#640 [Dashboard] Action to Play Sound
#669 [LVGL+Flow] Comparison of widget pointers is not handled correctly
#671 Prevent widget from accidentally moving when clicked
#683 Cannot get out of Full Screen View in Ubuntu, and the menu bar disappears in Full Screen View
#689 [LVGL] Border Side property dropdown not readable on dark mode
#691 [LVGL] The event is not forwarded when "Handler type" is set to "Action" in event handler
#695 [Flow] Allow making flow lines straight when dragging widget
#698 [LVGL] Arc widget bug
#701 Logs string in the selected item is obscured
#702 [IEXT] Settings in IEXT projects shows 'LVGL groups'
#703 [LVGL] Scroll direction settings bug
#706 [LVGL] Add a way to control when screen is created
#711 [LVGL] Migrate to LVGL v9.2.2
#713 [Flow] Add search field to variable watch panel
#715 Switch between open tabs with Control+Tab and Control+Shift+Tab
#717 [Flow] Add a way to disable flow lines and its associated widgets
#718 [Flow] More specific error message if a flow action fails during tick execution
#723 [LVGL] Cannot select date on Calendar Widget
#724 [LVGL] The comparison between Event.getTarget(myevent) and Event.getCurrentTarget(myevent) is always unequal
You can’t perform that action at this time.