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Event Booking System Documentation


A scalable, containerized Node.js application to demonstrate CRUD operations using SQL, docker orchestration, kubernetes deployment, and pub/sub mechanisms. This project is to recap modern backend development practices.

This system allows two types of users:

  • Event Hosts: Users (e.g., bands or organizers) who can create and manage events.
  • Attendees: Users who can browse events and make bookings to attend them.


  • User Management: Create, update, delete, and list users.
  • Event Management: Event hosts can create, update, delete, and list events.
  • Booking Management: Attendees can book tickets for events.
  • Notifications: Real-time notifications for event updates using Pub/Sub.
  • Database Transactions: Ensuring atomic updates when processing bookings.

Stateless Architecture

The Event Booking Service follows a stateless architecture, meaning:

  • Each request is independent and does not rely on server-side sessions.
  • Authentication is handled using JWT tokens.
  • Scaling is simple since any instance of the service can handle a request.
  • Consistency is enforced via database transactions to maintain event capacities.

This design enables horizontal scaling, making the system more resilient and distributed.


  • Demonstrate SQL CRUD operations with PostgreSQL.
  • Containerize the application using Docker.
  • Orchestrate services using Docker Compose and Kubernetes.
  • Implement Pub/Sub communication using RabbitMQ or Kafka.
  • Integrate database transactions for atomicity.
  • Illustrate software architecture using UML diagrams.


1. Set up repository

  • ✅ Initialized a Git repository.
  • ✅ Configured .gitignore to exclude sensitive files like .env and unnecessary files like node_modules.
  • ✅ Set up a basic README file with project information.

2. Set up DB, basic route, and tests

  • ✅ Configured Sequelize with PostgreSQL as the database.
  • ✅ Created the database schema for Users, Events, and Bookings.
  • ✅ Updated seed scripts for upSeedDB and downSeedDB to work with PostgreSQL.
  • ✅ Set up a basic route (GET /users) and tested it with seeded data.
  • ✅ Installed and configured Jest for unit and integration tests.

3. Containerization

  • ✅ Created a Dockerfile for the Node.js app.
  • ✅ Set up docker-compose.yml to include:
    • The Node.js application.
    • PostgreSQL database.
    • Exposed ports for local testing and development.
  • ✅ Configured commands for running and stopping the Docker environment in package.json.

4. Add authentication

  • ✅ Implement user registration (POST /auth/register).
  • ✅ Implement user login with JWT (POST /auth/login).
  • ✅ Protect sensitive routes with JWT middleware.
  • ✅ Role-based access control:
    • Hosts can create, update, and delete events.
    • Attendees can book events and view their bookings.

5. Add all CRUD routes

5.1 Users

  • GET /users: Retrieve all users with optional filters (e.g., by role).
  • GET /users/:id: Retrieve a specific user by their ID.
  • PUT /users/:id: Update user details (e.g., name, email).
  • DELETE /users/:id: Delete a user and cascade related entities (e.g., hosted events).

5.2 Events

  • POST /events: Allow hosts to create an event, with fields like startDateTime and endDateTime.
  • GET /events: Retrieve all events with filters (e.g., by date or host) and pagination.
  • GET /events/:id: Retrieve a specific event by its ID.
  • PUT /events/:id: Update event details (e.g., description or date).
  • DELETE /events/:id: Delete an event and cascade bookings.

5.3 Bookings

  • POST /bookings: Allow users to book an event.
  • GET /bookings: Retrieve all bookings with pagination.
  • GET /bookings/:id: Retrieve a specific booking.
  • DELETE /bookings/:id: Cancel a booking.

5.4 Filtering, Pagination, Sorting

  • Add query parameters like ?limit=10&offset=0&sort=date&order=asc for:
    • Users
    • Events
    • Bookings

6. Ticket Sale Notifications

  • Users can express interest in an event before tickets go on sale.
  • Notifications will be sent when the sale starts.

7. Follow Hosts

  • Users can follow event hosts to receive automatic notifications about new events they create.

8. Payment System Integration

  • Implement Stripe Sandbox for secure payments.
  • Attendees can book events using test credit card details.

9. Add email notifications

  • Kafka service to handle email notifications to decouple, for scalability and fault tolerance.

10. Deploy application

  • Plan deployment strategy for production, including environment variable management and scaling options.

Design Decisions & Enhancements

Database Transactions for Bookings

To ensure data consistency when creating a booking:

  • A database transaction is used to:
    1. Check event availability.
    2. Lock the event row to prevent race conditions.
    3. Verify if the attendee has already booked the event.
    4. Increment the numberOfAttendees field atomically.
    5. Create a booking entry.
  • If any step fails, the transaction automatically rolls back, ensuring consistency.

Database Schema



Manages application users.

Column Name Type Description
id UUID Primary Key
name STRING Name of the user
email STRING Email address (unique)
role ENUM Role of the user: "host" or "attendee"
password STRING Hashed password for authentication


Tracks events hosted by users.

Column Name Type Description
id UUID Primary Key
title STRING Title of the event
description TEXT Description of the event (optional)
startDateTime DATE Start date and time of the event
endDateTime DATE End date and time of the event
hostId UUID Foreign Key referencing Users(id)
capacity INTEGER Maximum number of attendees allowed
numberOfAttendees INTEGER Current number of attendees booked


Tracks event bookings by users.

Column Name Type Description
id UUID Primary Key
userId UUID Foreign Key referencing Users(id)
eventId UUID Foreign Key referencing Events(id)


  1. Users and Events:

    • A user (role: "host") can host multiple events.
    • Relationship: User.hasMany(Event, { foreignKey: 'hostId', as: 'hostedEvents' }).
  2. Users and Bookings:

    • A user (role: "attendee") can book multiple events.
    • Relationship: User.hasMany(Booking, { foreignKey: 'userId', as: 'bookings' }).
  3. Events and Bookings:

    • An event can have multiple bookings by users.
    • Relationship: Event.hasMany(Booking, { foreignKey: 'eventId', as: 'eventBookings' }).

User Flows

This section illustrates the interaction of users (hosts & attendees) with the system via different API routes.

1. User Registration (POST /auth/register)

    actor User
    participant API
    participant Database

    User->>API: Sends registration request (name, email, password, role)
    API->>Database: Stores user details with hashed password
    Database-->>API: Confirms successful insertion
    API->>User: Returns user details and JWT token

2. User Login (POST /auth/login)

    actor User
    participant API
    participant Database

    User->>API: Sends login request (email, password)
    API->>Database: Verifies credentials
    Database-->>API: Returns user details if valid
    API->>User: Returns JWT token for authentication

3. List Users (GET /users)

    actor User
    participant API
    participant Database

    User->>API: Requests user list
    API->>Database: Fetches users
    Database-->>API: Returns list of users
    API->>User: Sends list of users

4. Create Event (POST /events)

    actor Host
    participant API
    participant Database

    Host->>API: Sends event creation request (title, description, date, capacity)
    API->>Database: Stores event details
    Database-->>API: Confirms event creation
    API->>Host: Returns event details

5. List Events (GET /events)

    actor User
    participant API
    participant Database

    User->>API: Requests event list
    API->>Database: Fetches events
    Database-->>API: Returns list of events
    API->>User: Sends list of events

6. Create Booking (POST /bookings)

    actor Attendee
    participant API
    participant Database

    Attendee->>API: Sends booking request for event
    API->>Database: Checks event availability and existing bookings
    Database-->>API: Confirms availability
    API->>Database: Stores booking and updates attendee count
    Database-->>API: Confirms booking
    API->>Attendee: Returns booking details

7. List Personal Bookings for Attendee (GET /bookings as Attendee)

    actor Attendee
    participant API
    participant Database

    Attendee->>API: Requests list of personal bookings
    API->>Database: Fetches bookings where userId = Attendee
    Database-->>API: Returns list of booked events
    API->>Attendee: Sends list of personal bookings

8. List Event Bookings for Host (GET /bookings as Host)

    actor Host
    participant API
    participant Database

    Host->>API: Requests bookings for their events
    API->>Database: Fetches bookings where eventId matches host's events
    Database-->>API: Returns list of attendees for events
    API->>Host: Sends list of event bookings


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