From 53f2a69a3b02de5394b749ca5555ab16429d075c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Deimer M Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 14:08:30 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] chore: pulling some translations :) --- src/i18n/messages/ar.json | 60 +++--- src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json | 52 +++-- src/i18n/messages/es_419.json | 52 +++-- src/i18n/messages/fr.json | 74 +++++--- src/i18n/messages/hi.json | 344 ++++++++++++++++++---------------- src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json | 62 +++--- src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json | 270 +++++++++++++------------- src/i18n/messages/ru.json | 344 ++++++++++++++++++---------------- src/i18n/messages/uk.json | 344 ++++++++++++++++++---------------- src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json | 344 ++++++++++++++++++---------------- 10 files changed, 1053 insertions(+), 893 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/ar.json b/src/i18n/messages/ar.json index 346c461b1d..b84bf9a736 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/ar.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/ar.json @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ { - "start.learning": "ابدأ التعلم ", - "": "مع {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "أكمل", - "complete.your.profile.2": "ملفك الشخصي", - "": "أهلا بك {username} في {siteName}", + "error.notfound.message": "الصفحة التي تبحث عنها غير متوفرة أو هناك خطأ في العنوان. رجاءً تحقق من العنوان و حاول مجددًا.", "": "اختر مؤسستك من القائمة أدناه", "": "تسجيل الدخول", "logistration.register": "التسجيل", "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "هل ترغب في تسجيل الدخول باستخدام بيانات {providerName} الخاصة بك؟", "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "أرِني وسائل أخرى لتسجيل الدخول أو للتسجيل", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "أرني طرقًا أخرى لتسجيل الدخول", "": "تسجيل الدخول باستخدام {providerName}", "sso.create.account.using": "إنشاء حساب باستخدام {providerName}", "show.password": "إظهار كلمة المرور", @@ -22,10 +18,9 @@ "": "لقد نجحت في تسجيل الدخول إلى {currentProvider}، لكن حسابك على {currentProvider} غير موصول بأي حساب على {platformName}. لوصل حساباتك، سجّل الدخول الآن باستخدام كلمة مرورك على {platformName}.", "": "لقد سجلت دخولك بنجاح إلى {currentProvider}! نحتاج فقط قليلاً بعدُ من المعلومات قبل أن تبدأ التعلم مع {platformName}.", "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "إتمام إنشاء حسابك", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "الصفحة التي تبحث عنها غير متوفرة أو هناك خطأ في العنوان. رجاءً تحقق من العنوان و حاول مجددًا.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "لقد أرسلنا بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى {email} به إرشادات لإعادة ضبط كلمة المرور الخاصة بك. إن لم تستلم رسالة إعادة ضبط كلمة المرور بعد دقيقة واحدة، فتحقق من إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الصحيح، أو تفقد مجلد الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها. إن احتجت مزيدًا من المساعدة، {supportLink}.", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "دعم edX", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "الرجاء اختيار نوع الطلب الخاص بك:", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "نحن sent و Email to {Email} مع التعليمات to إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور . إذا لم تتلق إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور message بعد دقيقة واحدة، verify أنك أدخلت عنوان correct Email ، أو تحقق من مجلد البريد العشوائي الخاص بك. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المساعدة، {supportLink} .", "": "نسيت كلمة المرور | {siteName}", "": "إعادة ضبط كلمة المرور", "": "رجاءً أدخل عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني أدناه وسنرسل إليك بريدًا به إرشادات بخصوص كيفية إعادة ضبط كلمة مرورك.", @@ -40,7 +35,7 @@ "confirmation.message.title": "تفقّد بريدك الإلكتروني", "": "اتصل بالدعم الفني", "": "هل تحتاج مساعدة في تسجيل الدخول؟", - "": "للمزيد من المساعدة، اتصل بدعم {platformName} على ", + "": "للحصول على مساعدة إضافية، اتصل بدعم {platformName} على", "": "تسجيل الدخول", "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} أدناه.", "invalid.token.heading": "رابط إعادة ضبط كلمة المرور غير صالح", @@ -51,9 +46,9 @@ "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "حدث خطأ ما. جرب تحديث الصفحة أو تحقق من اتصالك بالإنترنت.", "internal.server.error": "حدث خطأ ما. جرب تحديث الصفحة أو تحقق من اتصالك بالإنترنت.", "account.activation.error.message": "شي ما لم يسر على ما يرام، يرجى {supportLink} لحل هذه المشكلة.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "أنت بحاجة لتفعيل حسابك من أجل تسجيل الدخول{lineBreak}\n{lineBreak}لقد أرسلنا للتو رابطًا للتفعيل إلى {email}. إن لم تتلقّ بريدًا إلكترونيا، تفقّد مجلدات الرسائل غير المرغوب فيها أو {supportLink}.", + "login.inactive.user.error": "in Order to تسجيل in ، تحتاج to تفعيل الخاص بك حساب . {lineBreak} {lineBreak} نحن فقط sent تنشيط link to {Email} . إذا لم تتلق Email ، فتحقق من مجلدات البريد العشوائي أو {supportLink} .", "allowed.domain.login.error": "كونك مستخدمًا على {allowedDomain}، فإن عليك تسجيل الدخول باستخدام {tpaLink} الخاص بـ {allowedDomain} .", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "اسم المستخدم أو البريد الإلكتروني أو كلمة المرور التي أدخلتها غير صحيحة. لديك {remainingAttempts, plural,\n one {محاولة واحدة}\n two {محاولتان}\n few {# محاولات}\n many {# محاولة}\n other {# محاولة}\n} أخرى لتسجيل الدخول قبل أن يتم إقفال حسابك مؤقتًا.", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "إن username أو Email أو كلمة المرور الذي أدخلته غير صحيح. لديك {remainingAttempts} علامة أخرى in attempts قبل أن يتم قفل حساب مؤقتًا.", "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "إن نسيت كلمة مرورك، {resetLink}", "account.locked.out.message.2": "لتكون في مأمن، يمكنك {resetLink} قبل تكرار المحاولة.", "": "اسم المستخدم أو البريد الإلكتروني أو كلمة المرور التي أدخلتها غير صحيحة. يرجى تكرار المحاولة أو {resetLink}.", @@ -96,20 +91,31 @@ "": "اكتشف نظامنا أن كلمة مرورك صعيفة. غيّر كلمة مرورك حتى يظل حسابك آمنًا.", "": "إغلاق", "": "إعادة ضبط كلمة المرور", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "عذرًا ، غير مصرح لك بالوصول إلى {platform_name} عبر هذه القناة. يرجى الاتصال بمسؤول التعلم أو المدير من أجل الوصول إلى {platform_name}. {lineBreak} {lineBreak} تفاصيل الخطأ: {lineBreak} {errorMessage}", + "": "مرحبا بكم | {siteName}", "": "بعض الأسئلة الموجهة لك ستساعدنا كي نزداد ذكاءً.", "": "معرفة المزيد عن كيفية استخدامنا لهذه المعلومات.", "optional.fields.submit.button": "إرسال", "optional.fields.skip.button": "التخطي مؤقتا", - "": "Next", + "": "التالي", "": "المواصلة إلى {platformName}", "modal.title": "شكرا لإعلامنا.", "modal.description": "إن غيرت رأيك، قيمكنك إكمال ملفك الشخصي ضمن الإعدادات في أي وقت.", "": "لم نتمكن من تحديث ملفك الشخصي", "": "حدث خطأ ما. يمكنك إكمال ملفك الشخصي ضمن الإعدادات في أي وقت.", - "": "Recommendations | {siteName}", - "": "We have a few recommendations to get you started.", - "recommendation.skip.button": "Skip for now", + "": "التوصيات | {siteName}", + "": "لدينا بعض التوصيات لكي تبدأ.", + "recommendation.skip.button": "التخطي مؤقتا", + "recommendation.option.trending": "تتجه الآن", + "recommendation.option.popular": "الأكثر شهرة", + "": "موصى به لك", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "المساق", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "شهادة مهنية", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "عرضت على فخري", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "عرضت من خلال Shorelight", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "{length} {label}", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "الاشتراك", + "": "يفتح رابط في علامة تبويب جديدة", "": "التسجيل | {siteName}", "registration.fullname.label": "الاسم الكامل", "": "البريد الإلكتروني", @@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ "": "لتفعيل الحساب و التحديثات الهامة", "": "إنشاء حساب مجانا", "registration.other.options.heading": "أو سجل باستخدام:", + "create.account.cta.button": "{label}", "register.institution.login.button": "بيانات المؤسسة / الجامعة", "": "التسجيل باستخدام بيانات المؤسسة / الجامعة", "": "أدخل اسمك الكامل", @@ -130,6 +137,7 @@ "empty.username.field.error": "يجب أن يتكون اسم المستخدم من 2 إلى 30 حرفًا", "empty.password.field.error": "لم يتم استيفاء معايير كلمة المرور", "": "حدد بلدك أو منطقة إقامتك", + "": "يجب أن يتطابق البلد مع خيار متاح في القائمة المنسدلة.", "": "عناوين البريد الإلكتروني غير متطابقة.", "email.invalid.format.error": "أدخل بريدا إلكترونيا صحيحا", "username.validation.message": "يجب أن يتكون اسم المستخدم من 2 إلى 30 حرفًا", @@ -140,15 +148,13 @@ "registration.request.server.error": "حدث خطأ ما. جرب تحديث الصفحة أو تحقق من اتصالك بالإنترنت.", "registration.rate.limit.error": "كثرت محاولات التسجيل الفاشلة. أعد المحاولة لاحقًا.", "registration.tpa.session.expired": "نفد وقت التسجيل باستخدام {provider}.", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "عذرًا، غير مصرح لك بالوصول إلى {platform_name} عبر هذه القناة. يرجى الاتصال بمسؤول التعلم أو المدير من أجل الوصول إلى {platform_name}. {lineBreak} {lineBreak} تفاصيل الخطأ: {lineBreak} {errorMessage}", "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "شروط الخدمة وميثاق الشرف الأكاديمي", "privacy.policy": "سياسة الخصوصية", "honor.code": "ميثاق الشرف الأكاديمي", "terms.of.service": "شروط الخدمة", "registration.username.suggestion.label": "مقترح:", "": "هل تقصد", - "": "بإنشاءك حسابًا، فإنك توافق على {tosAndHonorCode} و تقر بأن {platformName} و كل عضو يعالج بياناتك الشخصية وفقًا لـ{privacyPolicy}.", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {termsOfService}", "": "تسجيل الدخول", "": "إعادة ضبط كلمة المرور | {siteName}", "reset.password": "إعادة ضبط كلمة المرور", @@ -162,5 +168,15 @@ "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "طلبات أكثر مما ينبغي.", "reset.password.success.heading": "تمت إعادة ضبط كلمة المرور.", "reset.password.success": "تمت إعادة ضبط كلمة مرورك. سجل الدخول إلى حسابك.", - "rate.limit.error": "حدث خطأ بسبب كثرة الطلبات. رجاءً حاول مرة أخرى بعد مضي بعض الوقت." + "rate.limit.error": "حدث خطأ بسبب كثرة الطلبات. رجاءً حاول مرة أخرى بعد مضي بعض الوقت.", + "start.learning": "ابدأ التعلم ", + "": "مع {siteName}", + "": "نقطة تحول حياتك المهنية", + "": "هنا.", + "": "أهلا بك {username} في {siteName}", + "complete.your.profile.1": "أكمل", + "complete.your.profile.2": "ملفك الشخصي", + "": "by بإنشاء حساب ، فإنك توافق على to على {tosAndHonorCode} وتقر بأن {platformName} وكل Member يعالج data الخاص بك in وفقًا لـ {privacyPolicy} .", + "": "أوافق على to و {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", + "": "أوافق على to و {platformName} {termsOfService}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json index 04bc515269..6e2ded81fe 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/de_DE.json @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ { - "start.learning": "Beginne zu lernen", - "": "mit {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Vervollständige", - "complete.your.profile.2": "dein Profil", - "": "Willkommen bei {siteName}, {username}!", + "error.notfound.message": "Die gesuchte Seite ist nicht verfügbar oder es liegt ein Fehler in der URL vor. Bitte überprüfen Sie die URL und versuchen Sie es erneut.", "": "Wählen Sie Ihre Institution aus der folgenden Liste aus", "": "Anmelden", "logistration.register": "Registrieren", "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Möchten Sie sich mit Ihren {providerName}-Anmeldedaten anmelden?", "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Andere Möglichkeiten für die Anmeldung oder Registrierung", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Zeigen Sie mir andere Anmeldemöglichkeiten", "": "Melden Sie sich mit {providerName} an", "sso.create.account.using": "Erstellen Sie ein Konto mit {providerName}", "show.password": "Passwort anzeigen", @@ -22,10 +18,9 @@ "": "Sie haben sich erfolgreich bei {currentProvider} angemeldet, aber Ihr {currentProvider}-Konto hat kein verknüpftes {platformName}-Konto. Um Ihre Konten zu verknüpfen, melden Sie sich jetzt mit Ihrem {platformName}-Passwort an.", "": "Sie haben sich erfolgreich bei {currentProvider} angemeldet! Wir brauchen nur ein paar mehr Informationen, bevor Sie anfangen, mit {platformName} zu lernen.", "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Beenden Sie die Erstellung Ihres Kontos", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "Die gesuchte Seite ist nicht verfügbar oder es liegt ein Fehler in der URL vor. Bitte überprüfen Sie die URL und versuchen Sie es erneut.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "Wir haben eine E-Mail mit Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts an {email} gesendet. Wenn Sie nach 1 Minute keine Nachricht zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts erhalten, überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die richtige E-Mail-Adresse eingegeben haben, oder überprüfen Sie Ihren Spam-Ordner. Wenn Sie weitere Hilfe benötigen, {supportLink}.", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX-Unterstützung", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Bitte wählen Sie Ihren Anfragetyp:", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "to {Email} Password sent mit Anweisungen to Email . Wenn Sie nach 1 Minute kein Password Reset message erhalten, geben Sie verify an, dass Sie die correct Email Adresse eingegeben haben, oder überprüfen Sie Ihren Spam-Ordner. Wenn Sie weitere Hilfe benötigen, {supportLink} .", "": "Passwort vergessen | {siteName}", "": "Passwort zurücksetzen", "": "Bitte geben Sie unten Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein und wir senden Ihnen eine E-Mail mit Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts.", @@ -40,7 +35,7 @@ "confirmation.message.title": "Prüfen Sie Ihr E-Mail-Postfach", "": "wenden Sie sich an den technischen Support", "": "Brauchen Sie Hilfe bei der Anmeldung?", - "": "Wenden Sie sich für weitere Hilfe an den {platformName}-Support unter", + "": "Für weitere Hilfe wenden Sie sich an {platformName} -Support unter", "": "Anmelden", "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} unten.", "invalid.token.heading": "Ungültiger Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts", @@ -51,9 +46,9 @@ "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie, die Seite zu aktualisieren, oder überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.", "internal.server.error": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie, die Seite zu aktualisieren, oder überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.", "account.activation.error.message": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen, bitte {supportLink} um dieses Problem zu lösen.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "Um sich anzumelden, müssen Sie Ihr Konto aktivieren.{lineBreak} {lineBreak}Wir haben gerade einen Aktivierungslink an {email} gesendet. Wenn Sie keine E-Mail erhalten, überprüfen Sie Ihre Spam-Ordner oder {supportLink}.", + "login.inactive.user.error": "in Order to Zeichen in , Sie benötigen to Activate Ihr Konto . {lineBreak} {lineBreak} Wir to sent link {Email} Wenn Sie keine Email erhalten, überprüfen Sie Ihre Spam-Ordner oder {supportLink} .", "allowed.domain.login.error": "Als {allowedDomain}-Benutzer müssen Sie sich mit Ihrem {allowedDomain} {tpaLink} anmelden.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "Der eingegebene Benutzername, die E-Mail oder das Passwort ist falsch. Sie haben {remainingAttempts} weitere Anmeldeversuche, bevor Ihr Konto vorübergehend gesperrt wird.", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "Der von Ihnen eingegebene username , Email oder Password ist falsch. Sie haben {remainingAttempts} weitere Zeichen in attempts bevor Ihr Konto vorübergehend gesperrt wird.", "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen haben, {resetLink}", "account.locked.out.message.2": "Um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein, können Sie {resetLink} tun, bevor Sie es erneut versuchen.", "": "Der eingegebene Benutzername, die E-Mail-Adresse oder das Passwort ist falsch. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut oder {resetLink}.", @@ -96,7 +91,8 @@ "": "Unser System hat festgestellt, dass Ihr Passwort angreifbar ist. Ändern Sie Ihr Passwort, damit Ihr Konto sicher bleibt.", "": "Schließen", "": "Setzen Sie Ihr Passwort zurück", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "Sie sind leider nicht berechtigt, über diesen Kanal auf {platform_name} zuzugreifen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Learning-Administrator oder -Manager, um auf {platform_name} zuzugreifen.{lineBreak}{lineBreak}Fehlerdetails:{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", + "": "Willkommen | {siteName}", "": "Ein paar Fragen an Sie helfen uns, schlauer zu werden.", "": "Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie wir diese Informationen verwenden.", "optional.fields.submit.button": "Einreichen", @@ -110,6 +106,16 @@ "": "Empfehlungen | {siteName}", "": "Wir haben ein paar Empfehlungen für den Einstieg.", "recommendation.skip.button": "Überspringen", + "recommendation.option.trending": "Gerade angesagt", + "recommendation.option.popular": "Am beliebtesten", + "": "Für dich empfohlen", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "Kurs", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "Professionel Zertifikat", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "Wird als Emeritus angeboten", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "Angeboten über Shorelight", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "{Länge} {label}", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "Abonnement", + "": "Öffnet einen Link in einem neuen Tab", "": "Registrieren | {siteName}", "registration.fullname.label": "Vollständiger Name", "": "E-Mail-Adresse", @@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ "": "Für die Kontoaktivierung und wichtige Updates", "": "Erstellen Sie kostenlos ein Benutzerkonto", "registration.other.options.heading": "Oder registrieren Sie sich bei:", + "create.account.cta.button": "{label}", "register.institution.login.button": "Zeugnisse der Institution/des Campus", "": "Registrieren Sie sich mit Institutions-/Campus-Anmeldeinformationen", "": "Geben Sie Ihren vollständigen Namen ein", @@ -130,6 +137,7 @@ "empty.username.field.error": "Der Benutzername muss zwischen 2 und 30 Zeichen lang sein", "empty.password.field.error": "Kennwortkriterien wurden nicht erfüllt", "": "Wählen Sie das Land oder die Region Ihres Wohnsitzes aus", + "": "Das Land muss mit einer im Dropdown-Menü verfügbaren Option übereinstimmen.", "": "Die E-Mail-Adressen stimmen nicht überein.", "email.invalid.format.error": "Geben sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse an", "username.validation.message": "Der Benutzername muss zwischen 2 und 30 Zeichen lang sein", @@ -140,15 +148,13 @@ "registration.request.server.error": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie, die Seite zu aktualisieren, oder überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.", "registration.rate.limit.error": "Zu viele fehlgeschlagene Registrierungsversuche. Versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.", "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Die Registrierung mit {provider} ist abgelaufen.", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "Sie sind leider nicht berechtigt, über diesen Kanal auf {platform_name} zuzugreifen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Learning-Administrator oder -Manager, um auf {platform_name} zuzugreifen.{lineBreak}{lineBreak}Fehlerdetails:{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Nutzungsbedingungen und Verhaltenskodex", "privacy.policy": "Datenschutzbestimmungen", "honor.code": "Verhaltenskodex", "terms.of.service": "Nutzungsbedingungen", "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Empfohlen:", "": "Meinten Sie", - "": "Wenn Sie ein Konto erstellen, stimmen Sie den {tosAndHonorCode} zu und erkennen an, dass {platformName} und jedes \nMitglied Ihre personenbezogenen Daten in Übereinstimmung mit den {privacyPolicy} verarbeitet.", - "": "Ich stimme den {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode} zu", - "": "Ich stimme den {platformName} {termsOfService} zu", "": "Anmelden", "": "Passwort zurücksetzen | {siteName}", "reset.password": "Passwort zurücksetzen", @@ -162,5 +168,15 @@ "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Zu viele Anfragen.", "reset.password.success.heading": "Zurücksetzen des Passworts abgeschlossen.", "reset.password.success": "Ihr Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt. Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Konto an.", - "rate.limit.error": "Aufgrund zu vieler Anfragen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es nach einiger Zeit erneut." + "rate.limit.error": "Aufgrund zu vieler Anfragen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es nach einiger Zeit erneut.", + "start.learning": "Beginne zu lernen", + "": "mit {siteName}", + "": "Ihr beruflicher Wendepunkt", + "": "ist hier.", + "": "Willkommen bei {siteName}, {username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "Vervollständige", + "complete.your.profile.2": "dein Profil", + "": "by Erstellen eines Konto , Sie stimmen to dem {tosAndHonorCode} zu und Sie erkennen an, dass {platformName} und jeder Member Ihre persönlichen Daten verarbeiten in gemäß {privacyPolicy} .", + "": "Ich stimme to dem {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode} zu", + "": "Ich stimme to und {platformName} {termsOfService} zu" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json b/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json index 384607dab2..533ee0d9db 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/es_419.json @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ { - "start.learning": "Empieza a aprender", - "": "con {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Completado", - "complete.your.profile.2": "tu perfil ", - "": "¡Bienvenido a {siteName}, {username}!", + "error.notfound.message": "La página que estas buscando no está disponible o hay un error en la URL. Por favor, verifica la URL y vuelve a intentarlo.", "": "Selecciona tu institución de la lista siguiente", "": "Iniciar sesión", "logistration.register": "Registrarse", "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "¿Deseas iniciar sesión con tus credenciales de {providerName}?", "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Mostrar otras formas de iniciar sesión o de registrarme", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Mostrar otras formas de iniciar sesión", "": "Inicio de sesión con {providerName}", "sso.create.account.using": "Crear una cuenta con {providerName}", "show.password": "Mostrar contraseña", @@ -22,10 +18,9 @@ "": "Te has registrado correctamente en {currentProvider}, pero tu cuenta de {currentProvider} no tiene una cuenta de {platformName} asociada. Para asociar tus cuentas, inicia sesión ahora usando tu contraseña de {platformName}.", "": "¡Has iniciado sesión con éxito en {currentProvider}! Sólo necesitamos un poco más de información antes de que empieces a aprender con {platformName}.", "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Termina de crear tu cuenta", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "La página que estas buscando no está disponible o hay un error en la URL. Por favor, verifica la URL y vuelve a intentarlo.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "Hemos enviado un correo electrónico a {email} con instrucciones para restablecer tu contraseña.\n Si no recibes un mensaje de restablecimiento de contraseña después de 1 minuto, verifica que has introducido\n la dirección de correo electrónico correcta, o comprueba tu carpeta de correo no deseado. Si necesitas más ayuda, {supportLink}.", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "Soporte edX", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Elegir el tipo de solicitud:", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "Enviamos un correo electrónico a {email} con instrucciones para restablecer su contraseña. Si no recibe un mensaje de restablecimiento de contraseña después de 1 minuto, verifique que ingresó la dirección de correo electrónico correcta o verifique su carpeta de correo no deseado. Si necesita más ayuda, {supportLink}.", "": "Olvidé la contraseña | {siteName}", "": "Restablecer mi contraseña", "": "Por favor, introduce tu dirección de correo electrónico y te enviaremos un correo electrónico con instrucciones sobre cómo restablecer tu contraseña.", @@ -40,7 +35,7 @@ "confirmation.message.title": "Verifica tu correo electrónico", "": "entra en contacto con el equipo de soporte técnico", "": "¿Necesitas ayuda para iniciar sesión?", - "": "Para obtener ayuda adicional, comuníquese con el soporte de {platformName} en", + "": "Para obtener ayuda adicional, comuníquese con el soporte {platformName} en", "": "Iniciar sesión", "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} a continuación.", "invalid.token.heading": "Enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña inválido", @@ -51,9 +46,9 @@ "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "Se ha producido un error. Intenta actualizar la página o verifica tu conexión a Internet.", "internal.server.error": "Se ha producido un error. Intenta actualizar la página o verifica tu conexión a Internet.", "account.activation.error.message": "Algo no funcionó correctamente, por favor {supportLink} para resolver este problema.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "Para iniciar sesión, debes activar tu cuenta..{lineBreak}\n {lineBreak} Acabamos de enviar un enlace de activación a {email}. Si no recibes un correo electrónico,\n revisa tus carpetas de spam o {supportLink}.", + "login.inactive.user.error": "Para iniciar sesión, debe activar su cuenta.{lineBreak} {lineBreak}Acabamos de enviar un enlace de activación a {email}. Si no recibe un correo electrónico, revise sus carpetas de spam o {supportLink}.", "allowed.domain.login.error": "Como usuario {allowedDomain}, debe iniciar sesión con su {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "El nombre de usuario, el email o la contraseña que has introducido son incorrectos. Tienes {remainingAttempts} intentos más de inicio de sesión\n antes de que tu cuenta se bloquee temporalmente.", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "El nombre de usuario, correo electrónico o contraseña que ingresó es incorrecto. Tiene {remainingAttempts} más intentos de inicio de sesión antes de que su cuenta se bloquee temporalmente.", "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "Si has olvidado tu contraseña, {resetLink}", "account.locked.out.message.2": "Para estar seguro, puedes {resetLink} antes de volver a intentarlo.", "": "El nombre de usuario, el correo electrónico o la contraseña que has introducido son incorrectos. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo o {resetLink}.", @@ -96,7 +91,8 @@ "": "Nuestro sistema detectó que su contraseña es vulnerable. Cambie su contraseña para que su cuenta permanezca segura.", "": "Cerrar", "": "Restablece tu contraseña", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "Lo sentimos, no está autorizado para acceder a {platform_name} a través de este canal. Comuníquese con su administrador o gerente de aprendizaje para acceder a {platform_name}.{lineBreak}{lineBreak}Detalles del error:{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", + "": "Bienvenido | {siteName}", "": "Unas cuantas preguntas para ti nos ayudarán a mejorar.", "": "Aprende más sobre cómo usamos esta información.", "optional.fields.submit.button": "Enviar", @@ -110,6 +106,16 @@ "": "Recomendaciones | {siteName}", "": "Tenemos algunas recomendaciones para empezar.", "recommendation.skip.button": "Saltar por ahora ", + "recommendation.option.trending": "Tendencias", + "recommendation.option.popular": "Más popular", + "": "Recomendado para usted", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "Curso", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "Certificado profesional", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "Ofrecido en Emeritus", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "Ofrecido a través de Shorelight", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "{length} {label}", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "Suscripción", + "": "Abrir un enlace en una pestaña nueva", "": "Register | {siteName}", "registration.fullname.label": "Nombre completo", "": "Correo electrónico", @@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ "": "Para la activación de la cuenta y las actualizaciones importantes", "": "Crea una cuenta gratis", "registration.other.options.heading": "O regístrese con:", + "create.account.cta.button": "{label}", "register.institution.login.button": "Credenciales de la institución/campus", "": "Registro con credenciales de la institución/campus", "": "Introduce tu nombre completo", @@ -130,6 +137,7 @@ "empty.username.field.error": "El nombre de usuario debe tener entre 2 y 30 caracteres", "empty.password.field.error": "No se han cumplido los criterios de la contraseña", "": "Selecciona tu país o región de residencia", + "": "El país debe coincidir con una opción disponible en el desplegable .", "": "Los correos electrónicos no son iguales.", "email.invalid.format.error": "Introduce una dirección de correo electrónico válida", "username.validation.message": "El nombre de usuario debe tener entre 2 y 30 caracteres", @@ -140,15 +148,13 @@ "registration.request.server.error": "Se ha producido un error. Intenta actualizar la página o comprueba tu conexión a Internet.", "registration.rate.limit.error": "Demasiados intentos de registro fallidos. Vuelve a intentarlo más tarde.", "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Inscripción usando {provider} ha expirado.", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "Lo sentimos, no está autorizado para acceder a {platform_name} a través de este canal. Comuníquese con su administrador o gerente de aprendizaje para acceder a {platform_name}.{lineBreak}{lineBreak}Detalles del error:{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Condiciones de servicio y código de honor", "privacy.policy": "Política de privacidad ", "honor.code": "Código de Honor", "terms.of.service": "Términos de servicio", "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Se recomienda:", "": "¿Quieres decir", - "": "Al crear una cuenta, aceptas el {tosAndHonorCode} y reconoces que {platformName} y cada\n Miembro procesa tus datos personales de acuerdo con la {privacyPolicy}.", - "": "Acepto las {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "Acepto las {platformName} {termsOfService}", "": "Iniciar sesión", "": "Restablecer contraseña | {siteName}", "reset.password": "Restablecer mi contraseña", @@ -162,5 +168,15 @@ "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Demasiadas solicitudes.", "reset.password.success.heading": "Restablecimiento de la contraseña completado.", "reset.password.success": "Tu contraseña ha sido restablecida. Acceda a tu cuenta.", - "rate.limit.error": "Se ha producido un error debido a demasiadas solicitudes. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo después de algún tiempo." + "rate.limit.error": "Se ha producido un error debido a demasiadas solicitudes. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo después de algún tiempo.", + "start.learning": "Empieza a aprender", + "": "con {siteName}", + "": "El punto de inflexión de tu carrera", + "": "es aquí.", + "": "¡Bienvenido a {siteName}, {username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "Completado", + "complete.your.profile.2": "tu perfil ", + "": "Al crear una cuenta, acepta {tosAndHonorCode} y reconoce que {platformName} y cada miembro procesan sus datos personales de acuerdo con {privacyPolicy}.", + "": "Acepto las {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", + "": "Acepto las {platformName} {termsOfService}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/fr.json b/src/i18n/messages/fr.json index 99aaff53d0..84480e6e23 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/fr.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/fr.json @@ -1,31 +1,26 @@ { - "start.learning": "Démarrer l'apprentissage", - "": "avec {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Terminé", - "complete.your.profile.2": "votre profil", - "": "Bienvenue sur {siteName}, {username}!", + "error.notfound.message": "La page que vous recherchez n'est pas disponible ou il y a une erreur dans l'URL. Veuillez vérifier l'URL et réessayer.", "": "Sélectionner votre institution dans la liste ci-dessous", "": "Connectez-vous", "logistration.register": "S'inscrire", "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Souhaitez-vous vous connecter à l'aide de vos identifiants {providerName} ?", "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Montrez-moi d'autres méthodes pour me connecter ou m'inscrire", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Montre-moi d'autres façons de me connecter", "": "Connectez-vous avec {providerName}", "sso.create.account.using": "Créer un compte avec {providerName}", "show.password": "Afficher le mot de passe", "hide.password": "Cacher le mot de passe ", - "one.letter": "1 letter", - "one.number": "1 number", - "eight.characters": "8 characters", + "one.letter": "1 lettre", + "one.number": "1 chiffre", + "eight.characters": "8 caractères", "": "Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères, au moins une lettre et au moins un chiffre", "tpa.alert.heading": "Presque fini !", "": "Vous vous êtes connecté avec succès à {currentProvider}, mais votre compte {currentProvider} n'a pas de compte relié à {platformName}. Pour lier vos comptes, connectez-vous en utilisant votre mot de passe {platformName}.", "": "Vous vous êtes connecté avec succès à {currentProvider} ! Nous avons juste besoin d'un peu plus d'informations avant que vous commenciez à apprendre avec {platformName}.", "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Terminer la création de votre compte", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "La page que vous recherchez n'est pas disponible ou il y a une erreur dans l'URL. Veuillez vérifier l'URL et réessayer.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "Nous avons envoyé un courriel à {email} avec des instructions pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.\n Si vous ne recevez pas de message de réinitialisation de mot de passe après 1 minute, vérifiez que vous avez saisi\nl'adresse courriel correctement, ou vérifiez votre dossier de courriel indésirable. Si vous avez besoin d'aide supplémentaire, {supportLink}.", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "Prise en charge d'edX", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Veuillez choisir votre type de demande :", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "Nous avons envoyé un e-mail à {email} avec des instructions pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Si vous ne recevez pas de message de réinitialisation de mot de passe après 1 minute, vérifiez que vous avez saisi la bonne adresse e-mail ou vérifiez votre dossier spam. Si vous avez besoin d'aide supplémentaire, {supportLink} .", "": " Mot de passe oublié | {siteName}", "": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe", "": "Veuillez entrer votre adresse courriel ci-dessous et nous vous enverrons un courriel avec les instructions pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.", @@ -40,7 +35,7 @@ "confirmation.message.title": "Vérifiez votre email", "": "contacter le support technique", "": "Besoin d'aide pour vous enregistrer?", - "": "For additional help, contact {platformName} support at ", + "": "Pour obtenir de l'aide supplémentaire, contactez l'assistance {platformName} à l'adresse", "": "Connectez-vous", "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} ci-dessous.", "invalid.token.heading": "Lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe non valide", @@ -51,9 +46,9 @@ "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "Une erreur est survenue. Essayer de rafraîchir la page, ou vérifier votre connexion Internet.", "internal.server.error": "Une erreur est survenue. Essayer de rafraîchir la page, ou vérifier votre connexion Internet.", "account.activation.error.message": "Une erreur s'est produite, veuillez {supportLink} pour résoudre ce problème.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "Pour vous connecter, vous devez activer votre compte.{lineBreak}\n {lineBreak}Nous venons d'envoyer un lien d'activation à {email}. Si vous ne recevez pas de courriel,\n vérifiez vos dossiers de spam ou {supportLink}.", - "allowed.domain.login.error": "As {allowedDomain} user, You must login with your {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "Le nom d'utilisateur, le courriel ou le mot de passe que vous avez entré est incorrect. Vous avez {remainingAttempts} tentatives\n de connexion avant que votre compte soit temporairement verrouillé.", + "login.inactive.user.error": "Pour vous connecter, vous devez activé votre Compte . {lineBreak} {lineBreak} Nous venons d'envoyer un lier d'activation à {email} . Si vous ne recevez pas d'e-mail, vérifiez vos dossiers spam ou {supportLink} .", + "allowed.domain.login.error": "En tant qu'utilisateur {allowedDomain}, vous devez vous connecter avec votre {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "Le nom d'utilisateur , email ou mot de passe que vous avez saisi est incorrect. Vous avez {remainingAttempts} tentatives de connexion supplémentaires avant que votre Compte ne soit temporairement verrouillé.", "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "Si vous avez oublié votre mot de passe, {resetLink}", "account.locked.out.message.2": "Par mesure de sécurité, vous pouvez {resetLink} avant de réessayer.", "": "Le nom d'utilisateur, l'adresse courriel ou le mot de passe que vous avez saisis sont incorrects. Veuillez réessayer ou {resetLink}.", @@ -81,7 +76,7 @@ "account.confirmation.success.message": "Se connecter pour continuer.", "": "Ce courriel a déjà été confirmé.", "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "Votre courriel ne peut pas être confirmé.", - "": "{provider} account", + "": "compte {provider}", "internal.server.error.message": "Une erreur est survenue. Essayer de rafraîchir la page, ou vérifier votre connexion Internet.", "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "Trop de tentatives de connexion échouées. Réessayez plus tard.", "login.failure.header.title": "Nous n'avons pas pu vous connecter.", @@ -96,20 +91,31 @@ "": "Notre système a détecté que votre mot de passe est vulnérable. Changez votre mot de passe afin que votre compte reste sécurisé.", "": "Fermer", "": "Réinitialiser votre mot de passe", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "Nous sommes désolés, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à Accédez {platform_name} via ce canal. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur ou responsable de formation afin d' Accédez {platform_name} . {lineBreak} {lineBreak} Détails de l'erreur : {lineBreak} {errorMessage}", + "": "Bienvenue | {siteName}", "": "Quelques questions pour vous nous aideront à devenir plus intelligents.", "": "En savoir plus sur la façon dont nous utilisons ces informations.", "optional.fields.submit.button": "Envoyez", "optional.fields.skip.button": "Ignorer pour l'instant", - "": "Next", + "": "Suivant", "": "Continuer vers {platformName}", "modal.title": "Merci de nous en informer.", "modal.description": "Vous pouvez compléter votre profil dans les paramètres à tout moment si vous changez d'avis.", "": "Nous n'avons pas pu mettre à jour votre profil", "": "Une erreur s'est produite. Vous pouvez compléter votre profil dans les paramètres à tout moment.", - "": "Recommendations | {siteName}", - "": "We have a few recommendations to get you started.", - "recommendation.skip.button": "Skip for now", + "": "Recommandations | {siteName}", + "": "Nous avons quelques recommandations pour vous aider à démarrer.", + "recommendation.skip.button": "Ignorer pour l'instant", + "recommendation.option.trending": "À la mode maintenant", + "recommendation.option.popular": "Le plus populaire", + "": "Recommandé pour vous", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "Cours", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "Certificat professionnel", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "Offert à titre émérite", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "Offert via Shorelight", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "{length} {label}", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "Abonnement", + "": "Ouvre un lier dans un nouvel onglet", "": "S'inscrire | {siteName}", "registration.fullname.label": "Nom complet", "": "Email", @@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ "": "Pour l'activation du compte et les mises à jour importantes", "": "Créer un compte gratuitement", "registration.other.options.heading": "Ou inscrivez-vous avec :", + "create.account.cta.button": "{label}", "register.institution.login.button": "Identifiants de l'établissement/du campus", "": "Inscription avec les crédentiels d'institution ou de campus", "": "Saisissez votre nom complet", @@ -130,25 +137,24 @@ "empty.username.field.error": "Le nom d'utilisateur doit comporter entre 2 et 30 caractères", "empty.password.field.error": "Les critères de mot de passe n'ont pas été remplis", "": "Sélectionnez votre pays ou région de résidence", - "": "The email addresses do not match.", + "": "Le pays doit correspondre à une Option disponible dans la liste déroulante.", + "": "Les adresses mails ne correspondent pas.", "email.invalid.format.error": "Enter a valid email address", "username.validation.message": "Le nom d'utilisateur doit comporter entre 2 et 30 caractères", "name.validation.message": "Enter a valid name", - "username.format.validation.message": "Usernames can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numerals (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Usernames cannot contain spaces", + "username.format.validation.message": "Les noms d'utilisateur ne peuvent contenir que des lettres (A-Z, a-z), des chiffres (0-9), des traits bas (_) et des traits d'union (-). Les noms d'utilisateur ne peuvent pas contenir d'espaces", "registration.request.failure.header": "Nous n'avons pas pu créer votre compte.", "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "Veuillez vérifier vos réponses et réessayer.", "registration.request.server.error": "Une erreur est survenue. Essayer de rafraîchir la page, ou vérifier votre connexion Internet.", "registration.rate.limit.error": "Trop de tentatives d'inscriptions ont échoué. Réessayez plus tard.", "registration.tpa.session.expired": "L'inscription avec {provider} a échouée.", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "Nous sommes désolés, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à Accédez {platform_name} via ce canal. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur ou responsable de formation afin d' Accédez {platform_name} . {lineBreak} {lineBreak} Détails de l'erreur : {lineBreak} {errorMessage}", "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Conditions d'utilisation et Code d'honneur", "privacy.policy": "Politique de confidentialité", "honor.code": "Code d'honneur", "terms.of.service": " Conditions d'utilisation", "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Suggéré :", "": "Vouliez-vous dire", - "": "En créant un compte, vous acceptez le {tosAndHonorCode} et vous reconnaissez que {platformName} et chaque\n membre peut traiter vos données personnelles conformément à la {privacyPolicy}.", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {termsOfService}", "": "Connectez-vous", "": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe | {siteName}", "reset.password": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe", @@ -162,5 +168,15 @@ "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Trop de demandes.", "reset.password.success.heading": "Réinitialisation du mot de passe complétée.", "reset.password.success": "Votre mot de passe a été réinitialisé. Connectez-vous à votre compte.", - "rate.limit.error": "Une erreur s'est produite en raison d'un trop grand nombre de demandes. Veuillez réessayer après un certain temps." + "rate.limit.error": "Une erreur s'est produite en raison d'un trop grand nombre de demandes. Veuillez réessayer après un certain temps.", + "start.learning": "Démarrer l'apprentissage", + "": "avec {siteName}", + "": "Un tournant dans votre carrière", + "": "est là.", + "": "Bienvenue sur {siteName}, {username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "Terminé", + "complete.your.profile.2": "votre profil", + "": "par créant un Compte , vous acceptez le {tosAndHonorCode} et vous reconnaissez que {platformName} et chaque Membre traitent vos données personnelles conformément au {privacyPolicy} .", + "": "J'accepte le {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", + "": "J'accepte le {platformName} {termsOfService}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/hi.json b/src/i18n/messages/hi.json index 8fdcb6c3e6..6d90f0955e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/hi.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/hi.json @@ -1,166 +1,182 @@ { - "start.learning": "Start learning", - "": "with {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Complete", - "complete.your.profile.2": "your profile", - "": "Welcome to {siteName}, {username}!", - "": "Choose your institution from the list below", - "": "Sign in", - "logistration.register": "Register", - "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Would you like to sign in using your {providerName} credentials?", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Show me other ways to sign in or register", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", - "": "Sign in with {providerName}", - "sso.create.account.using": "Create account using {providerName}", - "show.password": "Show password", - "hide.password": "Hide password", - "one.letter": "1 letter", - "one.number": "1 number", - "eight.characters": "8 characters", - "": "Password must contain at least 8 characters, at least one letter, and at least one number", - "tpa.alert.heading": "Almost done!", - "": "You have successfully signed into {currentProvider}, but your {currentProvider} account does not have a linked {platformName} account. To link your accounts, sign in now using your {platformName} password.", - "": "You've successfully signed into {currentProvider}! We just need a little more information before you start learning with {platformName}.", - "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Finish creating your account", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "The page you're looking for is unavailable or there's an error in the URL. Please check the URL and try again.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "We sent an email to {email} with instructions to reset your password.\n If you do not receive a password reset message after 1 minute, verify that you entered\n the correct email address, or check your spam folder. If you need further assistance, {supportLink}.", - "": "Forgot Password | {siteName}", - "": "Reset password", - "": "Please enter your email address below and we will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.", - "": "Enter a valid email address", - "": "Email", - "": "Submit", - "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "We were unable to contact you.", - "forgot.password.error.message.title": "An error occurred.", - "": "Your previous request is in progress, please try again in a few moments.", - "": "Enter your email", - "": "The email address you used to register with {platformName}", - "confirmation.message.title": "Check your email", - "": "contact technical support", - "": "Need help signing in?", - "": "For additional help, contact {platformName} support at ", - "": "Sign in", - "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} below.", - "invalid.token.heading": "Invalid password reset link", - "invalid.token.error.message": "This password reset link is invalid. It may have been used already. Enter your email below to receive a new link.", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "Too many requests", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time.", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "Token validation failure", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "internal.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "account.activation.error.message": "Something went wrong, please {supportLink} to resolve this issue.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "In order to sign in, you need to activate your account.{lineBreak}\n {lineBreak}We just sent an activation link to {email}. If you do not receive an email,\n check your spam folders or {supportLink}.", - "allowed.domain.login.error": "As {allowedDomain} user, You must login with your {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "The username, email or password you entered is incorrect. You have {remainingAttempts} more sign in\n attempts before your account is temporarily locked.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "If you've forgotten your password, {resetLink}", - "account.locked.out.message.2": "To be on the safe side, you can {resetLink} before trying again.", - "": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again or {resetLink}.", - "": "Login | {siteName}", - "login.user.identity.label": "Username or email", - "login.password.label": "Password", - "": "Sign in", - "forgot.password": "Forgot password", - "institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", - "": "Sign in with institution/campus credentials", - "login.other.options.heading": "Or sign in with:", - "non.compliant.password.title": "We recently changed our password requirements", - "non.compliant.password.message": "Your current password does not meet the new security requirements. We just sent a password-reset message to the email address associated with this account. Thank you for helping us keep your data safe.", - "account.locked.out.message.1": "To protect your account, it's been temporarily locked. Try again in 30 minutes.", - "enterprise.login.btn.text": "Company or school credentials", - "": "Username or email must have at least 3 characters.", - "email.validation.message": "Enter your username or email", - "password.validation.message": "Password criteria has not been met", - "account.activation.success.message.title": "Success! You have activated your account.", - "account.activation.success.message": "You will now receive email updates and alerts from us related to the courses you are enrolled in. Sign in to continue.", - "": "This account has already been activated.", - "account.activation.error.message.title": "Your account could not be activated", - "": "contact support", - "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "Success! You have confirmed your email.", - "account.confirmation.success.message": "Sign in to continue.", - "": "This email has already been confirmed.", - "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "Your email could not be confirmed", - "": "{provider} account", - "internal.server.error.message": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "Too many failed login attempts. Try again later.", - "login.failure.header.title": "We couldn't sign you in.", - "": "contact {platformName} support", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.", - "login.form.invalid.error.message": "Please fill in the fields below.", - "": "reset your password", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "click here to reset it.", - "": "Password security", - "": "Password change required", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. We recommend you change it so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. Change your password so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Close", - "": "Reset your password", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", - "": "A few questions for you will help us get smarter.", - "": "Learn more about how we use this information.", - "optional.fields.submit.button": "Submit", - "optional.fields.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Next", - "": "Continue to {platformName}", - "modal.title": "Thanks for letting us know.", - "modal.description": "You can complete your profile in settings at any time if you change your mind.", - "": "We couldn't update your profile", - "": "An error occurred. You can complete your profile in settings at any time.", - "": "Recommendations | {siteName}", - "": "We have a few recommendations to get you started.", - "recommendation.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Register | {siteName}", - "registration.fullname.label": "Full name", - "": "Email", - "registration.username.label": "Public username", - "registration.password.label": "Password", - "": "Country/Region", - "": "I agree that {siteName} may send me marketing messages.", - "": "This name will be used by any certificates that you earn.", - "help.text.username.1": "The name that will identify you in your courses.", - "help.text.username.2": "This can not be changed later.", - "": "For account activation and important updates", - "": "Create an account for free", - "registration.other.options.heading": "Or register with:", - "register.institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", - "": "Register with institution/campus credentials", - "": "Enter your full name", - "": "Enter your email", - "empty.username.field.error": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "empty.password.field.error": "Password criteria has not been met", - "": "Select your country or region of residence", - "": "The email addresses do not match.", - "email.invalid.format.error": "Enter a valid email address", - "username.validation.message": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "name.validation.message": "Enter a valid name", - "username.format.validation.message": "Usernames can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numerals (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Usernames cannot contain spaces", - "registration.request.failure.header": "We couldn't create your account.", - "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "registration.request.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "registration.rate.limit.error": "Too many failed registration attempts. Try again later.", - "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Registration using {provider} has timed out.", - "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Terms of Service and Honor Code", - "privacy.policy": "Privacy Policy", - "honor.code": "Honor Code", - "terms.of.service": "Terms of Service", - "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Suggested:", - "": "Did you mean", - "": "By creating an account, you agree to the {tosAndHonorCode} and you acknowledge that {platformName} and each\n Member process your personal data in accordance with the {privacyPolicy}.", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {termsOfService}", - "": "Sign in", - "": "Reset Password | {siteName}", - "reset.password": "Reset password", - "": "Enter and confirm your new password.", - "new.password.label": "New password", - "confirm.password.label": "Confirm password", - "": "Passwords do not match", - "confirm.your.password": "Confirm your password", - "reset.password.failure.heading": "We couldn't reset your password.", - "reset.password.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Too many requests.", - "reset.password.success.heading": "Password reset complete.", - "reset.password.success": "Your password has been reset. Sign in to your account.", - "rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time." + "error.notfound.message": "आप जो पृष्ठ खोज रहे हैं वह अनुपलब्ध है या यूआरएल में कोई त्रुटि है। कृपया यूआरएल जांचें और पुनः प्रयास करें।", + "": "नीचे दी गई सूची में से अपना संस्थान चुनें", + "": "साइन इन करें", + "logistration.register": "रजिस्टर करें", + "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "क्या आप अपने {providerName} क्रेडेंशियल्स का उपयोग करके साइन इन करना चाहेंगे?", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "मुझे अन्य तरीकों से साइन इन या रजिस्टर करने के लिए दिखाएं", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "मुझे साइन इन करने के अन्य तरीके दिखाएँ", + "": "{providerName} से साइन इन करें", + "sso.create.account.using": "{providerName} का उपयोग करके खाता बनाएं", + "show.password": "पासवर्ड दिखाए", + "hide.password": "पासवर्ड छुपाएँ", + "one.letter": "1 अक्षर", + "one.number": "1 नंबर", + "eight.characters": "8 अक्षर", + "": "पासवर्ड में कम से कम 8 अक्षर होने चाहिए, कम से कम एक अक्षर होना चाहिए, और कम से कम एक संख्या होनी चाहिए", + "tpa.alert.heading": "लगभग पूरा हो चुका है!", + "": "आपने सफलतापूर्वक {currentProvider} में साइन इन किया है, लेकिन आपके {currentProvider} खाते में एक लिंक्ड {platformName} खाता नहीं है। अपने खातों को लिंक करने के लिए, अब अपने {platformName} पासवर्ड का उपयोग करके साइन इन करें।", + "": "आपने सफलतापूर्वक {currentProvider} में साइन इन कर लिया है! इससे पहले कि आप {platformName} से सीखना शुरू करें, हमें बस थोड़ी और जानकारी चाहिए।", + "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "अपना खाता बनाना समाप्त करें", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX समर्थन", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "कृपया अपना अनुरोध प्रकार चुनें:", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "हमने आपका पासवर्ड रीसेट करने के निर्देशों के साथ {email} पर एक ईमेल भेजा है। यदि आपको 1 मिनट के बाद पासवर्ड रीसेट संदेश नहीं मिलता है, तो सत्यापित करें कि आपने सही ईमेल पता दर्ज किया है, या अपना स्पैम फ़ोल्डर जांचें। यदि आपको और सहायता की आवश्यकता है, तो {supportLink}।", + "": "पासवर्ड भूल गए | {siteName}", + "": "पासवर्ड रीसेट करें", + "": "कृपया नीचे अपना ईमेल पता दर्ज करें और हम आपको अपना पासवर्ड रीसेट करने के निर्देशों के साथ एक ईमेल भेजेंगे।", + "": "एक मान्य ईमेल पता दर्ज करें", + "": "ईमेल", + "": "प्रस्तुत करना", + "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "हम आपसे संपर्क करने में असमर्थ रहे।", + "forgot.password.error.message.title": "एक त्रुटि हुई।", + "": "आपका पिछला अनुरोध प्रगति में है, कृपया कुछ क्षणों में पुनः प्रयास करें।", + "": "अपना ईमेल दर्ज करें", + "": "वह ईमेल पता जिसका उपयोग आपने {platformName} के साथ पंजीकरण करने के लिए किया था", + "confirmation.message.title": "अपना ईमेल देखें", + "": "तकनीकी सहायता से संपर्क करें", + "": "साइन इन करने में मदद चाहिए?", + "": "अतिरिक्त सहायता के लिए, {platformName} सहायता से संपर्क करें", + "": "साइन इन करें", + "extend.field.errors": "नीचे {emailError}।", + "invalid.token.heading": "अमान्य पासवर्ड रीसेट लिंक", + "invalid.token.error.message": "यह पासवर्ड रीसेट लिंक अमान्य है. हो सकता है कि इसका उपयोग पहले ही किया जा चुका हो। नया लिंक प्राप्त करने के लिए नीचे अपना ईमेल दर्ज करें।", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "बहुत सारे अनुरोध", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "बहुत अधिक अनुरोधों के कारण त्रुटि उत्पन्न हुई है। कृपया कुछ समय बाद पुन: प्रयास करें।", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "टोकन सत्यापन विफलता", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "एक गलती हुई है। पृष्ठ को ताज़ा करने का प्रयास करें, या अपना इंटरनेट कनेक्शन जांचें।", + "internal.server.error": "एक गलती हुई है। पृष्ठ को ताज़ा करने का प्रयास करें, या अपना इंटरनेट कनेक्शन जांचें।", + "account.activation.error.message": "कुछ गलत हो गया, कृपया इस समस्या को हल करने के लिए {supportLink}।", + "login.inactive.user.error": "साइन इन करने के लिए, आपको अपना खाता सक्रिय करना होगा।{lineBreak} {lineBreak}हमने अभी-अभी {email} पर एक सक्रियण लिंक भेजा है। यदि आपको कोई ईमेल प्राप्त नहीं होता है, तो अपने स्पैम फ़ोल्डर या {supportLink} की जाँच करें।", + "allowed.domain.login.error": "{allowedDomain} उपयोगकर्ता के रूप में, आपको अपने {allowedDomain} {tpaLink} से 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प्रयास करें, या अपना इंटरनेट कनेक्शन जांचें।", + "registration.rate.limit.error": "बहुत सारे असफल पंजीकरण प्रयास। बाद में पुनः प्रयास करें।", + "registration.tpa.session.expired": "{provider} का उपयोग करके पंजीकरण समय समाप्त हो गया है।", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "हमें खेद है, आप इस चैनल के माध्यम से {platform_name} तक पहुंचने के लिए अधिकृत नहीं हैं। कृपया {platform_name} तक पहुंचने के लिए अपने शिक्षण व्यवस्थापक या प्रबंधक से संपर्क करें।{lineBreak}{lineBreak}त्रुटि विवरण:{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", + "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "सेवा की शर्तें और सम्मान संहिता", + "privacy.policy": "गोपनीयता नीति", + "honor.code": "सम्मान संहिता", + "terms.of.service": "सेवा की शर्तें", + "registration.username.suggestion.label": "सुझाव:", + "": "क्या आपका मतलब है", + "": "साइन इन करें", + "": "पासवर्ड रीसेट करें | {siteName}", + "reset.password": "पासवर्ड रीसेट करें", + "": "अपना नया पासवर्ड दर्ज करें और पुष्टि करें।", + "new.password.label": "नया पासवर्ड", + "confirm.password.label": "पासवर्ड की पुष्टि करें", + "": "पासवर्ड मेल नहीं खाते", + "confirm.your.password": "अपने पासवर्ड की पुष्टि करें", + "reset.password.failure.heading": "हम आपके पासवर्ड को रीसेट नहीं कर सके।", + "reset.password.form.submission.error": "कृपया अपनी प्रतिक्रियाएँ जाँचें और पुनः प्रयास करें।", + "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "बहुत सारे अनुरोध।", + "reset.password.success.heading": "पासवर्ड रीसेट पूर्ण हुआ।", + "reset.password.success": "आपका पासवर्ड रीसेट कर दिया गया है। अपने खाते में साइन इन करें।", + "rate.limit.error": "बहुत अधिक अनुरोधों के कारण त्रुटि उत्पन्न हुई है। कृपया कुछ समय बाद पुन: प्रयास करें।", + "start.learning": "सीखना शुरू करें", + "": "{siteName} के साथ", + "": "आपके करियर का निर्णायक मोड़", + "": "यहां है।", + "": "आपका स्वागत है {siteName}, {username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "पूर्ण", + "complete.your.profile.2": "आपकी प्रोफ़ाइल", + "": "एक खाता बनाकर, आप {tosAndHonorCode} से सहमत होते हैं और आप स्वीकार करते हैं कि {platformName} और प्रत्येक सदस्य आपके व्यक्तिगत डेटा को {privacyPolicy} के अनुसार संसाधित करते हैं।", + "": "मैं सहमत हूँ {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", + "": "मैं सहमत हूँ {platformName} {termsOfService}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json b/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json index 24b6519db3..359359eefb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/it_IT.json @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ { - "start.learning": "Inizia a imparare", - "": "con {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Completata", - "complete.your.profile.2": "Il tuo profilo", - "": "Benvenuto in {siteName}, {username}!", + "error.notfound.message": "La pagina che stai cercando non è disponibile o si è verificato un errore nell'URL. Controlla l'URL e riprova. ", "": "Scegli il tuo istituto dall'elenco sottostante", "": "Accedi", "logistration.register": "Registrazione", "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Vuoi accedere utilizzando le credenziali {providerName}?", "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Mostrami altre modalità di accesso o registrazione", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Mostrami altri modi per accedere", "": "Accedi con {providerName}", "sso.create.account.using": "Crea un account utilizzando {providerName}", "show.password": "Mostra password", @@ -22,10 +18,9 @@ "": "Hai correttamente effettuato l'accesso in {currentProvider}, ma il tuo account {currentProvider} non ha un account {platformName} ad esso abbinato. Per collegare i tuoi account accesi utilizzando la password {platformName}. ", "": "Hai eseguito correttamente l'accesso a {a03f0f8cfb85cz0}! Abbiamo solo bisogno di un po' più di informazioni prima di iniziare a imparare con {platformName}.", "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Completa la creazione del tuo account", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "La pagina che stai cercando non è disponibile o si è verificato un errore nell'URL. Controlla l'URL e riprova. ", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "Abbiamo inviato un'email a {email} con le istruzioni per reimpostare la password. Se non ricevi un messaggio di reimpostazione della password dopo 1 minuto, verifica di aver inserito l'indirizzo e-mail corretto o controlla la cartella spam. Se hai bisogno di ulteriore assistenza, {supportLink}.", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "Supporto edX", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Scegli il tipo di richiesta:", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "Noi sent an Email to {Email} con le istruzioni to resettiamo il tuo Password . Se non ricevi un Password reset message dopo 1 minuto, verify che hai inserito l'indirizzo correct Email o controlla la cartella spam. Se hai bisogno di ulteriore assistenza, {supportLink} .", "": "Dimenticato la password | {siteName}", "": "Resetta la password", "": "Inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail qui sotto e ti invieremo un'e-mail con le istruzioni su come reimpostare la tua password.", @@ -40,7 +35,7 @@ "confirmation.message.title": "Controlla la tua casella di posta", "": "contatta il supporto tecnico", "": "Hai bisogno di aiuto per l'accesso? ", - "": "Per ulteriore assistenza, contattare l'assistenza {platformName} all'indirizzo", + "": "Per ulteriore assistenza, contattare il supporto {platformName} all'indirizzo", "": "Accedi", "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} di seguito.", "invalid.token.heading": "Link di ripristino della password non valido", @@ -51,9 +46,9 @@ "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "Si è verificato un errore. Prova ad aggiornare la pagina oppure verifica la connessione internet.", "internal.server.error": "Si è verificato un errore. Prova ad aggiornare la pagina oppure verifica la connessione internet.", "account.activation.error.message": "Si è verificato un errore, seleziona {supportLink} per risolvere il problema. ", - "login.inactive.user.error": "Per accedere, devi attivare il tuo account.{lineBreak} {lineBreak}Abbiamo appena inviato un link di attivazione a {email}. Se non ricevi un'email, controlla la cartella della posta indesiderata oppure seleziona {supportLink}.", - "allowed.domain.login.error": "As {allowedDomain} user, You must login with your {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "Il nome utente, l'e-mail o la password che hai inserito non sono corretti. Hai {remainingAttempts} più tentativi di accesso prima che il tuo account venga temporaneamente bloccato.", + "login.inactive.user.error": "in Order to segno in , è necessario to Attiva il tuo account . {lineBreak} {lineBreak} Abbiamo solo sent un'attivazione link to {Email} . Se non ricevi Email , controlla la cartella spam o {supportLink} .", + "allowed.domain.login.error": "Come utente {allowedDomain}, devi accedere con il tuo {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "Il username , Email o Password inserito non è corretto. Hai {remainingAttempts} più segno in tentativi prima che account venga temporaneamente bloccato.", "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "Se hai dimenticato la password, {resetLink}", "account.locked.out.message.2": "Per sicurezza, puoi {resetLink} prima di riprovare.", "": "Il nome utente, l'e-mail o la password inseriti non sono corretti. Riprova o {resetLink}.", @@ -96,20 +91,31 @@ "": "Il nostro sistema ha rilevato che la tua password è vulnerabile. Cambia la tua password in modo che il tuo account rimanga sicuro.", "": "Chiudi", "": "Ripristina la tua password", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "Siamo spiacenti, non sei autorizzato ad accedere a {platform_name} tramite questo canale. Contatta il tuo amministratore o responsabile dell'apprendimento per accedere a {platform_name}.{lineBreak}{lineBreak}Dettagli errore:{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", + "": "Benvenuto | {siteName}", "": "Alcune domande per te ci aiuteranno a diventare più intelligenti.", "": "Ulteriori informazioni su come utilizziamo queste informazioni.", "optional.fields.submit.button": "Invia", "optional.fields.skip.button": "Salta per ora", - "": "Next", + "": "Successivo", "": "Continua con {platformName}", "modal.title": "Grazie per averci fatto sapere.", "modal.description": "Puoi completare il tuo profilo nelle impostazioni in qualsiasi momento se cambi idea.", "": "Impossibile aggiornare il tuo profilo", "": "Si è verificato un errore. Puoi completare il tuo profilo nelle impostazioni in qualsiasi momento.", - "": "Recommendations | {siteName}", - "": "We have a few recommendations to get you started.", - "recommendation.skip.button": "Skip for now", + "": "Raccomandazioni | {siteName}", + "": "Abbiamo alcuni consigli per iniziare.", + "recommendation.skip.button": "Salta per ora", + "recommendation.option.trending": "In voga", + "recommendation.option.popular": "Più popolare", + "": "Raccomandato per te", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "Corso", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "Certificato professionale ", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "Offerto su Emerito", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "Offerto tramite Shorelight", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "{lunghezza} {label}", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "Sottoscrizione", + "": "Apre un collegamento in una nuova scheda", "": "Registrazione | {siteName}", "registration.fullname.label": "Nome e Cognome", "": "Email", @@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ "": "Per l'attivazione dell'account e aggiornamenti importanti", "": "Crea un account gratis", "registration.other.options.heading": "Oppure registrati con:", + "create.account.cta.button": "{label}", "register.institution.login.button": "Credenziali dell'istituto/campus", "": "Registrati con le credenziali dell'istituzione/campus", "": "Inserisci il tuo nome e cognome", @@ -130,6 +137,7 @@ "empty.username.field.error": "Il nome utente deve essere compreso tra 2 e 30 caratteri", "empty.password.field.error": "I criteri della password non sono stati soddisfatti", "": "Seleziona il tuo paese o regione di residenza", + "": "Il Paese deve corrispondere a un'opzione disponibile nel menu a discesa.", "": "Gli indirizzi email non corrispondono.", "email.invalid.format.error": "Inserisci un indirizzo email valido", "username.validation.message": "Il nome utente deve essere compreso tra 2 e 30 caratteri", @@ -140,15 +148,13 @@ "registration.request.server.error": "Si è verificato un errore. Prova ad aggiornare la pagina oppure verifica la connessione internet.", "registration.rate.limit.error": "Troppi tentativi di registrazione non riusciti. Prova di nuovo più tardi.", "registration.tpa.session.expired": "La registrazione mediante {provider} è andata in timeout.", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "Siamo spiacenti, non sei autorizzato ad accedere a {platform_name} tramite questo canale. Contatta il tuo amministratore o responsabile dell'apprendimento per accedere a {platform_name}.{lineBreak}{lineBreak}Dettagli errore:{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Termini e Condizioni del Servizio", "privacy.policy": "Informativa sulla privacy", "honor.code": "Codice d'Onore", "terms.of.service": "Termini di Servizio", "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Suggerito:", "": "Intendevi", - "": "Creando un account, accetti il {tosAndHonorCode} e riconosci che {platformName} e ciascun Membro trattano i tuoi dati personali in conformità con l' {privacyPolicy}.", - "": "Accetto {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "Accetto {platformName} {termsOfService}", "": "Accedi", "": "Ripristina password | {siteName}", "reset.password": "Resetta la password", @@ -162,5 +168,15 @@ "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Troppe richieste.", "reset.password.success.heading": "Ripristino della password completato.", "reset.password.success": "La tua password è stata resettata. Accedi al tuo account.", - "rate.limit.error": "Si è verificato un errore dovuto alle troppe richieste. Prova di nuovo più tardi." + "rate.limit.error": "Si è verificato un errore dovuto alle troppe richieste. Prova di nuovo più tardi.", + "start.learning": "Inizia a imparare", + "": "con {siteName}", + "": "La svolta della tua carriera", + "": "è qui.", + "": "Benvenuto in {siteName}, {username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "Completata", + "complete.your.profile.2": "Il tuo profilo", + "": "by creando un account , accetti to {tosAndHonorCode} e riconosci che {platformName} e ogni Member elaborano il tuo data personale in in conformità con {privacyPolicy} .", + "": "Sono d'accordo to the {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", + "": "Sono d'accordo to the {platformName} {termsOfService}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json b/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json index 444d292084..9c6a00f9c5 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/pt_PT.json @@ -1,166 +1,182 @@ { - "start.learning": "Começar a aprender", - "": "with {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Concluído", - "complete.your.profile.2": "o seu perfil", - "": "Bem vindo a {siteName}, {username}!", - "": "Choose your institution from the list below", + "error.notfound.message": "A página que procura não está disponível ou há um erro no URL. Por favor, verifique o URL e tente novamente.", + "": "Escolha a sua instituição a partir da lista abaixo", "": "Iniciar sessão", "logistration.register": "Registe-se", "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Gostaria de iniciar sessão usando as suas {providerName} credenciais?", "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Mostre-me outras formas de iniciar sessão ou registar-se", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Mostre-me outras formas de iniciar sessão", "": "Inicie sessão com {providerName}", "sso.create.account.using": "Criar conta usando {providerName}", - "show.password": "Show password", - "hide.password": "Hide password", - "one.letter": "1 letter", - "one.number": "1 number", - "eight.characters": "8 characters", - "": "Password must contain at least 8 characters, at least one letter, and at least one number", - "tpa.alert.heading": "Almost done!", + "show.password": "Mostrar palavra-passe", + "hide.password": "Ocultar palavra-passe", + "one.letter": "1 letra", + "one.number": "1 número", + "eight.characters": "8 caracteres", + "": "A palavra-passe deve conter pelo menos 8 carateres, pelo menos uma letra, e pelo menos um número", + "tpa.alert.heading": "Quase pronto!", "": "Iniciou sessão com sucesso em {currentProvider}, mas a sua conta {currentProvider} não está vinculada a uma conta {platformName}. Para vincular as suas contas, inicie sessão através da sua palavra-passe em {platformName}.", - "": "You've successfully signed into {currentProvider}! We just need a little more information before you start learning with {platformName}.", - "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Finish creating your account", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "A página que procura não está disponível ou há um erro no URL. Por favor, verifique o URL e tente novamente.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "We sent an email to {email} with instructions to reset your password.\n If you do not receive a password reset message after 1 minute, verify that you entered\n the correct email address, or check your spam folder. If you need further assistance, {supportLink}.", + "": "Entrou com sucesso em {currentProvider}! Só precisamos de um pouco mais de informação antes de começar a aprender com {platformName}.", + "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Acabe de criar a sua conta", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "Apoio edX", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Por favor, escolha o seu tipo de pedido:", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "", "": "Esqueceu a Senha | {siteName}", - "": "Reset password", - "": "Please enter your email address below and we will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.", + "": "Redefinir palavra-passe", + "": "Por favor introduza o seu endereço de email abaixo e enviar-lhe-emos um email com instruções sobre como redefinir a sua palavra-passe.", "": "Introduzir um endereço de correio electrónico válido", "": "Email", "": "Submeter", - "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "We were unable to contact you.", + "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "Não nos foi possível contactá-lo.", "forgot.password.error.message.title": "Ocorreu um erro.", "": "O seu pedido anterior está a ser processado, por favor tente novamente dentro de momentos.", - "": "Enter your email", + "": "Digite o seu email", "": "O endereço de e-mail que usou para se registar em {platformName}", "confirmation.message.title": "Verifique o seu email", - "": "contact technical support", - "": "Need help signing in?", - "": "For additional help, contact {platformName} support at ", - "": "Sign in", - "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} below.", - "invalid.token.heading": "Invalid password reset link", - "invalid.token.error.message": "This password reset link is invalid. It may have been used already. Enter your email below to receive a new link.", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "Too many requests", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time.", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "Token validation failure", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "internal.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", + "": "contacto o suporte técnico", + "": "Precisa de ajuda para entrar?", + "": "", + "": "Iniciar sessão", + "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} abaixo.", + "invalid.token.heading": "Link para Redefinir Palavra-passe inválido", + "invalid.token.error.message": "Este link de redefinição de palavra-passe é inválido. Pode já ter sido utilizada. Introduza o seu email abaixo para receber um novo link.", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "Demasiados pedidos", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "Ocorreu um erro devido a demasiados pedidos. Por favor, tente novamente após algum tempo.", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "Falha na validação do Token", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "Ocorreu um erro. Tente actualizar a página, ou verifique a sua ligação à Internet.", + "internal.server.error": "Ocorreu um erro. Tente actualizar a página, ou verifique a sua ligação à Internet.", "account.activation.error.message": "Alguma coisa correu mal, siga {supportLink} para resolver esta questão.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "Para iniciar sessão, precisa ativar a sua conta. {lineBreak}\n {lineBreak} Acabámos de enviar um link de ativação para {email}. Se não receber um e-mail,\n verifique as suas pastas de spam ou {supportLink}.", - "allowed.domain.login.error": "As {allowedDomain} user, You must login with your {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "The username, email or password you entered is incorrect. You have {remainingAttempts} more sign in\n attempts before your account is temporarily locked.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "If you've forgotten your password, {resetLink}", - "account.locked.out.message.2": "To be on the safe side, you can {resetLink} before trying again.", - "": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again or {resetLink}.", + "login.inactive.user.error": "", + "allowed.domain.login.error": "Como utilizador do {allowedDomain}, deve iniciar sessão com o seu {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "Se esqueceu a sua palavra-passe, {resetLink}", + "account.locked.out.message.2": "Por precaução, pode {resetLink} antes de tentar novamente.", + "": "O nome de utilizador, email ou senha que introduziu está incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente ou {resetLink}.", "": "Iniciar sessão | {siteName}", - "login.user.identity.label": "Username or email", - "login.password.label": "Password", + "login.user.identity.label": "Nome de utilizador ou e-mail", + "login.password.label": "Palavra-passe", "": "Iniciar Sessão", - "forgot.password": "Forgot password", - "institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", + "forgot.password": "Esqueci-me da palavra-passe", + "institution.login.button": "Credenciais da instituição/campus", "": "Inicie sessão com credenciais de instituição/campus", - "login.other.options.heading": "Or sign in with:", + "login.other.options.heading": "Ou faça login com:", "non.compliant.password.title": "Recentemente mudámos os nossos requisitos de palavra-passe", - "non.compliant.password.message": "Your current password does not meet the new security requirements. We just sent a password-reset message to the email address associated with this account. Thank you for helping us keep your data safe.", - "account.locked.out.message.1": "To protect your account, it's been temporarily locked. Try again in 30 minutes.", - "enterprise.login.btn.text": "Company or school credentials", - "": "Username or email must have at least 3 characters.", - "email.validation.message": "Enter your username or email", - "password.validation.message": "Password criteria has not been met", + "non.compliant.password.message": "A sua palavra-passe atual não satisfaz os novos requisitos de segurança. Acabámos de enviar uma mensagem de redefinição da palavra-passe para o endereço de email associado a esta conta. Obrigado por nos ajudar a manter os seus dados em segurança.", + "account.locked.out.message.1": "Para proteger sua conta, esta foi temporariamente bloqueada. Tente novamente dentro de 30 minutos.", + "enterprise.login.btn.text": "Credenciais da empresa ou escola", + "": "O nome de utilizador ou email deve ter pelo menos 3 carateres.", + "email.validation.message": "Insira o seu nome de utilizador ou email", + "password.validation.message": "Os critérios de palavra-passe não foram cumpridos", "account.activation.success.message.title": "Sucesso! Você ativou a sua conta.", "account.activation.success.message": "Receberá agora actualizações por e-mail e alertas nossos relacionados com os cursos em que está inscrito. Inicie a sessão para continuar.", - "": "This account has already been activated.", + "": "Esta conta já foi ativada.", "account.activation.error.message.title": "A sua conta não pôde ser ativada", "": "contato de suporte", - "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "Success! You have confirmed your email.", - "account.confirmation.success.message": "Sign in to continue.", - "": "This email has already been confirmed.", - "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "Your email could not be confirmed", - "": "{provider} account", + "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "Sucesso! Confirmou o seu email.", + "account.confirmation.success.message": "Inicie sessão para continuar.", + "": "Este email já foi confirmado.", + "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "Não foi possível confirmar o seu email", + "": "Conta {provider}", "internal.server.error.message": "Ocorreu um erro. Tente actualizar a página, ou verifique a sua ligação à Internet.", "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "Muitas tentativas de login sem sucesso. Tente novamente mais tarde.", "login.failure.header.title": "O seu acesso não foi possível.", "": "contactar o suporte {platformName}", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.", - "login.form.invalid.error.message": "Please fill in the fields below.", - "": "reset your password", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "click here to reset it.", - "": "Password security", - "": "Password change required", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. We recommend you change it so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. Change your password so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Close", - "": "Reset your password", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "O nome de utilizador, email, ou palavra-passe que introduziu está incorreto. Por favor, tente novamente.", + "login.form.invalid.error.message": "Por favor, preencha os campos abaixo.", + "": "redefinir a sua palavra-passe", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "clique aqui para a redefinir.", + "": "Segurança da palavra-passe", + "": "Alteração de palavra-passe necessária", + "": "O nosso sistema detectou que a sua palavra-passe é vulnerável. Recomendamos que a altere para que a sua conta permaneça segura.", + "": "O nosso sistema detectou que a sua palavra-passe é vulnerável. Altere a sua palavra-passe para que a sua conta permaneça segura.", + "": "Fechar", + "": "Redefinir a sua palavra-passe", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "Lamentamos, mas não tem autorização para aceder à plataforma {platform_name} através deste canal. Pedimos-lhe que entre em contacto com o administrador ou gestor do curso para aceder à plataforma {platform_name}. {line_break}{line_break}Detalhes do erro: {line_break}{error_message}", "": "Welcome | {siteName}", - "": "A few questions for you will help us get smarter.", - "": "Learn more about how we use this information.", - "optional.fields.submit.button": "Submit", - "optional.fields.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Next", - "": "Continue to {platformName}", - "modal.title": "Thanks for letting us know.", - "modal.description": "You can complete your profile in settings at any time if you change your mind.", - "": "We couldn't update your profile", - "": "An error occurred. You can complete your profile in settings at any time.", - "": "Recommendations | {siteName}", - "": "We have a few recommendations to get you started.", - "recommendation.skip.button": "Skip for now", + "": "Algumas perguntas para si vão ajudar a tornar-nos mais espertos.", + "": "Saiba mais sobre a forma como utilizamos esta informação.", + "optional.fields.submit.button": "Submeter", + "optional.fields.skip.button": "Saltar por enquanto", + "": "Seguinte", + "": "Continue para {platformName}", + "modal.title": "Obrigado por nos informar.", + "modal.description": "Pode completar o seu perfil nas configurações em qualquer altura se mudar de ideias.", + "": "Não foi possível atualizar o seu perfil", + "": "Ocorreu um erro. Pode completar o seu perfil nas configurações em qualquer altura.", + "": "Recomendações | {siteName}", + "": "Temos algumas recomendações para o ajudar a começar.", + "recommendation.skip.button": "Saltar por enquanto", + "recommendation.option.trending": "", + "recommendation.option.popular": "", + "": "", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "Curso", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "Certificado Profissional", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "", + "": "", "": "Registar | {siteName}", - "registration.fullname.label": "Full name", - "": "Email", - "registration.username.label": "Public username", - "registration.password.label": "Password", - "": "Country/Region", - "": "I agree that {siteName} may send me marketing messages.", - "": "This name will be used by any certificates that you earn.", - "help.text.username.1": "The name that will identify you in your courses.", - "help.text.username.2": "This can not be changed later.", - "": "For account activation and important updates", - "": "Create an account for free", - "registration.other.options.heading": "Or register with:", - "register.institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", + "registration.fullname.label": "Nome completo", + "": "E-mail", + "registration.username.label": "Nome de utilizador público", + "registration.password.label": "Palavra-passe", + "": "País/Região", + "": "Concordo que {siteName} pode enviar-me mensagens de marketing.", + "": "Este nome será usado por quaisquer certificados que conseguir obter.", + "help.text.username.1": "O nome que o irá identificar nos seus cursos.", + "help.text.username.2": "Isto não pode ser alterado mais tarde.", + "": "Para ativação de contas e atualizações importantes", + "": "Criar uma conta gratuitamente", + "registration.other.options.heading": "Ou registe-se com:", + "create.account.cta.button": "", + "register.institution.login.button": "Credenciais da instituição/campus", "": "Registo com credenciais da instituição/campus", - "": "Enter your full name", - "": "Enter your email", - "empty.username.field.error": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "empty.password.field.error": "Password criteria has not been met", - "": "Select your country or region of residence", - "": "The email addresses do not match.", - "email.invalid.format.error": "Enter a valid email address", - "username.validation.message": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "name.validation.message": "Enter a valid name", - "username.format.validation.message": "Usernames can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numerals (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Usernames cannot contain spaces", + "": "Insira o seu nome completo", + "": "Insira o seu email", + "empty.username.field.error": "O nome de utilizador deve ter entre 2 e 30 carateres", + "empty.password.field.error": "Os critérios de palavra-passe não foram cumpridos", + "": "Selecione o seu país ou região de residência", + "": "", + "": "Os endereços de email não correspondem.", + "email.invalid.format.error": "Introduzir um endereço de correio electrónico válido", + "username.validation.message": "O nome de utilizador deve ter entre 2 e 30 carateres", + "name.validation.message": "Introduza um nome válido", + "username.format.validation.message": "Os nomes de utilizador só podem conter letras (A-Z, a-z), numerais (0-9), sublinhados (_), e hífenes (-). Os nomes de utilizador não podem conter espaços", "registration.request.failure.header": "Não foi possível criar a sua conta.", - "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", + "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "Verifique as suas respostas e tente novamente.", "registration.request.server.error": "Ocorreu um erro. Tente actualizar a página, ou verifique a sua ligação à Internet.", - "registration.rate.limit.error": "Too many failed registration attempts. Try again later.", - "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Registration using {provider} has timed out.", + "registration.rate.limit.error": "Demasiadas tentativas de registo falhadas. Tente novamente mais tarde.", + "registration.tpa.session.expired": "O tempo para registo utilizando {provider} expirou.", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "Lamentamos, mas não tem autorização para aceder à plataforma {platform_name} através deste canal. Pedimos-lhe que entre em contacto com o administrador ou gestor do curso para aceder à plataforma {platform_name}. {line_break}{line_break}Detalhes do erro: {line_break}{error_message}", "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Termos de Serviço e Código de Honra", "privacy.policy": "Política de Privacidade", - "honor.code": "Honor Code", - "terms.of.service": "Terms of Service", - "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Suggested:", - "": "Did you mean", - "": "By creating an account, you agree to the {tosAndHonorCode} and you acknowledge that {platformName} and each\n Member process your personal data in accordance with the {privacyPolicy}.", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {termsOfService}", - "": "Sign in", + "honor.code": "Código de Honra", + "terms.of.service": "Termos do Serviço", + "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Sugerido:", + "": "Quis dizer", + "": "Iniciar sessão", "": "Redefinir Palavra-passe | {siteName}", - "reset.password": "Reset password", + "reset.password": "Redefinir palavra-passe", "": "Insira e confirme a sua nova palavra-passe.", - "new.password.label": "New password", - "confirm.password.label": "Confirm password", - "": "Passwords do not match", - "confirm.your.password": "Confirm your password", - "reset.password.failure.heading": "We couldn't reset your password.", - "reset.password.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Too many requests.", - "reset.password.success.heading": "Password reset complete.", - "reset.password.success": "Your password has been reset. Sign in to your account.", - "rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time." + "new.password.label": "Nova palavra-passe", + "confirm.password.label": "Confirmar palavra-passe", + "": "As palavras-passe não coincidem", + "confirm.your.password": "Confirme a sua palavra-passe", + "reset.password.failure.heading": "Não conseguimos redefinir sua palavra-passe.", + "reset.password.form.submission.error": "Por favor, verifique as suas respostas e tente novamente.", + "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Demasiados pedidos.", + "reset.password.success.heading": "Redefinição de palavra-passe concluída", + "reset.password.success": "A sua palavra-passe foi redefinida. Inicie sessão na sua conta.", + "rate.limit.error": "Ocorreu um erro devido a demasiados pedidos. Por favor, tente novamente após algum tempo.", + "start.learning": "Começar a aprender", + "": "com {siteName}", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "Bem vindo a {siteName}, {username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "Concluído", + "complete.your.profile.2": "o seu perfil", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/ru.json b/src/i18n/messages/ru.json index 8fdcb6c3e6..963aee56e3 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/ru.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/ru.json @@ -1,166 +1,182 @@ { - "start.learning": "Start learning", - "": "with {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Complete", - "complete.your.profile.2": "your profile", - "": "Welcome to {siteName}, {username}!", - "": "Choose your institution from the list below", - "": "Sign in", - "logistration.register": "Register", - "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Would you like to sign in using your {providerName} credentials?", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Show me other ways to sign in or register", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", - "": "Sign in with {providerName}", - "sso.create.account.using": "Create account using {providerName}", - "show.password": "Show password", - "hide.password": "Hide password", - "one.letter": "1 letter", - "one.number": "1 number", - "eight.characters": "8 characters", - "": "Password must contain at least 8 characters, at least one letter, and at least one number", - "tpa.alert.heading": "Almost done!", - "": "You have successfully signed into {currentProvider}, but your {currentProvider} account does not have a linked {platformName} account. To link your accounts, sign in now using your {platformName} password.", - "": "You've successfully signed into {currentProvider}! We just need a little more information before you start learning with {platformName}.", - "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Finish creating your account", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "The page you're looking for is unavailable or there's an error in the URL. Please check the URL and try again.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "We sent an email to {email} with instructions to reset your password.\n If you do not receive a password reset message after 1 minute, verify that you entered\n the correct email address, or check your spam folder. If you need further assistance, {supportLink}.", - "": "Forgot Password | {siteName}", - "": "Reset password", - "": "Please enter your email address below and we will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.", - "": "Enter a valid email address", - "": "Email", - "": "Submit", - "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "We were unable to contact you.", - "forgot.password.error.message.title": "An error occurred.", - "": "Your previous request is in progress, please try again in a few moments.", - "": "Enter your email", - "": "The email address you used to register with {platformName}", - "confirmation.message.title": "Check your email", - "": "contact technical support", - "": "Need help signing in?", - "": "For additional help, contact {platformName} support at ", - "": "Sign in", - "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} below.", - "invalid.token.heading": "Invalid password reset link", - "invalid.token.error.message": "This password reset link is invalid. It may have been used already. Enter your email below to receive a new link.", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "Too many requests", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time.", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "Token validation failure", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "internal.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "account.activation.error.message": "Something went wrong, please {supportLink} to resolve this issue.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "In order to sign in, you need to activate your account.{lineBreak}\n {lineBreak}We just sent an activation link to {email}. If you do not receive an email,\n check your spam folders or {supportLink}.", - "allowed.domain.login.error": "As {allowedDomain} user, You must login with your {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "The username, email or password you entered is incorrect. You have {remainingAttempts} more sign in\n attempts before your account is temporarily locked.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "If you've forgotten your password, {resetLink}", - "account.locked.out.message.2": "To be on the safe side, you can {resetLink} before trying again.", - "": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again or {resetLink}.", - "": "Login | {siteName}", - "login.user.identity.label": "Username or email", - "login.password.label": "Password", - "": "Sign in", - "forgot.password": "Forgot password", - "institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", - "": "Sign in with institution/campus credentials", - "login.other.options.heading": "Or sign in with:", - "non.compliant.password.title": "We recently changed our password requirements", - "non.compliant.password.message": "Your current password does not meet the new security requirements. We just sent a password-reset message to the email address associated with this account. Thank you for helping us keep your data safe.", - "account.locked.out.message.1": "To protect your account, it's been temporarily locked. Try again in 30 minutes.", - "enterprise.login.btn.text": "Company or school credentials", - "": "Username or email must have at least 3 characters.", - "email.validation.message": "Enter your username or email", - "password.validation.message": "Password criteria has not been met", - "account.activation.success.message.title": "Success! You have activated your account.", - "account.activation.success.message": "You will now receive email updates and alerts from us related to the courses you are enrolled in. Sign in to continue.", - "": "This account has already been activated.", - "account.activation.error.message.title": "Your account could not be activated", - "": "contact support", - "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "Success! You have confirmed your email.", - "account.confirmation.success.message": "Sign in to continue.", - "": "This email has already been confirmed.", - "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "Your email could not be confirmed", - "": "{provider} account", - "internal.server.error.message": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "Too many failed login attempts. Try again later.", - "login.failure.header.title": "We couldn't sign you in.", - "": "contact {platformName} support", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.", - "login.form.invalid.error.message": "Please fill in the fields below.", - "": "reset your password", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "click here to reset it.", - "": "Password security", - "": "Password change required", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. We recommend you change it so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. Change your password so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Close", - "": "Reset your password", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", - "": "A few questions for you will help us get smarter.", - "": "Learn more about how we use this information.", - "optional.fields.submit.button": "Submit", - "optional.fields.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Next", - "": "Continue to {platformName}", - "modal.title": "Thanks for letting us know.", - "modal.description": "You can complete your profile in settings at any time if you change your mind.", - "": "We couldn't update your profile", - "": "An error occurred. You can complete your profile in settings at any time.", - "": "Recommendations | {siteName}", - "": "We have a few recommendations to get you started.", - "recommendation.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Register | {siteName}", - "registration.fullname.label": "Full name", - "": "Email", - "registration.username.label": "Public username", - "registration.password.label": "Password", - "": "Country/Region", - "": "I agree that {siteName} may send me marketing messages.", - "": "This name will be used by any certificates that you earn.", - "help.text.username.1": "The name that will identify you in your courses.", - "help.text.username.2": "This can not be changed later.", - "": "For account activation and important updates", - "": "Create an account for free", - "registration.other.options.heading": "Or register with:", - "register.institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", - "": "Register with institution/campus credentials", - "": "Enter your full name", - "": "Enter your email", - "empty.username.field.error": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "empty.password.field.error": "Password criteria has not been met", - "": "Select your country or region of residence", - "": "The email addresses do not match.", - "email.invalid.format.error": "Enter a valid email address", - "username.validation.message": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "name.validation.message": "Enter a valid name", - "username.format.validation.message": "Usernames can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numerals (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Usernames cannot contain spaces", - "registration.request.failure.header": "We couldn't create your account.", - "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "registration.request.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "registration.rate.limit.error": "Too many failed registration attempts. Try again later.", - "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Registration using {provider} has timed out.", - "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Terms of Service and Honor Code", - "privacy.policy": "Privacy Policy", - "honor.code": "Honor Code", - "terms.of.service": "Terms of Service", - "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Suggested:", - "": "Did you mean", - "": "By creating an account, you agree to the {tosAndHonorCode} and you acknowledge that {platformName} and each\n Member process your personal data in accordance with the {privacyPolicy}.", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {termsOfService}", - "": "Sign in", - "": "Reset Password | {siteName}", - "reset.password": "Reset password", - "": "Enter and confirm your new password.", - "new.password.label": "New password", - "confirm.password.label": "Confirm password", - "": "Passwords do not match", - "confirm.your.password": "Confirm your password", - "reset.password.failure.heading": "We couldn't reset your password.", - "reset.password.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Too many requests.", - "reset.password.success.heading": "Password reset complete.", - "reset.password.success": "Your password has been reset. Sign in to your account.", - "rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time." + "error.notfound.message": "Страница, которую вы ищете, недоступна, или произошла ошибка в URL-адресе. Пожалуйста, проверьте URL-адрес и повторите попытку.", + "": "", + "": "Вход", + "logistration.register": "Регистрация", + "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Как ещё можно войти в систему или зарегистрироваться?", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "", + "": "", + "sso.create.account.using": "Создайте учетную запись, используя {providerName}", + "show.password": "Показать пароль", + "hide.password": "Скрыть пароль", + "one.letter": "", + "one.number": "", + "eight.characters": "", + "": "Пароль должен содержать не менее 8 символов, одной буквы и одной цифры", + "tpa.alert.heading": "Почти закончили!", + "": "", + "": "", + "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "", + "": "", + "": "Сброс пароля", + "": "", + "": "Введите корректный адрес эл. почты", + "": "Электронная почта", + "": "Отправить", + "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "Нам не удалось связаться с вами.", + "forgot.password.error.message.title": "Произошла ошибка", + "": "Ваш предыдущий запрос в процессе, пожалуйста, попробуйте снова позже.", + "": "Введите вашу эл. почту", + "": "", + "confirmation.message.title": "Проверьте свою электронную почту", + "": "связаться с техподдержкой", + "": "Нужна помощь со входом?", + "": "", + "": "Вход", + "extend.field.errors": "", + "invalid.token.heading": "", + "invalid.token.error.message": "", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "", + "internal.server.error": "", + "account.activation.error.message": "", + "login.inactive.user.error": "", + "allowed.domain.login.error": "", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "", + "account.locked.out.message.2": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "login.user.identity.label": "Имя пользователя или адрес электронной почты", + "login.password.label": "Пароль", + "": "Вход", + "forgot.password": "", + "institution.login.button": "", + "": "", + "login.other.options.heading": "", + "non.compliant.password.title": "", + "non.compliant.password.message": "", + "account.locked.out.message.1": "", + "enterprise.login.btn.text": "", + "": "", + "email.validation.message": "", + "password.validation.message": "", + "account.activation.success.message.title": "", + "account.activation.success.message": "", + "": "Эта учётная запись уже активирована.", + "account.activation.error.message.title": "", + "": "связаться с поддержкой", + "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "", + "account.confirmation.success.message": "", + "": "", + "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "", + "": "", + "internal.server.error.message": "", + "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "Слишком много неудачных попыток входа. Повторите попытку позже.", + "login.failure.header.title": "Не удалось войти в систему.", + "": "", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "", + "login.form.invalid.error.message": "", + "": "", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "Закрыть", + "": "", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "optional.fields.submit.button": "Отправить", + "optional.fields.skip.button": "Пропустить сейчас", + "": "Вперёд", + "": "", + "modal.title": "", + "modal.description": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "recommendation.skip.button": "Пропустить сейчас", + "recommendation.option.trending": "", + "recommendation.option.popular": "", + "": "Рекомендуется для вас", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "Курс", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "Профессиональный сертификат", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "Подписка", + "": "", + "": "", + "registration.fullname.label": "Полное имя", + "": "Электронная почта", + "registration.username.label": "Имя пользователя", + "registration.password.label": "Пароль", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "help.text.username.1": "", + "help.text.username.2": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "registration.other.options.heading": "", + "create.account.cta.button": "", + "register.institution.login.button": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "Введите вашу эл. почту", + "empty.username.field.error": "", + "empty.password.field.error": "", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "Адреса электронной почты не совпадают.", + "email.invalid.format.error": "Введите корректный адрес эл. почты", + "username.validation.message": "", + "name.validation.message": "", + "username.format.validation.message": "", + "registration.request.failure.header": "Не удалось создать учётную запись.", + "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "", + "registration.request.server.error": "", + "registration.rate.limit.error": "", + "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Истёк срок ожидания регистрации с помощью {provider}.", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "", + "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Условия предоставления услуг и Кодекс чести", + "privacy.policy": "Политика конфиденциальности", + "honor.code": "Кодекс чести", + "terms.of.service": "Договор публичной оферты", + "registration.username.suggestion.label": "", + "": "", + "": "Вход", + "": "", + "reset.password": "Сброс пароля", + "": "Введите и подтвердите новый пароль.", + "new.password.label": "Новый пароль", + "confirm.password.label": "", + "": "", + "confirm.your.password": "", + "reset.password.failure.heading": "", + "reset.password.form.submission.error": "", + "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "", + "reset.password.success.heading": "", + "reset.password.success": "", + "rate.limit.error": "", + "start.learning": "Начать обучение", + "": "с {siteName}", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "Добро пожаловать на {siteName}, {username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "Завершено", + "complete.your.profile.2": "ваш профиль", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/uk.json b/src/i18n/messages/uk.json index 8fdcb6c3e6..f2af1a55c1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/uk.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/uk.json @@ -1,166 +1,182 @@ { - "start.learning": "Start learning", - "": "with {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Complete", - "complete.your.profile.2": "your profile", - "": "Welcome to {siteName}, {username}!", - "": "Choose your institution from the list below", - "": "Sign in", - "logistration.register": "Register", - "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Would you like to sign in using your {providerName} credentials?", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Show me other ways to sign in or register", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", - "": "Sign in with {providerName}", - "sso.create.account.using": "Create account using {providerName}", - "show.password": "Show password", - "hide.password": "Hide password", - "one.letter": "1 letter", - "one.number": "1 number", - "eight.characters": "8 characters", - "": "Password must contain at least 8 characters, at least one letter, and at least one number", - "tpa.alert.heading": "Almost done!", - "": "You have successfully signed into {currentProvider}, but your {currentProvider} account does not have a linked {platformName} account. To link your accounts, sign in now using your {platformName} password.", - "": "You've successfully signed into {currentProvider}! We just need a little more information before you start learning with {platformName}.", - "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Finish creating your account", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "The page you're looking for is unavailable or there's an error in the URL. Please check the URL and try again.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "We sent an email to {email} with instructions to reset your password.\n If you do not receive a password reset message after 1 minute, verify that you entered\n the correct email address, or check your spam folder. If you need further assistance, {supportLink}.", - "": "Forgot Password | {siteName}", - "": "Reset password", - "": "Please enter your email address below and we will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.", - "": "Enter a valid email address", - "": "Email", - "": "Submit", - "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "We were unable to contact you.", - "forgot.password.error.message.title": "An error occurred.", - "": "Your previous request is in progress, please try again in a few moments.", - "": "Enter your email", - "": "The email address you used to register with {platformName}", - "confirmation.message.title": "Check your email", - "": "contact technical support", - "": "Need help signing in?", - "": "For additional help, contact {platformName} support at ", - "": "Sign in", - "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} below.", - "invalid.token.heading": "Invalid password reset link", - "invalid.token.error.message": "This password reset link is invalid. It may have been used already. Enter your email below to receive a new link.", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "Too many requests", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time.", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "Token validation failure", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "internal.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "account.activation.error.message": "Something went wrong, please {supportLink} to resolve this issue.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "In order to sign in, you need to activate your account.{lineBreak}\n {lineBreak}We just sent an activation link to {email}. If you do not receive an email,\n check your spam folders or {supportLink}.", - "allowed.domain.login.error": "As {allowedDomain} user, You must login with your {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "The username, email or password you entered is incorrect. You have {remainingAttempts} more sign in\n attempts before your account is temporarily locked.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "If you've forgotten your password, {resetLink}", - "account.locked.out.message.2": "To be on the safe side, you can {resetLink} before trying again.", - "": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again or {resetLink}.", - "": "Login | {siteName}", - "login.user.identity.label": "Username or email", - "login.password.label": "Password", - "": "Sign in", - "forgot.password": "Forgot password", - "institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", - "": "Sign in with institution/campus credentials", - "login.other.options.heading": "Or sign in with:", - "non.compliant.password.title": "We recently changed our password requirements", - "non.compliant.password.message": "Your current password does not meet the new security requirements. We just sent a password-reset message to the email address associated with this account. Thank you for helping us keep your data safe.", - "account.locked.out.message.1": "To protect your account, it's been temporarily locked. Try again in 30 minutes.", - "enterprise.login.btn.text": "Company or school credentials", - "": "Username or email must have at least 3 characters.", - "email.validation.message": "Enter your username or email", - "password.validation.message": "Password criteria has not been met", - "account.activation.success.message.title": "Success! You have activated your account.", - "account.activation.success.message": "You will now receive email updates and alerts from us related to the courses you are enrolled in. Sign in to continue.", - "": "This account has already been activated.", - "account.activation.error.message.title": "Your account could not be activated", - "": "contact support", - "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "Success! You have confirmed your email.", - "account.confirmation.success.message": "Sign in to continue.", - "": "This email has already been confirmed.", - "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "Your email could not be confirmed", - "": "{provider} account", - "internal.server.error.message": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "Too many failed login attempts. Try again later.", - "login.failure.header.title": "We couldn't sign you in.", - "": "contact {platformName} support", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.", - "login.form.invalid.error.message": "Please fill in the fields below.", - "": "reset your password", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "click here to reset it.", - "": "Password security", - "": "Password change required", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. We recommend you change it so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. Change your password so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Close", - "": "Reset your password", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", - "": "A few questions for you will help us get smarter.", - "": "Learn more about how we use this information.", - "optional.fields.submit.button": "Submit", - "optional.fields.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Next", - "": "Continue to {platformName}", - "modal.title": "Thanks for letting us know.", - "modal.description": "You can complete your profile in settings at any time if you change your mind.", - "": "We couldn't update your profile", - "": "An error occurred. You can complete your profile in settings at any time.", - "": "Recommendations | {siteName}", - "": "We have a few recommendations to get you started.", - "recommendation.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Register | {siteName}", - "registration.fullname.label": "Full name", - "": "Email", - "registration.username.label": "Public username", - "registration.password.label": "Password", - "": "Country/Region", - "": "I agree that {siteName} may send me marketing messages.", - "": "This name will be used by any certificates that you earn.", - "help.text.username.1": "The name that will identify you in your courses.", - "help.text.username.2": "This can not be changed later.", - "": "For account activation and important updates", - "": "Create an account for free", - "registration.other.options.heading": "Or register with:", - "register.institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", - "": "Register with institution/campus credentials", - "": "Enter your full name", - "": "Enter your email", - "empty.username.field.error": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "empty.password.field.error": "Password criteria has not been met", - "": "Select your country or region of residence", - "": "The email addresses do not match.", - "email.invalid.format.error": "Enter a valid email address", - "username.validation.message": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "name.validation.message": "Enter a valid name", - "username.format.validation.message": "Usernames can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numerals (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Usernames cannot contain spaces", - "registration.request.failure.header": "We couldn't create your account.", - "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "registration.request.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "registration.rate.limit.error": "Too many failed registration attempts. Try again later.", - "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Registration using {provider} has timed out.", - "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Terms of Service and Honor Code", - "privacy.policy": "Privacy Policy", - "honor.code": "Honor Code", - "terms.of.service": "Terms of Service", - "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Suggested:", - "": "Did you mean", - "": "By creating an account, you agree to the {tosAndHonorCode} and you acknowledge that {platformName} and each\n Member process your personal data in accordance with the {privacyPolicy}.", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {termsOfService}", - "": "Sign in", - "": "Reset Password | {siteName}", - "reset.password": "Reset password", - "": "Enter and confirm your new password.", - "new.password.label": "New password", - "confirm.password.label": "Confirm password", - "": "Passwords do not match", - "confirm.your.password": "Confirm your password", - "reset.password.failure.heading": "We couldn't reset your password.", - "reset.password.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Too many requests.", - "reset.password.success.heading": "Password reset complete.", - "reset.password.success": "Your password has been reset. Sign in to your account.", - "rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time." + "error.notfound.message": "Сторінка, яку ви шукаєте, недоступна або в URL-адресі є помилка. Перевірте URL-адресу та повторіть спробу.", + "": "Оберіть навчальний заклад із переліку:", + "": "Увійти", + "logistration.register": "Зареєструватися", + "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Бажаєте увійти за допомогою {providerName}?", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Показати інші способи авторизації або реєстрації", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Показати інші способи авторизації", + "": "Увійти за допомогою {providerName}", + "sso.create.account.using": "Створити обліковий запис за допомогою {providerName}.", + "show.password": "Показати пароль", + "hide.password": "Показати пароль", + "one.letter": "1 літера", + "one.number": "1 цифра", + "eight.characters": "8 символів", + "": "Пароль має складатися щонайменше з 8 символів, принаймні однієї літери, та однієї цифри", + "tpa.alert.heading": "Майже все!", + "": "Ви успішно увійшли в {currentProvider}, але Ваш обліковий запис {currentProvider} не має під'єднаного облікового запису {platformName}. Щоб під'єднати облікові записи, увійдіть зараз, використовуючи Ваш пароль {platformName}.", + "": "Ви успішно ввійшли в {currentProvider}! Нам потрібно ще трішки інформації перед тим, як Ви почнете навчання з {platformName}.", + "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Завершити створення Вашого облікового запису", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "Підтримка edX", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Виберіть тип запиту:", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "Ми надіслали електронний лист на адресу {email} з інструкціями щодо зміни пароля. Якщо Ви не отримаєте повідомлення про зміну пароля через 1 хвилину, переконайтеся, що Ви ввели правильну адресу електронної пошти, або перевірте папку зі спамом. Якщо Вам потрібна додаткова допомога, відвідайте {supportLink}.", + "": "Забув Пароль | {siteName}", + "": "Скинути Пароль", + "": "Будь ласка, введіть свою адресу електронної пошти нижче, і ми надішлемо Вам інструкції зі встановлення нового пароля.", + "": "Введіть введіть дійсну адресу електронної пошти", + "": "Електронна пошта", + "": "Надіслати", + "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "Нам не вдалося зв'язатися з Вами.", + "forgot.password.error.message.title": "Сталася помилка.", + "": "Ваш попередній запит у процесі обробки. Повторіть спробу за кілька хвилин.", + "": "Введіть Вашу адресу електронної пошти", + "": "Електронна пошта, яку Ви використовували для реєстрації на {platformName}", + "confirmation.message.title": "Перевірте свою пошту", + "": "звернутися до служби підтримки", + "": "Потрібна допомога для входу?", + "": "Щоб отримати додаткову допомогу, зверніться до служби підтримки {platformName} за адресою", + "": "Увійти", + "extend.field.errors": "{emailError}, що вказана нижче.", + "invalid.token.heading": "Недійсне посилання на скидання паролю", + "invalid.token.error.message": "Це посилання для зміни пароля недійсне. Можливо, його вже використовували. Введіть свою електронну адресу нижче, щоб отримати нове посилання.", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "Забагато запитів", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "Сталася помилка через велику кількість запитів. Спробуйте ще раз через деякий час.", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "Не вдалося перевірити токен.", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "Сталася помилка. Оновіть сторінку та перевірте Ваше інтернет з'єднання.", + "internal.server.error": "Сталася помилка. Оновіть сторінку та перевірте Ваше інтернет з'єднання.", + "account.activation.error.message": "Щось пішло не так, відвідайте {supportLink}, щоб вирішити цю проблему.", + "login.inactive.user.error": "Щоб увійти, Вам потрібно активувати свій обліковий запис.{lineBreak} {lineBreak}Ми щойно надіслали посилання для активації на адресу {email}. Якщо Ви не отримали листа, перевірте папку зі спамом або відвідайте {supportLink}.", + "allowed.domain.login.error": "Як користувач {allowedDomain}, Ви маєте увійти за допомогою {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "Ім'я користувача, адреса електронної пошти або пароль, які Ви ввели, неправильні. У Вас є ще {remainingAttempts} спроби входу, перш ніж Ваш обліковий запис буде тимчасово заблоковано.", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "Якщо Ви забули свій пароль, перейдіть за посиланням {resetLink}", + "account.locked.out.message.2": "Щоб бути в безпеці, Ви можете перейти за посиланням {resetLink} перед повторною спробою.", + "": "Ім'я користувача, адреса електронної пошти або пароль, які Ви ввели, неправильні. Спробуйте ще раз або перейдіть за посиланням {resetLink}.", + "": "Увійти до облікового запису | {siteName}", + "login.user.identity.label": "Ім'я користувача або електронна пошта", + "login.password.label": "Пароль ", + "": "Увійти", + "forgot.password": "Забули пароль?", + "institution.login.button": "Використати мій навчальний заклад", + "": "Авторизуватись від навчального закладу", + "login.other.options.heading": "Або увійти за допомогою:", + "non.compliant.password.title": "Нещодавно ми змінили вимоги до пароля", + "non.compliant.password.message": "Ваш поточний пароль не відповідає новим вимогам безпеки. Ми щойно надіслали повідомлення для зміни пароля на електронну адресу, пов’язану з цим обліковим записом. Дякуємо, що допомагаєте нам захистити Ваші дані.", + "account.locked.out.message.1": "Щоб захистити Ваш обліковий запис, його тимчасово заблоковано. Повторіть спробу через 30 хвилин.", + "enterprise.login.btn.text": "Облікові дані від компанії чи навчального закладу", + "": "Ім'я користувача або адреса електронної пошти має містити принаймні 3 символи.", + "email.validation.message": "Введіть своє ім'я користувача або електронну адресу", + "password.validation.message": "Критерії пароля не виконано", + "account.activation.success.message.title": "Готово! Ваш обліковий запис успішно активовано.", + "account.activation.success.message": "Тепер Ви отримуватимете від нас оновлення електронною поштою та сповіщення щодо курсів, на які Ви зараховані. Увійдіть, щоб продовжити.", + "": "Цей обліковий запис вже активовано.", + "account.activation.error.message.title": "Ваш обліковий запис не вдалося активувати", + "": "звернутися до служби підтримки", + "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "Готово! Ви підтвердили свою електронну адресу.", + "account.confirmation.success.message": "Увійдіть, щоб продовжити.", + "": "Цю адресу електронної пошти вже підтверджено.", + "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "Вашу адресу електронної пошти не вдалось підтвердити.", + "": "обліковий запис {provider}", + "internal.server.error.message": "Сталася помилка. Оновіть сторінку та перевірте Ваше інтернет з'єднання.", + "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "Надто багато невдалих спроб входу. Спробуйте ще раз пізніше.", + "login.failure.header.title": "Неможливо увійти.", + "": "звернутись до служби підтримки {platformName}", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "Ім'я користувача, адреса електронної пошти або пароль, які Ви ввели, неправильні. Спробуйте ще раз.", + "login.form.invalid.error.message": "Будь ласка, заповніть поля нижче.", + "": "скинути пароль", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "натисніть тут для скидання паролю.", + "": "Безпека пароля", + "": "Необхідно змінити пароль", + "": "Наша система визначила, що Ваш пароль є вразливим. Змініть пароль, щоб Ваш обліковий запис залишався захищеним.", + "": "Наша система визначила, що Ваш пароль є вразливим. Змініть пароль, щоб Ваш обліковий запис залишався захищеним.", + "": "Закрити", + "": "Скинути пароль", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "На жаль, ви не маєте права на доступ до {platform_name} через цей канал. Зверніться до свого навчального адміністратора або менеджера , щоб отримати доступ до {platform_name}. {lineBreak}{lineBreak} Помилка детально :{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", + "": "Вітаємо | {siteName}", + "": "Будь ласка, дайте відповідь на декілька питань, щоб ми могли стати кращими для Вас.", + "": "Дізнатись про те, як ми використовуємо цю інформацію.", + "optional.fields.submit.button": "Надіслати", + "optional.fields.skip.button": "Пропустити поки що", + "": "Вперед", + "": "Перейти до {platformName}", + "modal.title": "Дякуємо за Ваш час.", + "modal.description": "Ви можете будь-коли заповнити свій профіль у налаштуваннях, якщо передумаєте.", + "": "Не вдалося оновити Ваш профіль", + "": "Виникла помилка. Ви можете будь-коли заповнити свій профіль у налаштуваннях.", + "": "Рекомендації | {siteName}", + "": "У нас є кілька рекомендацій, для початку роботи.", + "recommendation.skip.button": "Пропустити поки що", + "recommendation.option.trending": "Зараз у тренді", + "recommendation.option.popular": "Найпопулярніше", + "": "Рекомендації для Вас", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "Курс", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "Професійний сертифікат", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "Пропонується на Emeritus", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "Пропонується на Shorelight", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "{length} {label}", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "Підписка", + "": "Відкриває посилання в новій вкладці", + "": "Зареєструватись | {siteName}", + "registration.fullname.label": "Ім'я та прізвище", + "": "Електронна пошта", + "registration.username.label": "Ім'я для форумів", + "registration.password.label": "Пароль ", + "": "Країна / Регіон", + "": "Я надаю згоду на отримання маркетингових повідомлень від {siteName}", + "": "Це ім'я буде використано у кожному отриманому сертифікаті.", + "help.text.username.1": "Ім'я, за яким Вас будуть ідентифікувати в системі.", + "help.text.username.2": "Його неможливо змінити пізніше.", + "": "Для активації облікового запису та важливих оновлень", + "": "Створити безкоштовний обліковий запис", + "registration.other.options.heading": "Або зареєструватись за допомогою:", + "create.account.cta.button": "{label}", + "register.institution.login.button": "Використати мій навчальний заклад", + "": "Зареєструватись від навчального закладу", + "": "Введіть своє ім’я повністю", + "": "Введіть Вашу адресу електронної пошти", + "empty.username.field.error": "Iм'я користувача повинно мати від 2 до 30 символів", + "empty.password.field.error": "Критерії пароля не виконано", + "": "Оберіть Вашу країну чи регіон проживання", + "": "", + "": "Електронні адреси не збігаються.", + "email.invalid.format.error": "Введіть введіть дійсну адресу електронної пошти", + "username.validation.message": "Iм'я користувача повинно мати від 2 до 30 символів", + "name.validation.message": "Введіть дійсне ім'я.", + "username.format.validation.message": "Імена користувачів можуть містити лише літери (A-Z, a-z), цифри (0-9), підкреслення (_) та дефіси (-). Імена користувачів не можуть містити пробілів.", + "registration.request.failure.header": "Ми не змогли створити Ваш обліковий запис", + "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "Будь ласка, перевірте свої відповіді та повторіть спробу.", + "registration.request.server.error": "Сталася помилка. Оновіть сторінку та перевірте Ваше інтернет з'єднання.", + "registration.rate.limit.error": "Надто багато невдалих спроб реєстрації. Спробуйте ще раз пізніше.", + "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Час для реєстрації через {provider} вичерпано.", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "На жаль, ви не маєте права на доступ до {platform_name} через цей канал. Зверніться до свого навчального адміністратора або менеджера , щоб отримати доступ до {platform_name}. {lineBreak}{lineBreak} Помилка детально :{lineBreak}{errorMessage}", + "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Умови надання послуг та Кодекс Честі", + "privacy.policy": "Політика Конфіденційності", + "honor.code": "Кодекс Честі", + "terms.of.service": "Договір публічної оферти", + "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Рекомендовано:", + "": "Ви мали на увазі", + "": "Увійти", + "": "Скинути пароль | {siteName}", + "reset.password": "Скинути Пароль", + "": "Введіть та підтвердьте ваш новий пароль.", + "new.password.label": "Новий пароль", + "confirm.password.label": "Підтвердити пароль", + "": "Паролі не співпадають.", + "confirm.your.password": "Підтвердіть Ваш пароль", + "reset.password.failure.heading": "Сталася помилка під час скидання Вашого паролю.", + "reset.password.form.submission.error": "Будь ласка, перевірте свої відповіді та повторіть спробу.", + "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Забагато запитів", + "reset.password.success.heading": "Відновлення Вашого паролю завершено", + "reset.password.success": "Ваш пароль скинуто. Увійдіть до свого облікового запису.", + "rate.limit.error": "Сталася помилка через велику кількість запитів. Спробуйте ще раз через деякий час.", + "start.learning": "Почати навчання", + "": "з {siteName}", + "": "Поворотний момент Вашої кар'єри", + "": "починається тут.", + "": "Вітаємо на {siteName}, {username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "Завершено", + "complete.your.profile.2": "Ваш профіль", + "": "Створюючи аккаунт, ви погоджуєтесь з умовами {tosAndHonorCode}, і з тим, що {platformName}, та кожен учасник, використовує ваші персональні дані згідно {privacyPolicy}.", + "": "Я погоджуюсь з {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", + "": "Я погоджуюсь з {platformName} {termsOfService}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json b/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json index 8fdcb6c3e6..162038ead7 100644 --- a/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json +++ b/src/i18n/messages/zh_CN.json @@ -1,166 +1,182 @@ { - "start.learning": "Start learning", - "": "with {siteName}", - "complete.your.profile.1": "Complete", - "complete.your.profile.2": "your profile", - "": "Welcome to {siteName}, {username}!", - "": "Choose your institution from the list below", - "": "Sign in", - "logistration.register": "Register", - "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "Would you like to sign in using your {providerName} credentials?", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "Show me other ways to sign in or register", - "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "Show me other ways to sign in", - "": "Sign in with {providerName}", - "sso.create.account.using": "Create account using {providerName}", - "show.password": "Show password", - "hide.password": "Hide password", - "one.letter": "1 letter", - "one.number": "1 number", - "eight.characters": "8 characters", - "": "Password must contain at least 8 characters, at least one letter, and at least one number", - "tpa.alert.heading": "Almost done!", - "": "You have successfully signed into {currentProvider}, but your {currentProvider} account does not have a linked {platformName} account. To link your accounts, sign in now using your {platformName} password.", - "": "You've successfully signed into {currentProvider}! We just need a little more information before you start learning with {platformName}.", - "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "Finish creating your account", - "zendesk.supportTitle": "edX Support", - "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "Please choose your request type:", - "error.notfound.message": "The page you're looking for is unavailable or there's an error in the URL. Please check the URL and try again.", - "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "We sent an email to {email} with instructions to reset your password.\n If you do not receive a password reset message after 1 minute, verify that you entered\n the correct email address, or check your spam folder. If you need further assistance, {supportLink}.", - "": "Forgot Password | {siteName}", - "": "Reset password", - "": "Please enter your email address below and we will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.", - "": "Enter a valid email address", - "": "Email", - "": "Submit", - "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "We were unable to contact you.", - "forgot.password.error.message.title": "An error occurred.", - "": "Your previous request is in progress, please try again in a few moments.", - "": "Enter your email", - "": "The email address you used to register with {platformName}", - "confirmation.message.title": "Check your email", - "": "contact technical support", - "": "Need help signing in?", - "": "For additional help, contact {platformName} support at ", - "": "Sign in", - "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} below.", - "invalid.token.heading": "Invalid password reset link", - "invalid.token.error.message": "This password reset link is invalid. It may have been used already. Enter your email below to receive a new link.", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "Too many requests", - "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time.", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "Token validation failure", - "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "internal.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "account.activation.error.message": "Something went wrong, please {supportLink} to resolve this issue.", - "login.inactive.user.error": "In order to sign in, you need to activate your account.{lineBreak}\n {lineBreak}We just sent an activation link to {email}. If you do not receive an email,\n check your spam folders or {supportLink}.", - "allowed.domain.login.error": "As {allowedDomain} user, You must login with your {allowedDomain} {tpaLink}.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "The username, email or password you entered is incorrect. You have {remainingAttempts} more sign in\n attempts before your account is temporarily locked.", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "If you've forgotten your password, {resetLink}", - "account.locked.out.message.2": "To be on the safe side, you can {resetLink} before trying again.", - "": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again or {resetLink}.", - "": "Login | {siteName}", - "login.user.identity.label": "Username or email", - "login.password.label": "Password", - "": "Sign in", - "forgot.password": "Forgot password", - "institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", - "": "Sign in with institution/campus credentials", - "login.other.options.heading": "Or sign in with:", - "non.compliant.password.title": "We recently changed our password requirements", - "non.compliant.password.message": "Your current password does not meet the new security requirements. We just sent a password-reset message to the email address associated with this account. Thank you for helping us keep your data safe.", - "account.locked.out.message.1": "To protect your account, it's been temporarily locked. Try again in 30 minutes.", - "enterprise.login.btn.text": "Company or school credentials", - "": "Username or email must have at least 3 characters.", - "email.validation.message": "Enter your username or email", - "password.validation.message": "Password criteria has not been met", - "account.activation.success.message.title": "Success! You have activated your account.", - "account.activation.success.message": "You will now receive email updates and alerts from us related to the courses you are enrolled in. Sign in to continue.", - "": "This account has already been activated.", - "account.activation.error.message.title": "Your account could not be activated", - "": "contact support", - "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "Success! You have confirmed your email.", - "account.confirmation.success.message": "Sign in to continue.", - "": "This email has already been confirmed.", - "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "Your email could not be confirmed", - "": "{provider} account", - "internal.server.error.message": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "Too many failed login attempts. Try again later.", - "login.failure.header.title": "We couldn't sign you in.", - "": "contact {platformName} support", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "The username, email, or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.", - "login.form.invalid.error.message": "Please fill in the fields below.", - "": "reset your password", - "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "click here to reset it.", - "": "Password security", - "": "Password change required", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. We recommend you change it so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Our system detected that your password is vulnerable. Change your password so that your account stays secure.", - "": "Close", - "": "Reset your password", - "": "Welcome | {siteName}", - "": "A few questions for you will help us get smarter.", - "": "Learn more about how we use this information.", - "optional.fields.submit.button": "Submit", - "optional.fields.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Next", - "": "Continue to {platformName}", - "modal.title": "Thanks for letting us know.", - "modal.description": "You can complete your profile in settings at any time if you change your mind.", - "": "We couldn't update your profile", - "": "An error occurred. You can complete your profile in settings at any time.", - "": "Recommendations | {siteName}", - "": "We have a few recommendations to get you started.", - "recommendation.skip.button": "Skip for now", - "": "Register | {siteName}", - "registration.fullname.label": "Full name", - "": "Email", - "registration.username.label": "Public username", - "registration.password.label": "Password", - "": "Country/Region", - "": "I agree that {siteName} may send me marketing messages.", - "": "This name will be used by any certificates that you earn.", - "help.text.username.1": "The name that will identify you in your courses.", - "help.text.username.2": "This can not be changed later.", - "": "For account activation and important updates", - "": "Create an account for free", - "registration.other.options.heading": "Or register with:", - "register.institution.login.button": "Institution/campus credentials", - "": "Register with institution/campus credentials", - "": "Enter your full name", - "": "Enter your email", - "empty.username.field.error": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "empty.password.field.error": "Password criteria has not been met", - "": "Select your country or region of residence", - "": "The email addresses do not match.", - "email.invalid.format.error": "Enter a valid email address", - "username.validation.message": "Username must be between 2 and 30 characters", - "name.validation.message": "Enter a valid name", - "username.format.validation.message": "Usernames can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numerals (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Usernames cannot contain spaces", - "registration.request.failure.header": "We couldn't create your account.", - "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "registration.request.server.error": "An error has occurred. Try refreshing the page, or check your internet connection.", - "registration.rate.limit.error": "Too many failed registration attempts. Try again later.", - "registration.tpa.session.expired": "Registration using {provider} has timed out.", - "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "Terms of Service and Honor Code", - "privacy.policy": "Privacy Policy", - "honor.code": "Honor Code", - "terms.of.service": "Terms of Service", - "registration.username.suggestion.label": "Suggested:", - "": "Did you mean", - "": "By creating an account, you agree to the {tosAndHonorCode} and you acknowledge that {platformName} and each\n Member process your personal data in accordance with the {privacyPolicy}.", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {tosAndHonorCode}", - "": "I agree to the {platformName} {termsOfService}", - "": "Sign in", - "": "Reset Password | {siteName}", - "reset.password": "Reset password", - "": "Enter and confirm your new password.", - "new.password.label": "New password", - "confirm.password.label": "Confirm password", - "": "Passwords do not match", - "confirm.your.password": "Confirm your password", - "reset.password.failure.heading": "We couldn't reset your password.", - "reset.password.form.submission.error": "Please check your responses and try again.", - "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "Too many requests.", - "reset.password.success.heading": "Password reset complete.", - "reset.password.success": "Your password has been reset. Sign in to your account.", - "rate.limit.error": "An error has occurred because of too many requests. Please try again after some time." + "error.notfound.message": "您访问的地址不存在或有误。请检查URL后重新尝试访问。", + "": "从下面的列表中选择您的机构", + "": "登录", + "logistration.register": "注册", + "enterprisetpa.title.heading": "您要使用 {providerName} 登录吗?", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text": "为我显示其他登录或注册方式", + "enterprisetpa.login.button.text.public.account.creation.disabled": "显示其他登录方式", + "": "使用 {providerName} 登录", + "sso.create.account.using": "使用 {providerName} 创建帐户", + "show.password": "显示密码", + "hide.password": "隐藏密码", + "one.letter": "1 个字母", + "one.number": "1个数字", + "eight.characters": "8个字符", + "": "密码必须包含至少 8 个字符、至少一个字母和至少一个数字", + "tpa.alert.heading": "快完成了!", + "": "您已成功登录 {currentProvider},但您的 {currentProvider} 帐户没有关联的 {platformName} 帐户。要链接您的帐户,请立即使用您的 {platformName} 密码登录。", + "": "您已成功登录 {currentProvider}!在您开始学习 {platformName} 之前,我们只需要更多信息。", + "registration.using.tpa.form.heading": "完成创建您的帐户", + "zendesk.supportTitle": "", + "zendesk.selectTicketForm": "", + "forgot.password.confirmation.message": "", + "": "忘记密码 | {siteName}", + "": "重置密码", + "": "请在下面输入您的电子邮件地址,我们将向您发送一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何重置密码的说明。", + "": "输入一个有效的电子邮件地址", + "": "邮箱", + "": "提交", + "forgot.password.error.alert.title.": "我们无法联系到您。", + "forgot.password.error.message.title": "发生了一个错误。", + "": "你的前一个请求正在处理中,请稍后再尝试。", + "": "输入你的电子邮箱", + "": "您用于注册 {platformName} 的电子邮件地址", + "confirmation.message.title": "查收您的邮件", + "": "联系技术支持", + "": "需要帮助登录?", + "": "", + "": "登录", + "extend.field.errors": "{emailError} 如下。", + "invalid.token.heading": "密码重置链接无效", + "invalid.token.error.message": "此密码重置链接无效。它可能已经被使用过。在下面输入您的电子邮件以接收新链接。", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error.heading": "请求过多", + "token.validation.rate.limit.error": "由于请求过多而发生错误。请稍后重试。", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error.heading": "验证失败", + "token.validation.internal.sever.error": "发生了错误。尝试刷新页面,或检查您的互联网连接。", + "internal.server.error": "发生了错误。尝试刷新页面,或检查您的互联网连接。", + "account.activation.error.message": "出了点问题,请联系{supportLink}解决这个问题。", + "login.inactive.user.error": "", + "allowed.domain.login.error": "作为 {allowedDomain} 用户,您必须使用 {allowedDomain} {tpaLink} 登录。", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.1": "", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.attempts.text.2": "如果您忘记了密码,{resetLink}", + "account.locked.out.message.2": "为了安全起见,您可以先{resetLink}再试一次。", + "": "您输入的用户名、电子邮件或密码不正确。请重试或 {resetLink}。", + "": "登入 | {siteName}", + "login.user.identity.label": "用户名或电子邮件", + "login.password.label": "密码", + "": "登录", + "forgot.password": "忘记密码", + "institution.login.button": "机构/校园凭证", + "": "使用机构/校园凭据登录", + "login.other.options.heading": "或登录:", + "non.compliant.password.title": "我们最近更改了密码要求", + "non.compliant.password.message": "您当前的密码不符合新的安全要求。我们刚刚向与此帐户关联的电子邮件地址发送了密码重置邮件。感谢您帮助我们保护您的数据安全。", + "account.locked.out.message.1": "为了保护您的帐户,它已被暂时锁定。请在 30 分钟后重试。", + "enterprise.login.btn.text": "单位或学校证书", + "": "用户名或电子邮件必须至少包含 3 个字符。", + "email.validation.message": "输入您的用户名或电子邮件", + "password.validation.message": "未满足密码条件", + "account.activation.success.message.title": "成功!您已激活您的帐户。", + "account.activation.success.message": "您现在将收到我们发送的与您注册的课程相关的电子邮件更新和提醒。登录以继续。", + "": "本账号已经被激活。", + "account.activation.error.message.title": "您的帐户无法激活", + "": "请联系技术支持", + "account.confirmation.success.message.title": "成功!您已确认您的电子邮件。", + "account.confirmation.success.message": "登录并继续。", + "": "此电子邮件已被确认。", + "account.confirmation.error.message.title": "无法确认您的电子邮件", + "": "{provider} 帐户", + "internal.server.error.message": "发生了错误。尝试刷新页面,或检查您的互联网连接。", + "login.rate.limit.reached.message": "失败次数超过限制,请稍后再试!", + "login.failure.header.title": "登录失败。", + "": "联系 {platformName} 支持", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error": "您输入的用户名、电子邮件或密码不正确。请再试一次。", + "login.form.invalid.error.message": "请填写以下字段。", + "": "重置你的密码", + "login.incorrect.credentials.error.before.account.blocked.text": "点击此处来重置它。", + "": "密码安全", + "": "需要更改密码", + "": "系统检测到您的密码存在漏洞。我们建议您更改它,以便您的帐户保持安全。", + "": "系统检测到您的密码存在漏洞。更改您的密码,以确保您的帐户安全。", + "": "关闭", + "": "重置你的密码", + "login.tpa.authentication.failure": "", + "": "欢迎来的 | {siteName}", + "": "你的问题将会帮助我们服务做的更好。", + "": "详细了解我们如何使用这些信息。", + "optional.fields.submit.button": "提交", + "optional.fields.skip.button": "暂时跳过", + "": "下一节", + "": "继续{platformName}", + "modal.title": "感谢您指点。", + "modal.description": "如果您改变主意,可以随时在设置中完成您的个人资料。", + "": "我们无法更新您的个人资料", + "": "发生错误。您可以随时在设置中完成您的个人资料。", + "": "建议 | {siteName}", + "": "我们有一些建议可以帮助您入门。", + "recommendation.skip.button": "暂时跳过", + "recommendation.option.trending": "", + "recommendation.option.popular": "", + "": "", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.course": "课程", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.professional-certificate": "专业证书", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.emeritus": "", + "recommendation.product-card.pill-text.shorelight": "", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.number-of-courses": "", + "recommendation.product-card.footer-text.subscription": "", + "": "", + "": "注册 | {siteName}", + "registration.fullname.label": "全名", + "": "邮箱", + "registration.username.label": "公开用户名", + "registration.password.label": "密码", + "": "国家/地区", + "": "我同意 {siteName} 可以向我发送课程相关推广信息。", + "": "您获得的任何证书都将使用此名称。", + "help.text.username.1": "此名称将会用于您在课程中的身份识别。", + "help.text.username.2": "过后无法更改。", + "": "用于帐户激活和重要更新", + "": "免费创建一个帐户", + "registration.other.options.heading": "或注册:", + "create.account.cta.button": "", + "register.institution.login.button": "机构/院系验证", + "": "使用机构/院系账户注册", + "": "输入您的全名", + "": "输入你的电子邮箱", + "empty.username.field.error": "用户名必须介于 2 到 30 个字符之间", + "empty.password.field.error": "未满足密码条件", + "": "选择您居住的国家或地区", + "": "", + "": "邮箱不一致。", + "email.invalid.format.error": "输入一个有效的电子邮件地址", + "username.validation.message": "用户名必须介于 2 到 30 个字符之间", + "name.validation.message": "输入有效名称", + "username.format.validation.message": "用户名只能包含字母(AZ、az)、数字(0-9)、下划线(_)和连字符(-)。用户名不能包含空格", + "registration.request.failure.header": "无法创建账号。", + "registration.empty.form.submission.error": "请检查您的回复并重试。", + "registration.request.server.error": "发生了错误。尝试刷新页面,或检查您的互联网连接。", + "registration.rate.limit.error": "注册尝试失败次数过多。稍后再试。", + "registration.tpa.session.expired": "使用{provider}注册已超时。", + "registration.tpa.authentication.failure": "", + "terms.of.service.and.honor.code": "服务条款和诚信准则", + "privacy.policy": "隐私政策", + "honor.code": "规则", + "terms.of.service": "服务条款", + "registration.username.suggestion.label": "建议:", + "": "你的意思是", + "": "登录", + "": "重设密码 | {siteName}", + "reset.password": "重置密码", + "": "输入并确认你的新密码。", + "new.password.label": "新密码", + "confirm.password.label": "确认密码", + "": "密码不匹配", + "confirm.your.password": "确认你的密码", + "reset.password.failure.heading": "我们无法重置您的密码。", + "reset.password.form.submission.error": "请检查您的回复并重试。", + "reset.server.rate.limit.error": "请求过多。", + "reset.password.success.heading": "密码重置完成。", + "reset.password.success": "您的密码已重置。登录到您的帐户。", + "rate.limit.error": "由于请求过多而发生错误。请稍后重试。", + "start.learning": "开始学习", + "": "{siteName}", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "欢迎来到{siteName},{username}!", + "complete.your.profile.1": "完成", + "complete.your.profile.2": "个人资料", + "": "", + "": "", + "": "" } \ No newline at end of file