Use of several FQL operators and parameters have been deprecated in SharePoint Online
(as of Feb 2021).
The script examines the query template for Result Sources and Query Rules for FQL keywords.
To run, specificy a user name with Admin privileges. Then choose to scan "All" sites or
a single site. When scanning all sites, add the -All switch and specify the tenant admin
site (typically has the format https://<my_tenant> To scan a single
site, specify the site Url (e.g. https://<my_tenant> and the SiteCollection
or Site scope.
FQL Operators
FAST Query Language (FQL) operators are keywords that specify Boolean operations or other
constraints to operands. The FQL operator syntax is as follows:
[property-spec:]operator(operand [,operand]* [, parameter="value"]*)
This script looks for:
1. The pattern "<operator>(" using the following reserved FQL keywords:
"and", "or", "any", "andnot", "count", "decimal", "rank", "near", "onear", "int",
"in32", "int64", "float", "double", "datetime", "max", "min", "range", "phrase",
"scope", "filter", "not", "string", "starts-with", "ends-with", "equals", "words",
2. The following deprecated operators:
3. The following deprecated parameters for the specific operator:
"string": ["linguistics","wildcard"]
# All Sites
.\Find-SPOFQL.ps1 -UserName -TenantAdminSite -All
# Specific site and scope
.\Find-SPOFQL.ps1 -UserName -Site -Scope SiteCollection
* Checking site '' at scope 'Subscription'...
* Found FQL operator 'string' in query template for Query Rule 'FQL Query Rule - Result Block'
* Found deprecated FQL operator 'filter' in query template for Result Source 'FQL Deprecated Opearator'
filter(and({searchTerms}, "fql"))
* Found deprecated FQL parameter 'linguistics' for operator 'string' in query template for Result Source 'FQL Deprecated Parameter'
string("{searchTerms}", linguistics="off")
* Found FQL operator 'string' in query template for Result Source 'FQL Test Source'