Implemented enhancements:
- Add "Upgrade Guide" to the README #106 (Turbo87)
- CI: Publish releases to "ember-mocha-builds" repo #100 (Turbo87)
Fixed bugs:
- Write upgrade guide for old test helpers #104
- Release instructions aka. "ember-mocha-builds" repository needs an update #95
- Trouble with visit + andThen in acceptance #77
- Using ember-mocha without Ember Data #49
- Fix tests by using the ESLint nodes correctly #101 (Turbo87)
Closed issues:
- Enable TravisCI #98
- Add repository information to package.json #93
- "set" method undefined when using needs #61
- Setting test reporter #37
- Set 'timeout' globally? #28
- consider deprecating callbacks #14
Merged pull requests: