Whenever librdkafka error codes are updated make sure to run generate before building:
$ make -f mk/Makefile generr
$ go build ./...
Some of the tests included in this directory, the benchmark and integration tests in particular, require an existing Kafka cluster and a testconf.json configuration file to provide tests with bootstrap brokers, topic name, etc.
The format of testconf.json is a JSON object:
"Brokers": "<bootstrap-brokers>",
"Topic": "<test-topic-name>"
See testconf-example.json for an example and full set of available options.
To run unit-tests:
$ go test
To run benchmark tests:
$ go test -bench .
For the code coverage:
$ go test -coverprofile=coverage.out -bench=.
$ go tool cover -func=coverage.out
Different build types are supported through Go build tags (-tags ..
these tags should be specified on the application build/get/install command.
- By default the bundled platform-specific static build of librdkafka will be used. This works out of the box on Mac OSX and glibc-based Linux distros, such as Ubuntu and CentOS.
-tags musl
- must be specified when building on/for musl-based Linux distros, such as Alpine. Will use the bundled static musl build of librdkafka.-tags dynamic
- link librdkafka dynamically. A shared librdkafka library must be installed manually through other means (apt-get, yum, build from source, etc).
To generate one-page HTML documentation run the mk/doc-gen.py script from the top-level directory. This script requires the beautifulsoup4 Python package.
$ source .../your/virtualenv/bin/activate
$ pip install beautifulsoup4
$ make -f mk/Makefile docs
For each release candidate and final release, perform the following steps:
See instructions in kafka/librdkafka/README.md.
Update the minimum required librdkafka version in kafka/00version.go
and README.md
Error codes can be automatically generated from the current librdkafka version.
Update generated error codes:
$ make -f mk/Makefile generr
# Verify by building
$ go clean -i ./...
$ go build ./...
Set up a test cluster using whatever mechanism you typically use (docker, trivup, ccloud, ..).
Make sure to update kafka/testconf.json
as needed (broker list, $BROKERS)
Run test suite:
$ go test ./...
Manually verify that the examples/ applications work.
Also make sure the examples in README.md work.
Make sure to push to github before creating the tag to have CI tests pass.
$ git tag v1.3.0
$ git push --dry-run origin v1.3.0
# Remove --dry-run and re-execute if it looks ok.