "useSemanticVersion", |
| 1343 | + "value": "true" |
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| 1346 | + "key": "pagingOption", |
| 1347 | + "value": "NO_PAGING" |
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| 1350 | + "key": "includeCrud", |
| 1351 | + "value": "true" |
| 1352 | + } |
| 1353 | + ] |
| 1354 | + } |
| 1355 | + }, |
| 1356 | + "response": [] |
| 1357 | + }, |
| 1358 | + { |
| 1359 | + "name": "GenerateJsonOpenApiSpecCrud", |
| 1360 | + "event": [ |
| 1361 | + { |
| 1362 | + "listen": "test", |
| 1363 | + "script": { |
| 1364 | + "exec": [ |
| 1365 | + "pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r", |
| 1366 | + " pm.response.to.have.status(200);\r", |
| 1367 | + "});\r", |
| 1368 | + "pm.test(\"Response body is valid\", function () {\r", |
| 1369 | + " const jsonData = pm.response.text();\r", |
| 1370 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"\\\"openapi\\\" : \\\"3.0.3\\\"\");\r", |
| 1371 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"\\\"title\\\" : \\\"movement\\\"\");\r", |
| 1372 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"\\\"version\\\" : \\\"v1.0.0\\\"\");\r", |
| 1373 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"\\\"url\\\" : \\\"http://www.test.com/api/v1.0.0\\\"\");\r", |
| 1374 | + "\r", |
| 1375 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"\\\"get\\\" :\");\r", |
| 1376 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"\\\"post\\\" :\");\r", |
| 1377 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"\\\"put\\\" :\");\r", |
| 1378 | + " pm.expect(jsonData).to.include(\"\\\"patch\\\" :\");\r", |
| 1379 | + "});" |
| 1380 | + ], |
| 1381 | + "type": "text/javascript", |
| 1382 | + "packages": {} |
| 1383 | + } |
| 1384 | + } |
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| 1386 | + "request": { |
| 1387 | + "method": "POST", |
| 1388 | + "header": [], |
| 1389 | + "body": { |
| 1390 | + "mode": "raw", |
| 1391 | + "raw": "@prefix samm: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#> .\r\n@prefix samm-c: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:characteristic:2.1.0#> .\r\n@prefix samm-e: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:entity:2.1.0#> .\r\n@prefix unit: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:unit:2.1.0#> .\r\n@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .\r\n@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .\r\n@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .\r\n@prefix : <urn:samm:org.eclipse.examples:1.0.0#> .\r\n\r\n:Movement a samm:Aspect ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"movement\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Aspect for movement information\"@en ;\r\n samm:properties ( :isMoving :position :speed :speedLimitWarning ) ;\r\n samm:operations ( ) ;\r\n samm:events ( ) .\r\n\r\n:isMoving a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"is moving\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Flag indicating whether the asset is currently moving\"@en ;\r\n samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean .\r\n\r\n:position a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"position\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Indicates a position\"@en ;\r\n samm:characteristic :SpatialPositionCharacteristic .\r\n\r\n:speed a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"speed\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"speed of vehicle\"@en ;\r\n samm:characteristic :Speed .\r\n\r\n:speedLimitWarning a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"speed limit warning\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Indicates if the speed limit is adhered to.\"@en ;\r\n samm:characteristic :TrafficLight .\r\n\r\n:SpatialPositionCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"spatial position characteristic\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Represents a single position in space with optional z coordinate.\"@en ;\r\n samm:dataType :SpatialPosition .\r\n\r\n:Speed a samm-c:Measurement ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"speed\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Scalar representation of speed of an object in kilometers per hour.\"@en ;\r\n samm:dataType xsd:float ;\r\n samm-c:unit unit:kilometrePerHour .\r\n\r\n:TrafficLight a samm-c:Enumeration ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"warning level\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Represents if speed of position change is within specification (green), within tolerance (yellow), or outside specification (red).\"@en ;\r\n samm:dataType xsd:string ;\r\n samm-c:values ( \"green\" \"yellow\" \"red\" ) .\r\n\r\n:SpatialPosition a samm:Entity ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"spatial position\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Represents latitude, longitude and altitude information in the WGS84 geodetic reference datum\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <https://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/> ;\r\n samm:properties ( :latitude :longitude [ samm:property :altitude; samm:optional true ] ) .\r\n\r\n:latitude a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"latitude\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"latitude coordinate in space (WGS84)\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#lat> ;\r\n samm:characteristic :Coordinate ;\r\n samm:exampleValue \"9.1781\"^^xsd:decimal .\r\n\r\n:longitude a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"longitude\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"longitude coordinate in space (WGS84)\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#long> ;\r\n samm:characteristic :Coordinate ;\r\n samm:exampleValue \"48.80835\"^^xsd:decimal .\r\n\r\n:altitude a samm:Property ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"altitude\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Elevation above sea level zero\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#alt> ;\r\n samm:characteristic :MetresAboveMeanSeaLevel ;\r\n samm:exampleValue \"153\"^^xsd:float .\r\n\r\n:Coordinate a samm-c:Measurement ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"coordinate\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Representing the geographical coordinate\"@en ;\r\n samm:dataType xsd:decimal ;\r\n samm-c:unit unit:degreeUnitOfAngle .\r\n\r\n:MetresAboveMeanSeaLevel a samm-c:Measurement ;\r\n samm:preferredName \"metres above mean sea level\"@en ;\r\n samm:description \"Signifies the vertical distance in reference to a historic mean sea level as a vertical datum\"@en ;\r\n samm:see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height_above_sea_level> ;\r\n samm:dataType xsd:float ;\r\n samm-c:unit unit:metre .\r\n" |
| 1392 | + }, |
| 1393 | + "url": { |
| 1394 | + "raw": "http://localhost:{{port}}/ame/api/generate/open-api-spec?output=json&baseUrl=http://www.test.com&includeQueryApi=true&useSemanticVersion=true&pagingOption=NO_PAGING&includeCrud=true", |
| 1395 | + "protocol": "http", |
| 1396 | + "host": [ |
| 1397 | + "localhost" |
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| 1399 | + "port": "{{port}}", |
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| 1401 | + "ame", |
| 1402 | + "api", |
| 1403 | + "generate", |
| 1404 | + "open-api-spec" |
| 1405 | + ], |
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| 1409 | + "value": "json" |
| 1410 | + }, |
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| 1412 | + "key": "baseUrl", |
| 1413 | + "value": "http://www.test.com" |
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| 1417 | + "value": "true" |
| 1418 | + }, |
| 1419 | + { |
| 1420 | + "key": "useSemanticVersion", |
| 1421 | + "value": "true" |
| 1422 | + }, |
| 1423 | + { |
| 1424 | + "key": "pagingOption", |
| 1425 | + "value": "NO_PAGING" |
| 1426 | + }, |
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| 1428 | + "key": "includeCrud", |
| 1429 | + "value": "true" |
| 1430 | + } |
| 1431 | + ] |
| 1432 | + } |
| 1433 | + }, |
| 1434 | + "response": [] |
| 1435 | + }, |
1282 | 1436 | {
1283 | 1437 | "name": "GenerateAASX",
1284 | 1438 | "event": [
0 commit comments