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Committer Meeting ‐ 27.09.2024

Ege Korkan edited this page Oct 2, 2024 · 6 revisions


  • Ege
  • Daniel
  • Sergio
  • Hasan
  • Cris
  • Lorenzo

Agenda and Minutes

  • Adopters: We start with Siemens, create the category and then ask companies.
    • An issue and corresponding PR is merged but there is a typo. Waiting for deployment
    • What we know of: Siemens, University of Bologna, University of Pisa, SICK AG, Fraunhofer ISA, TU Munich, Archeion, Vaimee, CampusOS, University Emden-Leer, LMU (CALA), Microsoft, Canonical.
      • Ege will ask SICK AG -> Asked. Under discussion internally.
      • Lorenzo will do for UniBo
      • Cris will do Archeion
      • Cris will ask Vaimee
      • Ege will ask Microsoft -> Asked. Under discussion internally.
      • Ege will ask OPCF -> Asked. Under discussion internally.
      • Lorenzo asked Uni Pisa. No answer yet.
      • Cris and Ege ask Michael Freund from Fraunhofer. -> Asked. Under discussion internally.
      • Ege will ask TU Munich -> Asked.
      • Ege will ask Vignesh for CALA or LMU (not xor) -> Asked. He will do that.
      • Ege will ask Farshid from Canonical -> Not possible due to lack of adoption
    • Add such a pointer to our website and each readme (if you are using Thingweb Component X, please show support by getting into the adopters list). See for the usage of the Eclipse API.
      • We will add a badge next to the others and link to a section below that explains the process (just a logo and link, need to be part of the org)
  • Website Redesign:
  • Test Things:
    • Live Demo.
    • Issues with Docker. Let's ask for a new one?
      • Get a snapshot in case we forgot something in the new one
      • Ege will ask for a new one (Ubuntu Server)
    • Go for a portainer based installation via multiple stacks etc.
  • WAM and TD-Code (VS Code Extension)
    • Moving to Thingweb. TD Code can be another frontend, like Playground.
  • Big Milestones:
    • WoT F2F Plugfest in November: Interop testing of all Thingweb components and documenting the results.
      • How go with implementing new TD features? Release organization: Should we have a beta channel or keep adding stuff until there is something not backwards compatible?
        • Go for 1.0 release for the plugfest where 1.0 (and main branch) has new features of TD. 0.8.x or maybe 0.9 versions stay with old td features. They can still get updates in their gh branch and new npm releases.
      • What to do for Thingweb?
        • A mashup scenario with multiple components. E.g. node-wot exposes a TD of a physical Thing, registers to TDD, dart_wot consumes it and does something with it. This can become a presentable showcase in the open day
        • Test plan for interop with bindings and operations. Sort of like a benchmark to be improved upon.
        • Helm chart or compose file which starts components and does a test.
        • We should discuss whether this can be a generic way to do interop tests in WoT. We can involve other open source projects (e.g. Ditto to avoid
  • node-wot:
    • Testing the automated release pipeline from dart_wot
  • Important PRs or Discussions in Thingweb Components

Action Items

Decisions and Resolutions

Examples Reorg Order

  1. DONE Move test-thing, coffee machine to test-things
  2. Make sure docker-compose/swarm works -> Update all links pointing to the "services"
  3. JS example counter in node-wot with beautification and explanations
  4. Remove all duplicate and redundant examples from node-wot
  5. Start integration tests in node-wot: move and start end-to-end tests
  6. Incorporate "some" examples' code into the documentation website by injecting their code to write twice
    1. Using node-wot in other projects as dependency
    2. Adding bindings and codecs
    3. Creating a custom servient
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