must include all libraries that will be the bazel-bin output. In general this includes the version numbers of the shared object extension. e.g. libsomething.so.4.1. Check what readelf displays in the dependent executable.deps
can include dependencies allowing the target being specified to full fit within the Bazel dependency hierarchy. The includes/libraries of the dependencies can be past in the various other options strings using the$EXT_BUILD_DEPS
variable. Some notes on these are here (https://github.com/bazel-contrib/rules_foreign_cc/blob/21e463ed4498d1eb7f5eb0ac78302d03f55de92f/foreign_cc/private/framework.bzl#L371). Note that this functionality seems to be broken currently (bazel-contrib/rules_foreign_cc#418) as include directories are reconstructed flattened.- The version of
used by foreign_rules_cc is fixed by default and is not the system make (bazel-contrib/rules_foreign_cc#898). When initializing foreign_rules_cc call the initializer as followsrules_foreign_cc_dependencies(register_built_tools=False)
in order to use only the preinstalled tools. Currently, you can't switch only make while keeping the rest of the defaults (cmake, etc.).