diff --git a/pull_request_template.md b/pull_request_template.md
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+++ b/pull_request_template.md
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+## EmberJS Open Meeting Notes
+### Meeting Info
+<!-- Replace the ALL CAPS information with the relevant data for the meeting -->
+- Meeting: EVENT NAME
+- Date: DATE
+- Facilitator: NAME (GITHUB USERNAME)
+### Agenda
+Agendas have two sections: 
+1. Standing items: should happen every meeting
+2. Additional discussion: for any other topic to be discussed
+#### Standing Item: General Admin
+<!-- Facilitator notes: -->
+<!-- Ask these questions and document if there are responses -->
+<!-- If any of these questions have a YES response, please also post to the core meta channel in Discord. -->
+- Any new, known blockers for our users in ember-source?
+- Any show-stopping [issues](https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues) that need more immediate attention?
+- Any [pull requests](https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/pulls) that needs more urgent review?
+#### Standing Item: RFC Review
+<!-- Facilitator notes: 
+Review each type of RFC PR and determine if there are any **NEW** comments or feedback.
+Document discussion (the general gist) in these notes.
+Try to document concerns raised in the RFC PR itself.
+Important note: it may not be possible to get through each section in a single meeting, that's fine!
+You can determine as the facilitator what is most useful for that meeting.
+- [ ] Review new comments or feedback in the RFC, and the checklist in each PR description.
+- [ ] Determine if there are any new actions to take, or if any checkboxes have been completed.
+- [ ] Update this document with notes.
+RFC Categories:
+1. [Exploring](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/labels/S-Exploring)
+2. [Proposed](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/labels/S-Proposed)
+3. [Ready for Release](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/labels/S-Ready%20for%20Release)
+4. [Released](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/labels/S-Recommended)
+5. [Recommended](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/labels/S-Released)
+<!-- #### Additional Discussion -->