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Committer Meeting ‐ 05.07.2024

Ege Korkan edited this page Jul 12, 2024 · 3 revisions


  • Ege
  • Daniel
  • Cris
  • Jan

Agenda and Minutes

  • Big Milestones:
    • WoT F2F Plugfest in November: Interop testing of all Thingweb components and documenting the results.
      • How go with implementing new TD features? Release organization: Should we have a beta channel or keep adding stuff until there is something not backwards compatible?
        • Go for 1.0 release for the plugfest where 1.0 (and main branch) has new features of TD. 0.8.x or maybe 0.9 versions stay with old td features. They can still get updates in their gh branch and new npm releases.
      • What to do for Thingweb?
        • A mashup scenario with multiple components. E.g. node-wot exposes a TD of a physical Thing, registers to TDD, dart_wot consumes it and does something with it. This can become a presentable showcase in the open day
        • Test plan for interop with bindings and operations. Sort of like a benchmark to be improved upon.
        • Helm chart or compose file which starts components and does a test.
        • We should discuss whether this can be a generic way to do interop tests in WoT. We can involve other open source projects (e.g. Ditto to avoid
  • TD Tools:
  • node-wot: Testing the automated release pipeline from dart_wot
  • Important PRs or Discussions in Thingweb Components

Action Items

Decisions and Resolutions

Examples Discussion

  1. Quickly spinning up node-wot things -> JS -> Counter.
  2. We lose compile time bug detection but vs code will show a visual error (implies that it should be doable in tsconfig somehow) -> This can be fixed by end-to-end testing
  3. Using node-wot in another project -> JS and TS -> This is basically documentation
  4. Advanced Usage of node-wot -> Also documentation
  5. Adding bindings and codecs
  6. Creating a custom servient

Note: Hosting Things for helping with understanding of WoT -> Source code is irrelevant in that case

Some other points:

  • JS examples need beautification
  • JS code can be copy-pasted to TS code so it makes sense to provide examples in JS.
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