Thanks @evoactivity! - v1.0.0 had already been published in past and removed, cannot publish over it
Thanks @evoactivity! - Generate a CommonJS type declaration fileWe also are bumping the package to v1.0.0 as we feel it is now proven to be stable and ready for production use.
- #6
Thanks @evoactivity! - Fixes parsing of ISO date substrings (YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD) which are valid for the programme tag
- #3
Thanks @evoactivity! - Fix timezone parsing
Thanks @evoactivity! - Readme updates and tsconfig fix for node type resolution
- Fix error in readme example
- Updated CI workflow to output a test coverage badge. Updated the README.md to use new github dark mode detection to swap logos.
- Release first version of the package.