Hybrid Mobile development using jQuery Mobile demo code
This Project includes
- Demo steps: 6 steps to build a cordova hybrid mobile application with jQuery Mobile.
- Google Play Publish: keystore file creation guide to deploy android app to GooglePlay
- hybrid-codecamp: Complete demo app sample
Welcome to the hybrid-jqm-codecamp wiki!
This is the guide to get started with Hybrid Mobile App Development using jQuery Mobile.
Demo flow as follows.
Set up Cordova on your PC. (Apache Cordova Documentation - Starter Guide)
1.1 Download and install Node.js. Download
1.2 Download and install a git client, if you don't already have one. Download 1.3 Install the cordova module using npm utility of Node.js. (npm install -g cordova) 1.4 Add the npm directory to your PATH in order to invoke globally installed npm modules.
1.5 Success - you should be able to run cordova on the command line with no arguments and it should print help text. -
Set up Platform (Apache Cordova Documentation - Platform Guide)
2.1 For Android ([Android Platform Guide] (http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/4.0.0/guide_platforms_android_index.md.html#Android%20Platform%20Guide)) 2.2 Cordova for Android requires the Android SDK (Need Android SDK Tools v19.1.0 or higher for Cordova 3.6.0)
2.3 For Cordova command-line tools to work, you need to include the SDK's tools and platform-tools directories in your PATH
2.4 Add the paths for java and ant.
Create a cordova project (Create guide)
1.1 cordova create codecamp com.codecamp.hybrid "Hybrid Codecamp"
1.2 codecamp - specifies a directory to be generated for your project
1.3 com.codecamp.hybrid - provides your project with a reverse domain-style identifier
1.4 "Hybrid Codecamp" - application's display title -
Add platform: cordova platform add android (To do this you need to move into codecamp folder. i.e cd codecamp)
This tutorial in detail can be found at Demo Flow (with Code)
- Available Hybrid Mobile Frameworks (Compare)
- JQuery Mobile References
2.1 jQuery Mobile Official Web Site Go
2.2 API Documentation Go
2.3 Demos Documentation Go
- Copy cordova.js from android platform folder (Just for testing purposes)
Level 1 - Chrome/Firefox browser - Run index.html using Google Chrome Dev tools
Level 2 - Remote debuggin with Google Chrome- https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/remote-debugging
Level 3 - Build from PhoneGap or Cordova - cordova build android
- For android, need android SDK 19.1.0 or higher (If you are using Cordova 3.6.0) 1.1 If not installed, type android -v in cmd and install the required version
- Remove cordova.js and cordova_plugin.js from www folder
- Update with new icons and screens (platform/android/res)
- Update the version details, App name, and other details for the app using config.xml file
- Build the app using - cordova build android
Source: http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html#signing-manually
Command: keytool -genkey -v -keystore hybridday-nsbm.keystore -alias hybridday-nsbm -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Keystore Password: hybridday-nsbm Key Password: hybridday-nsbm
- Create a Google Developer Account (Go)
- Build the app - release version
2.1. Check the ant.propertise file under - ..\mobile-cia\phonegap\InvoiceApproval\platforms\android
2.2. Should be directed to keystore file.
Ex: key.store=D:\path\to\the\project\keyname.keystore
key.alias=alias-name (Ex: nsbm_hybrid_day)
2.3. Update the config.xml file with the version number
2.4. Build with cordova - $ cordova build android --release
It required the following passwords:
Certificate Password: hybridday-nsbm
Keystore Password: hybridday-nsbm
- Go to the Developer Console (https://play.google.com/apps/publish/?dev_acc=07134135294894721319#AppListPlace)
- Go to Store Listing Tab and make the neccessary changes to screen shots and descriptions.
- Go to APK tab and Upload the new APK to production
- Publish the app (Publish will go into production within 4-5 hours approximately)
Codebase - https://github.com/razmik/nsbm-codecamp
For further information - Contact razmik89@gmail.com