This is my personal API library for performing calls to The Samanage Service Platform. The code is provided as-is, without any warrenty. It is a work in progress and may not support all the options offered by the Samanage API Feel free to contact me with requests, issues or questions.
samanage-api code is reviewed with
and unit tested with Jest
If you'd like to contribute, you are welcome to fork, and submit pull requests to the original library, or contact me at
Try it on runKit (You will need a Samanage API token. How to get a token)
npm install samanage-api
You will need a Samanage API token. How to get a token
var SamanageAPI = require('samanage-api')
var connection = new SamanageAPI.Connection("your-token-here")
var success = function({data, ref, pagination_info}) {...}
var failure = function({error, info, httpStatus, ref}) {...}
var request = ... // see below different requests
The 'ref' attribute in the success and failure callbacks can be set during the call itself, like so:
var my_ref = 'whatever custom information. can also be of any type'
connection.callSamanageAPI(request, my_ref).then(success).catch(failure)
Retries are supported out of the box for certain HTTP codes which are retryable
you can configure the retry logic
var OPTS = { // see 'retry' npm module for full documentation
retries: 3,
factor: 2,
minTimeout: 1 * 100,
maxTimeout: 60 * 100,
randomize: true,
// For all requests on a specific connection
connection.retry_opts = OPTS
connection.callSamanageAPI(request, ref).then(...).catch(...)
// For a particular request
request.retry_opts = OPTS
connection.callSamanageAPI(request, ref).then(...).catch(...)
var get_incidents = SamanageAPI.get('incident')
var request = get_incidents(
new SamanageAPI.Filters().add({
sort_order: 'ASC',
sort_by: 'created_at',
created: ['2018-01-01','2018-01-02']
var get_incidents = SamanageAPI.get('incident')
var filters = new SamanageAPI.Filters().
var request = get_incidents(filters)
var export_incidents = SamanageAPI.export('incident')
new SamanageAPI.Filters().between_dates('created','2017-01-01','2018-07-07')
).then(function (result) {
/* Success:
result contains pagination info (how many incidents are there) but
does NOT contain the incidents' data. It is sent via email
}).catch(function(error) {
// Failure
var request = SamanageAPI.update('incident')(3, {
name:'opened with samanage-api-js library'
var request = SamanageAPI.create('incident')({
name:'opened with samanage-api-js library'
SamanageAPI has built in help. Open a new node console, and execute this:
var SamanageAPI = require('samanage-api')
Getter objects are promises to get all items of certain type that match a specific SamanageAPI.Filter
Getters are very convenient way of retrieving things like Itsm States or Users,
but may not be proper strategy for retrieving very large sets of items
(e.g. all audit logs since start of time);
Currently there's no check on number of items which will cause a very long retrieval process so just go ahead and experiment
Getters are defined like this:
// promise to get all ITSM states:
var itsm_states = connection.getter('itsm_state')
// promise to get all users created between certain dates
var users_filter = (new SamanageAPI.Filter()).between_dates('created','2017-01-01','2018-07-07')
var users = connection.getter('user', users_filter)
// promise to get all comments of particular incident
var comments = connection.getter('comment', (new SamanageAPI.Filters()), 'incidents/' +
Example: Do something after both users and itsm states are retrieved
Promise.all([itsm_states, users]).then(
function([states, users]) {...}