diff --git a/rfcs/text/0048-fileorigin-fields.md b/rfcs/text/0048-fileorigin-fields.md
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+# 0048: File Origin Fields
+- Stage: **0 (strawperson)**
+- Date: **2024-10-15**
+It is known that when downloading files from the internet using a web browser (eg. Chrome, Edge, etc), information about the file's source is added to the file.
+In Windows, it is known as the Mark of the Web and stored in file's Alternate Data Stream (ADS). In MacOS, it is stored in file's extended file attributes (metadata).
+For example, in Windows, when you download an image file (`image17.webp`) from [this webpage](https://www.elastic.co/security-labs/pikabot-i-choose-you) using a web browser, the download source URL is automatically added to the file's Alternate Data Stream (ADS) as following.
+* Inside `image17.webp:Zone.Identifier:$DATA`
+In ensuring endpoint security, the origin information of a file is crucial for determining whether a downloaded file or executable from the internet comes from a safe source and if it is safe to execute.
+Thus, this PR adds new fields to store the URL of the file's origin information for `file`, `process`, and `dll`.
+The ReferrerUrl is intended to be stored in the `origin_referrer_url` field, and the `HostUrl` is inteded to be stored in the `origin_url` field. The ZoneId is intended to be stored in the `zone_identifier` field.
+## Fields
+The new fields proposed are:
+Field | Type | Description /Usage
+-- | -- | --
+file.origin_referrer_url | keyword | The URL of the webpage that linked to the file.
+file.origin_url | keyword | The URL where the file is hosted.
+file.zone_identifier | short | Numerical identifier that indicates the security zone of a file's origin.
+process.origin_referrer_url | keyword | The URL of the webpage that linked to the file.
+process.origin_url | keyword | The URL where the file is hosted.
+process.zone_identifier | short | Numerical identifier that indicates the security zone of a file's origin.
+dll.origin_referrer_url | keyword | The URL of the webpage that linked to the file.
+dll.origin_url | keyword | The URL where the file is hosted.
+dll.zone_identifier | short | Numerical identifier that indicates the security zone of a file's origin.
+## Usage
+## Source data
+## Scope of impact
+## Concerns
+## People
+The following are the people that consulted on the contents of this RFC.
+* @AsuNa-jp | author
+* @joe-desimone
+* @trisch-me
+* @mjwolf
+## References
+### RFC Pull Requests
+* Stage 0: https://github.com/elastic/ecs/pull/2387