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Update workflow permissions (#2300) #538

Update workflow permissions (#2300)

Update workflow permissions (#2300) #538

GitHub Actions / Linux Tests Summary succeeded Feb 23, 2024 in 1s

2478 passed, 0 failed and 82 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
junit-azure-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Azure.CosmosDb.Tests.xml 21✔️ 25s
junit-azure-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Azure.Functions.Tests.xml 8✔️ 2s
junit-azure-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Azure.ServiceBus.Tests.xml 24✔️ 163s
junit-azure-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Azure.Storage.Tests.xml 29✔️ 4s
junit-profiler-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Profiler.Managed.Tests.xml 220✔️ 3✖️ 754s
junit-startuphooks-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.StartupHook.Tests.xml 12✔️ 172s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.AspNetCore.Static.Tests.xml 1✔️ 792ms
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.AspNetCore.Tests.xml 120✔️ 7✖️ 140s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.AspNetFullFramework.Tests.xml 11✔️ 63✖️ 84ms
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Docker.Tests.xml 9✔️ 1✖️ 27ms
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Elasticsearch.Tests.xml 3✔️ 4✖️ 2s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.EntityFrameworkCore.Tests.xml 6✔️ 2s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Extensions.Hosting.Tests.xml 4✔️ 1✖️ 2s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Extensions.Logging.Tests.xml 1✔️ 746ms
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Grpc.Tests.xml 2✔️ 2s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.MongoDb.Tests.xml 2✔️ 331ms
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.OpenTelemetry.Tests.xml 10✔️ 1✖️ 6s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.SqlClient.Tests.xml 7✔️ 11s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.StackExchange.Redis.Tests.xml 3✔️ 10s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.StaticExplicitInitialization.Tests.xml 1✔️ 197ms
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.StaticImplicitInitialization.Tests.xml 1✔️ 236ms
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Tests.xml 1978✔️ 2✖️ 1098s
junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch.Tests.xml 5✔️ 1s

✔️ junit-azure-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Azure.CosmosDb.Tests.xml

21 tests were completed in 25s with 21 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-azure-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Azure.Functions.Tests.xml

8 tests were completed in 2s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-azure-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Azure.ServiceBus.Tests.xml

24 tests were completed in 163s with 24 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-azure-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Azure.Storage.Tests.xml

29 tests were completed in 4s with 29 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-profiler-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Profiler.Managed.Tests.xml

223 tests were completed in 754s with 220 passed, 0 failed and 3 skipped.

✔️ junit-startuphooks-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.StartupHook.Tests.xml

12 tests were completed in 172s with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.AspNetCore.Static.Tests.xml

1 tests were completed in 792ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.AspNetCore.Tests.xml

127 tests were completed in 140s with 120 passed, 0 failed and 7 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.AspNetFullFramework.Tests.xml

74 tests were completed in 84ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 63 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Docker.Tests.xml

10 tests were completed in 27ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Elasticsearch.Tests.xml

7 tests were completed in 2s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 4 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.EntityFrameworkCore.Tests.xml

6 tests were completed in 2s with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Extensions.Hosting.Tests.xml

5 tests were completed in 2s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Extensions.Logging.Tests.xml

1 tests were completed in 746ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Grpc.Tests.xml

2 tests were completed in 2s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.MongoDb.Tests.xml

2 tests were completed in 331ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.OpenTelemetry.Tests.xml

11 tests were completed in 6s with 10 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.SqlClient.Tests.xml

7 tests were completed in 11s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.StackExchange.Redis.Tests.xml

3 tests were completed in 10s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.StaticExplicitInitialization.Tests.xml

1 tests were completed in 197ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.StaticImplicitInitialization.Tests.xml

1 tests were completed in 236ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Apm.Tests.xml

1980 tests were completed in 1098s with 1978 passed, 0 failed and 2 skipped.

✔️ junit-unit-linux-NETCoreApp70-Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch.Tests.xml

5 tests were completed in 1s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.