Eiffel Community is home to various projects that enable the members of the community to use, contribute, and collaborate on Eiffel.
The projects that are part of Eiffel Community adhere to the processes and procedured set by the community and follow the project lifecycle process for their creation, progression, and archival.
Projects hosted in Eiffel Community could utilize one or more repositories under Eiffel Community organization on GitHub and the main project repository is where the project facts are documented.
This document lists existing projects, links to the main project repository, and the lifecycle stage the projects currently reside in.
Any change to the project facts listed in this document shall be done according to the instructions documented in project lifecycle process.
If a breach in the Code of Conduct has been made, you can report it to responsible Eiffel maintainer team of the respective repository according to the table below. The maintainer team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
If you have technical questions, it is better to ask them in the open discussion forum on respective maintainer team page (go to on the maintainer team page and choose "discussions").
The table below lists the projects hosted by Eiffel Community alphabetically with the protocol itself listed first. All the projects are placed in to Sandbox stage by default.
Please see project lifecycle process for the project lifecycle and the stages.
Project Name | Project Description | Project Maintainers | Project Maintainer Contact Address | Project Lifecycle Stage |
Eiffel Protocol | Eiffel is a protocol for technology agnostic machine-to-machine communication in continuous integration and delivery pipelines, aimed at securing scalability, flexibility and traceability. | eiffel-protocol-maintainers | eiffel-protocol-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Graduated |
.github | GitHub community health files. | eiffel-community-maintainers | eiffel-community-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Not Applicable |
Eiffel Commons | eiffel-commons-maintainers | eiffel-commons-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox | |
Eiffel Community | A project containing common Eiffel resources and information that does not belong to specific Eiffel repositories. | eiffel-community-maintainers | eiffel-community-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Not Applicable |
eiffel-community.github.io | eiffel-community.github.io website files. | eiffel-community-maintainers | eiffel-community-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Not Applicable |
Eiffel Easy2Use | eiffel-easy2use-maintainers | eiffel-easy2use-repository-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox | |
ETOS | Eiffel Test Orchestration System | etos-maintainers | etos-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Event Repository | The Eiffel Event Repository provides a queryable persistence solution for Eiffel events. | eiffel-event-repository-maintainers | eiffel-event-repository-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Events Go SDK | An SDK for working with Eiffel events in Go. | eiffelevents-sdk-go-maintainers | eiffelevents-sdk-go-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Events .NET SDK | An SDK for working with Eiffel events in .NET languages (C#, F#, VB.NET etc.). | eiffelevents-sdk-dotnet-maintainers | eiffelevents-sdk-dotnet-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Gerrit Herald | Eiffel Gerrit Herald service listens to a RabbitMQ queue containing Gerrit events, converts them to Eiffel events and send them to a RabbitMQ exchange. | eiffel-gerrit-herald-maintainers | Not Available | Sandbox |
eiffel Gerrit Lib | Supporting library for Eiffel Gerrit Herald. | eiffel-gerrit-herald-maintainers | Not Available | Sandbox |
Eiffel Gerrit Plugin | Eiffel Gerrit Plugin listens on the changes in Gerrit and sends out Eiffel events. | eiffel-gerrit-plugin-maintainers | eiffel-gerrit-plugin-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Goer | Eiffel Goer is an open source implementation of the event repository API written in Go. | eiffel-goer-maintainers | eiffel-goer-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel GraphQL API | A GraphQL API-layer set between the eiffel message bus and a MongoDB. | eiffel-graphql-api-maintainers | eiffel-graphql-api-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Intelligence | Eiffel Intelligence is a real time data aggregation and analysis solution for Eiffel events. | eiffel-intelligence-maintainers | eiffel-intelligence-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Jenkins Plugin | Eiffel Jenkins Plugin turns Jenkins into a fully featured Eiffel actor in the software pipeline. | eiffel-jenkins-plugin-maintainers | eiffel-jenkins-plugin-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Jira Plugin | eiffel-jira-plugin-maintainers | Not Available | Sandbox | |
eiffel-persistence-technology-evaluation | Evaluation of database technologies for the purposes of storing and retrieving Eiffel events. | eiffel-persistence-technology-evaluation-maintainers | Not Available | Sandbox |
Eiffel Playground | A playground repository to test GitHub specific features not suitable to test with real repositories. | eiffel-playground-maintainers | eiffel-playground-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Not Applicable |
Eiffel Python Library | A python library for subscribing to and publishing Eiffel events to a message-broker. | eiffel-pythonlib-maintainers | eiffel-pythonlib-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel REMRem | Eiffel RemRem is a project undertaken to establish a communication layer between messagebus technologies and rest of Eiffel project. | eiffel-remrem-maintainers | eiffel-remrem-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffel Repository Template | Template repository to be used when creating new GitHub repositories. | eiffel-community-maintainers | eiffel-community-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Not Applicable |
Eiffel Sepia | Sepia Eiffel Protocol Implementation Architecture - guidance of the Eiffel protocol and its implementations. | eiffel-sepia-maintainers | eiffel-sepia-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Graduated |
Eiffel Store | A persistence solution for Eiffel events which accepts live view of Eiffel events. | eiffel-store-maintainers | Not Available | Sandbox |
Eiffel Vici | Eiffel Vici dynamically visualizes Eiffel events retrieved from an Eiffel Event Persistence Service. | eiffel-vici-maintainers | eiffel-vici-maintainers@googlegroups.com | Sandbox |
Eiffelactory | Sends ArtP based on ArtC and what it can find in Artifactory. | eiffelactory-maintainers | Not Available | Sandbox |
SimpleEventSender | Service providing a REST API for sending Eiffel events. | Not Available | Not Available | Sandbox |
Eiffel Demo CDEvents | A demo ground for showing how Eiffel and CDEvents can interact. | eiffel-cdevents-maintainers | Not Available | Sandbox |
Eiffel Translator CDEvents | A translator for events between the Eiffel event protocol and the CDEvents protocol. | eiffel-cdevents-maintainers | Not Available | Sandbox |