From cac1c73ef0b014c96a2c5c0ec4cf04152b42f610 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 11:58:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 01/10] tracked-built-ins built-in
text/ | 335 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 335 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 text/
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10b412a46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+stage: accepted
+start-date: 2025-01-12T00:00:00.000Z
+release-date: # In format YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000Z
+teams: # delete teams that aren't relevant
+ - data
+ - framework
+ - learning
+ accepted:
+# Built in tracking utility for common collections
+## Summary
+This RFC proposes making the set of collections from `tracked-built-ins` built in to the framework, in a byte-wise opt-in in a brand new package (`@ember/reactive`).
+Additionally, these APIs can unblock the implementation of [RFC#1000: Make array built-in in strict mode]( and [RFC#999: make hash built in in strict mode](
+## Motivation
+- performance
+- discoverability
+- aiming towards better cohesion
+Because `tracked-built-ins` is built on top of public APIs, in particular, `ember-tracked-storage-polyfill`, we can expect to gain performance benefits by implementing the tracked collections directly into the framework, as we can eliminate ~2 layers of abstraction/wrapping.
+Additionally, `tracked-built-ins` not being built in to the framework, or properly documented in the ember guides has had some negative consequences on folks apps.
+For example, this often-inefficient pattern of re-assigning the whole reference.
+@tracked value = [];
+addItem = (x) => {
+ this.value = [...this.value, x];
+For large sets of data, rendered in a list (often tables), this pattern causes unneded work in the reactivity-system.
+We now know that `tracked-built-ins`' `TrackedArray` would be a good way to only _append_ an item to the array, and thus append DOM to our UI, without the reactive system doing anything to the data that hasn't changed.
+Some may argue that it's our renderer's responsibility to detect this situation, and optimize best it can, and while there are opportunities we can find to optimize rendering, we also can't make an assupmtion that _either_ re-assigning or tracked collection usage is going to be the most performant. Developers can measuure in their own app.
+This is outside the scope of this RFC, but for some underlying motivation,
+another motivation is along the lines of [reigning in our imports]( over time, potentially by eventually reclaiming the `'ember'` package, so that there is a simple package.json that can be _the framework_, which aligns whith real imports (or re-exports) so that we don't _require_ build-system gymnastics in order to build ember apps.
+import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
+import Service, { service } from '@ember/service';
+import Component from '@glimmer/component';
+import { tracked, cached } from '@glimmer/tracking';
+import Route from 'ember/routing/route';
+import Service, { service } from 'ember/service';
+import Component from 'ember/glimmer';
+import { tracked, cached } 'ember/reactive';
+The details of this are absolutely up for debate -- this is just demonstrating the concept -- by re-exporting everything from a single package, it gives folks an opportunity to use ember without embroider -- and without any build at all.
+## Detailed design
+while _most of this_ already implemented, here is the behavior we expect when using any tracked wrapper:
+- all property accesses should "entagle" with that property
+- all property sets should "dirty" that property
+- changes to the length, or overall collection, is represented by an invisible-to-users "collection" internal tracked property, so that iteration can be dirtied
+- changes to a collection (add, insert, delete, etc) should cause iteration (each, each-in) to only render what changed
+- changes to a collection mutate the original passed in data, if any (which saves memory thrashing)
+- deleting an entry in a collection should relieve memory pressure
+- deleting an entry in a collection should dirty the "collection"
+- prototype and `instanceof` checks should still work, e.g.: a `TrackedArray` should still return true from `Array.isArray`, and an instance of `TrackedSet` should be an `instanceof Set`.
+- no `@dependentKeyCompat`, see: [`@ember-compat/tracked-built-ins`](
+How do we handle when the platform adds new APIs?
+For example, Set has had new apis added recentnly, and `tracked-built-ins` had to be updated to support those, so if possible, it would be ideal to rely on deferring to the underlying implementation as much as possible, rather than re-implementing a class-wrapper for all known methods -- proxies are particularly good at this -- and while folks have had complaints about proxies in the past, the user-facing API and underlying implementation of all these proxies would be the exact same, so the proxy isn't hiding anything.
+### The import
+object and array:
+import {
+ // Our existing utilities
+ TrackedObject, TrackedArray,
+ // able to be used in templates, no 'new'
+ trackedObject, trackedArray,
+} from '@ember/reactive';
+maps and sets:
+import {
+ // Our existing utilities
+ TrackedMap, TrackedWeakMap,
+ TrackedSet, TrackedWeakSet
+ // able to be used in templates, no 'new'
+ trackedMap, trackedWeakMap,
+ trackedSet, trackedWeakSet
+} from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+### `trackedObject`, `trackedArray`, `trackedMap`, etc
+These utilities wrap the call to their respective constructors. For example, for `trackedObject`, the implementation and type declaration may look like this:
+export function trackedObject(data?: Value): NonNullable {
+ return new TrackedObject(data);
+Some examples assuming implementation of [RFC#998: Make fn built-in in strict-mode]( as well as [RFC#997: Make on built-in in strict-mode](
+#### Example `trackedArray`
+import { trackedArray } from '@ember/reactive';
+const nonTrackedArray = [1, 2, 3];
+const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
+ {{#let (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |arr|}}
+ {{#each (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |datum|}}
+ {{datum}}
+ {{/each}}
+ {{/let}}
+> [!NOTE]
+> Since [RFC#1000: Make Array built-in in strict mode]( is stalled due to the original implementation of `(array)` being underspecified, the new implementation of the built in `(array)` could use this `trackdArray` implementation instead of re-defining the specification of how `(array)` works -- and this new implementation would probably more align with how folks expect `(array)` to work.
+With RFC#1000, the above example would be behaviorally equivelent to:
+const nonTrackedArray = [1, 2, 3];
+const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
+ {{#let (array nonTrackedArray) as |arr|}}
+ {{#each (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |datum|}}
+ {{datum}}
+ {{/each}}
+ {{/let}}
+#### Example `trackedObject`
+import { trackedObject } from '@ember/reactive';
+const nonTrackedObject = { a: 1 };
+const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
+ {{#let (trackedObject nonTrackedObject) as |obj|}}
+ {{#each-in (trackedObject notTrackedObject) as |key value|}}
{{globalThis.JSON.stringify obj null 3}}
+ {{/each-in}}
+ {{/let}}
+> [!NOTE]
+> Since [RFC#999: Make hash built-in in strict mode]( is stalled due to the original implementation of `(hash)` being underspecified, the new implementation of the built in `(hash)` could use this `trackedObject` implementation instead of re-defining the specification of how `(hash)` works -- and this new implementation would probably more align with how folks expect `(hash)` to work.
+With RFC#999, the above example would be behaviorally equivelent to:
+const nonTrackedObject = { a: 1 };
+const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
+ {{#let (hash nonTrackedObject) as |obj|}}
+ {{#each-in (trackedObject notTrackedObject) as |key value|}}
{{globalThis.JSON.stringify obj null 3}}
+ {{/each-in}}
+ {{/let}}
+### `@ember/reactive`
+The process of making libraries support wide-ranges of `ember-source` is known. `ember-source` has recently been adapting its release process to use [release-plan][gh-release-plan], so that the [ember.js][gh-emberjs] repo can publish multiple packages seemslessly, rather than always bundle everything under one package.
+With those new release capabilities within the [ember.js][gh-emberjs] repo, Instead of a polyfill for older versions of ember, `@ember/reactive`, the package (at the time of this RFC, does not exist, but would have the two exported utilities from it), would be pulished as its own `type=module` package _and_ included with ember-source, as to not add more dependencies to the package.json going forward.
+Why `type=module`?
+This is a requirement for some optimization features of packages (webpack / vite), such as _proper_ treeshaking -- without `type=module`, the best optimization we can get is "pay for only what you import". For large projects this isn't so much of a problem, but for small projects (or highly optimized projects), the impact to network transfer/parse/eval is measurable. This RFC is also proposing that `@ember/reactive` be _the_ place for all our ecosystem's reactivity utilities will end up once they've been proven out, tested, and desire for standardation is seen.
+For example, other future exports from `@ember/reactive` (in future RFCs), may include:
+- Resource
+- AsyncResource
+- TrackedPromise
+- localCopy
+- certain [window properties](
+- ...and more
+without the static analysis guarantees of `type=module`, every consumer of `@ember/reactive` would always have all of these exports in their build.
+For some utilities, we can place them under sub-path-exports, such as `@ember/reactive/window`, for window-specific reactive properties, but the exact specifics of each of these can be hashed out in their individual RFCs.
+### Consumption
+When a project wants to use `@ember/reactive`, they would then only need to install the package separately / add it to their `package.json`.
+The proposed list of compatibility here is only meant as an example -- if implementation proves that more can be supported easier, with less work, that should be pursued, and this part is kind of implementation detail.
+But for demonstration:
+- apps pre [version available], would add `@ember/reactive` to their `devDependencies` or `dependencies`
+ - importing `@ember/reactive` would be handled by ember-auto-import/embroider (as is the case with all v2 addons)
+- v1 addons would not be supported
+- v2 addons, for maximum compatibility, would need to add `@ember/reactive` to their `dependencies`
+ - in consuming apps post [version available], this would be optimized away if the version declared in dependencies satisfies the range provided by the consuming app (an optimization that packagers already do, and nothing we need to worry about)
+- apps post [version available], would not need to add `@ember/reactive` to their `devDependencies` or `dependencies`, as we can rely on the `ember-addon#renamed-modules` config in ember-source's `package.json`.
+## How we teach this
+### API Docs
+Most of the API docs are already written in `tracked-built-ins`, so we can re-use those.
+We do have new template-oriented helpers tho (not requiring `new`), and it is worth showing how to use those.
+#### `trackedArray`
+import { trackedArray } from '@ember/reactive';
+import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
+import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
+const nonTrackedArray = [1, 2, 3];
+const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
+ {{#let (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |arr|}}
+ {{#each (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |datum|}}
+ {{datum}}
+ {{/each}}
+ {{/let}}
+#### `trackedObject`
+import { trackedObject } from '@ember/reactive';
+import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
+import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
+const nonTrackedObject = { a: 1 };
+const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
+ {{#let (trackedObject nonTrackedObject) as |obj|}}
+ {{#each-in (trackedObject notTrackedObject) as |key value|}}
{{globalThis.JSON.stringify obj null 3}}
+ {{/each-in}}
+ {{/let}}
+### Guides
+Existing places that import from `tracked-built-ins` would update to the new imports -- no other changes would be needed.
+## Drawbacks
+- A migration
+ - however, the migration is completely optional as `tracked-built-ins` would still exist. The benefit to this RFC is for new projects, and apps that care more about performance.
+## Alternatives
+- reclaim the `ember` package and export under `ember/reactive`, add `ember` to the package.json.
+ - doing this _would_ require a polyfill, as `ember` is already available in all versions of projects, but it does not have sub-path-exports that folks use.
+- use `/reactivity` instead of `/reactive`
+- re-use `@glimmer/tracking`
+ - would require that `@glimmer/tracking` move in to the `ember-source` repo
+ - would also require a polyfill, as prior versions of `@glimmer/tracking` would not have the new behaviors
+## Unresolved questions
+none (yet)
From 5ba8775087403bf3a0d14fbf7ab350a789a51c0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:00:20 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 02/10] Update meta, filepath
--- =>} | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
rename text/{ =>} (99%)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
similarity index 99%
rename from text/
rename to text/
index 10b412a46a..71fe5a98b5 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ teams: # delete teams that aren't relevant
- framework
- learning
- accepted:
+ accepted:
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ project-link: Leave as is
suite: Leave as is
-# Built in tracking utility for common collections
+# Built in tracking utilities for common collections
## Summary
From 623141d6f81452475fb9b5d1d46f0c9bc7c2f8a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:03:48 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 03/10] Fix typos
text/ | 12 ++++++------
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
index 71fe5a98b5..a9adb57ee3 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
{{#let (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |arr|}}
- {{#each (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |datum|}}
+ {{#each arr as |datum|}}
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
{{#let (array nonTrackedArray) as |arr|}}
- {{#each (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |datum|}}
+ {{#each arr as |datum|}}
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
{{#let (trackedObject nonTrackedObject) as |obj|}}
- {{#each-in (trackedObject notTrackedObject) as |key value|}}
+ {{#each-in obj as |key value|}}
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
{{#let (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |arr|}}
- {{#each (trackedArray nonTrackedArray) as |datum|}}
+ {{#each arr as |datum|}}
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
{{#let (trackedObject nonTrackedObject) as |obj|}}
- {{#each-in (trackedObject notTrackedObject) as |key value|}}
+ {{#each-in obj as |key value|}}
{{globalThis.JSON.stringify obj null 3}}
From 0d0f3607c35705d8c8638c98a9e87d2fe01215a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:22:03 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 04/10] Typos and clarity
text/ | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
index a9adb57ee3..0fc94a5ac5 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ addItem = (x) => {
-For large sets of data, rendered in a list (often tables), this pattern causes unneded work in the reactivity-system.
+For large sets of data, rendered in a list (often tables), this pattern causes unneeded work in the reactivity-system.
We now know that `tracked-built-ins`' `TrackedArray` would be a good way to only _append_ an item to the array, and thus append DOM to our UI, without the reactive system doing anything to the data that hasn't changed.
-Some may argue that it's our renderer's responsibility to detect this situation, and optimize best it can, and while there are opportunities we can find to optimize rendering, we also can't make an assupmtion that _either_ re-assigning or tracked collection usage is going to be the most performant. Developers can measuure in their own app.
+Some may argue that it's our renderer's responsibility to detect this situation, and optimize best it can, and while there are opportunities we can find to optimize rendering, we also can't make an assumption that _either_ re-assigning or tracked collection usage is going to be the most performant. Developers can measure in their own app.
This is outside the scope of this RFC, but for some underlying motivation,
-another motivation is along the lines of [reigning in our imports]( over time, potentially by eventually reclaiming the `'ember'` package, so that there is a simple package.json that can be _the framework_, which aligns whith real imports (or re-exports) so that we don't _require_ build-system gymnastics in order to build ember apps.
+another motivation is along the lines of [reigning in our imports]( over time, potentially by eventually reclaiming the `'ember'` package, so that there is a simple package.json that can be _the framework_, which aligns with real imports (or re-exports) so that we don't _require_ build-system gymnastics in order to build ember apps.
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ The details of this are absolutely up for debate -- this is just demonstrating t
while _most of this_ already implemented, here is the behavior we expect when using any tracked wrapper:
-- all property accesses should "entagle" with that property
+- all property accesses should "entangle" with that property
- all property sets should "dirty" that property
- changes to the length, or overall collection, is represented by an invisible-to-users "collection" internal tracked property, so that iteration can be dirtied
- changes to a collection (add, insert, delete, etc) should cause iteration (each, each-in) to only render what changed
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ while _most of this_ already implemented, here is the behavior we expect when us
How do we handle when the platform adds new APIs?
-For example, Set has had new apis added recentnly, and `tracked-built-ins` had to be updated to support those, so if possible, it would be ideal to rely on deferring to the underlying implementation as much as possible, rather than re-implementing a class-wrapper for all known methods -- proxies are particularly good at this -- and while folks have had complaints about proxies in the past, the user-facing API and underlying implementation of all these proxies would be the exact same, so the proxy isn't hiding anything.
+For example, Set has had new APIs added recentlny, and `tracked-built-ins` had to be updated to support those, so if possible, it would be ideal to rely on deferring to the underlying implementation as much as possible, rather than re-implementing a class-wrapper for all known methods -- proxies are particularly good at this -- and while folks have had complaints about proxies in the past, the user-facing API and underlying implementation of all these proxies would be the exact same, so the proxy isn't hiding anything.
### The import
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
> [!NOTE]
> Since [RFC#1000: Make Array built-in in strict mode]( is stalled due to the original implementation of `(array)` being underspecified, the new implementation of the built in `(array)` could use this `trackdArray` implementation instead of re-defining the specification of how `(array)` works -- and this new implementation would probably more align with how folks expect `(array)` to work.
-With RFC#1000, the above example would be behaviorally equivelent to:
+With RFC#1000, the above example would be behaviorally equivalent to:
const nonTrackedArray = [1, 2, 3];
const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
> Since [RFC#999: Make hash built-in in strict mode]( is stalled due to the original implementation of `(hash)` being underspecified, the new implementation of the built in `(hash)` could use this `trackedObject` implementation instead of re-defining the specification of how `(hash)` works -- and this new implementation would probably more align with how folks expect `(hash)` to work.
-With RFC#999, the above example would be behaviorally equivelent to:
+With RFC#999, the above example would be behaviorally equivalent to:
const nonTrackedObject = { a: 1 };
@@ -227,14 +227,14 @@ const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
The process of making libraries support wide-ranges of `ember-source` is known. `ember-source` has recently been adapting its release process to use [release-plan][gh-release-plan], so that the [ember.js][gh-emberjs] repo can publish multiple packages seemslessly, rather than always bundle everything under one package.
-With those new release capabilities within the [ember.js][gh-emberjs] repo, Instead of a polyfill for older versions of ember, `@ember/reactive`, the package (at the time of this RFC, does not exist, but would have the two exported utilities from it), would be pulished as its own `type=module` package _and_ included with ember-source, as to not add more dependencies to the package.json going forward.
+With those new release capabilities within the [ember.js][gh-emberjs] repo, Instead of a polyfill for older versions of ember, `@ember/reactive`, the package (at the time of this RFC, does not exist, but would have the two exported utilities from it), would be published as its own `type=module` package _and_ included with ember-source, as to not add more dependencies to the package.json going forward.
Why `type=module`?
-This is a requirement for some optimization features of packages (webpack / vite), such as _proper_ treeshaking -- without `type=module`, the best optimization we can get is "pay for only what you import". For large projects this isn't so much of a problem, but for small projects (or highly optimized projects), the impact to network transfer/parse/eval is measurable. This RFC is also proposing that `@ember/reactive` be _the_ place for all our ecosystem's reactivity utilities will end up once they've been proven out, tested, and desire for standardation is seen.
+This is a requirement for some optimization features of packages (webpack / vite), such as _proper_ treeshaking -- without `type=module`, the best optimization we can get is "pay for only what you import". For large projects this isn't so much of a problem, but for small projects (or highly optimized projects), the impact to network transfer/parse/eval is measurable. This RFC is also proposing that `@ember/reactive` be _the_ place for all our ecosystem's reactivity utilities will end up once they've been proven out, tested, and desire for standardization is seen.
For example, other future exports from `@ember/reactive` (in future RFCs), may include:
- Resource
@@ -316,6 +316,42 @@ const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
Existing places that import from `tracked-built-ins` would update to the new imports -- no other changes would be needed.
+- [This page]( needs to be updated as `@glimmer/tracking` doesn't have `TrackedArray` today.
+Something that could be used today, and definitely should be added is a page on how to handle referential integrity. Most of the "tracked" guides only touch on tracking _references_ (via `@tracked`). For example, each of `TrackedArray`, `TrackedMap`, `TrackedSet`, etc can be used in these ways:
+#### Static reference
+class Demo {
+ collection = new TrackedMap();
+Changes to `this.collection` can only happen via `Map` methods.
+#### Double static reference
+class Demo {
+ @tracked collection = new TrackedMap();
+Changes to `this.collection` can happen via `Map` methods, as well as replacing the entirely collection can occur via re-assigning `this.collection` to a brand new `TrackedMap`. This also has a potential performance hazard, of re-assigning `this.collection` to a clone of the `TrackedMap`.
+#### Based on Args
+class Demo extends Component {
+ @cached
+ get collection() {
+ return new TrackedMap(this.args.otherData);
+ }
+Changes to the collection can happen via `Map` methods, as well as changes to `@otherData` will cause the entirety of `this.collection` to be re-created, with the previous instance being garbage collected. Usage of `@cached` is important here, because repeat-accesses to `this.collection` would otherwise create completely unrelated `TrackedMap`s -- i.e.: Updating a `TrackedMap` would have no effect on a `TrackedMap` read elsewhere as they are different instances.
## Drawbacks
- A migration
@@ -329,6 +365,7 @@ Existing places that import from `tracked-built-ins` would update to the new imp
- re-use `@glimmer/tracking`
- would require that `@glimmer/tracking` move in to the `ember-source` repo
- would also require a polyfill, as prior versions of `@glimmer/tracking` would not have the new behaviors
+ - there is an existing typo in the guides that hints at using this already for `TrackedArray`
## Unresolved questions
From 1e76f74b2a5441ee20505f6d38f5558b969c5279 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:28:49 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 05/10] flipflag
text/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
index 0fc94a5ac5..14e0fc0e46 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ while _most of this_ already implemented, here is the behavior we expect when us
- all property sets should "dirty" that property
- changes to the length, or overall collection, is represented by an invisible-to-users "collection" internal tracked property, so that iteration can be dirtied
- changes to a collection (add, insert, delete, etc) should cause iteration (each, each-in) to only render what changed
-- changes to a collection mutate the original passed in data, if any (which saves memory thrashing)
+- changes to a collection copy the original passed in data -- keeping inline with the existing `tracked-built-ins` behavior
- deleting an entry in a collection should relieve memory pressure
- deleting an entry in a collection should dirty the "collection"
- prototype and `instanceof` checks should still work, e.g.: a `TrackedArray` should still return true from `Array.isArray`, and an instance of `TrackedSet` should be an `instanceof Set`.
From 888022f082ff535999ea0fa098053c37f54a3fe3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:40:11 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 06/10] More how we teach this
text/ | 122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
index 14e0fc0e46..1cb4257c1f 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
{{#let (trackedObject nonTrackedObject) as |obj|}}
{{#each-in obj as |key value|}}
+ {{key}} => {{value}}
@@ -272,6 +272,12 @@ We do have new template-oriented helpers tho (not requiring `new`), and it is wo
#### `trackedArray`
+A utility for creating tracked arrays, copying the original data so that mutations to the tracked data don't mutate the original untracked data.
+`trackedArray` can be used in templates and in JavaScript via import
+See [MDN for more information](
import { trackedArray } from '@ember/reactive';
import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
@@ -293,6 +299,12 @@ const addTo = (arr) => arr.push(Math.random());
#### `trackedObject`
+A utility for creating tracked objects, copying the original data so that mutations to the tracked data don't mutate the original untracked data.
+`trackedObject` can be used in templates and in JavaScript via import
+See [MDN for more information](
import { trackedObject } from '@ember/reactive';
import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
@@ -304,7 +316,7 @@ const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
{{#let (trackedObject nonTrackedObject) as |obj|}}
{{#each-in obj as |key value|}}
{{globalThis.JSON.stringify obj null 3}}
+ {{key}} => {{value}}
@@ -312,6 +324,110 @@ const addTo = (obj) => obj[Math.random()] = Math.random();
+#### `trackedMap`
+A utility for creating tracked maps, copying the original data so that mutations to the tracked data don't mutate the original untracked data.
+`trackedMap` can be used in templates and in JavaScript via import
+See [MDN for more information](
+import { trackedMap } from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
+import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
+const nonTrackedMap = new Map();
+nonTrackedMap.set('a', 1);
+const addTo = (map) => map.set(Math.random(), Math.random());
+ {{#let (trackedMap nonTrackedMap) as |map|}}
+ {{#each-in map as |key value|}}
+ {{key}} => {{value}}
+ {{/each-in}}
+ {{/let}}
+#### `trackedWeakMap`
+A utility for creating tracked weak maps, copying the original data so that mutations to the tracked data don't mutate the original untracked data.
+`trackedWeakMap` can be used in templates and in JavaScript via import
+See [MDN for more information](
+import { trackedWeakMap } from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
+import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
+const nonTrackedWeakMap = new WeakMap();
+ {{#let (trackedWeakMap nonTrackedWeakMap) as |weakMap|}}
+ {{log weakMap}}
+ {{/let}}
+#### `trackedSet`
+A utility for creating tracked maps, copying the original data so that mutations to the tracked data don't mutate the original untracked data.
+`trackedMap` can be used in templates and in JavaScript via import
+See [MDN for more information](
+import { trackedSet } from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
+import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
+const nonTrackedSet = new Set();
+const addTo = (set) => set.add(Math.random());
+ {{#let (trackedMap nonTrackedMap) as |set|}}
+ {{#each set as |value|}}
+ {{value}}
+ {{/each}}
+ {{/let}}
+#### `trackedWeakSet`
+A utility for creating tracked weak sets, copying the original data so that mutations to the tracked data don't mutate the original untracked data.
+`trackedWeakSet` can be used in templates and in JavaScript via import
+See [MDN for more information](
+import { trackedWeakSet } from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
+import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
+const nonTrackedWeakSet = new WeakSet();
+ {{#let (trackedWeakSet nonTrackedWeakSet) as |weakSet|}}
+ {{log weakSet}}
+ {{/let}}
### Guides
Existing places that import from `tracked-built-ins` would update to the new imports -- no other changes would be needed.
From b63d80150f6a5d404e2a6a9d9ed609416ed0944a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 17:52:48 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 07/10] Remove newable APIs
text/ | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
index 1cb4257c1f..146906150d 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ suite: Leave as is
## Summary
-This RFC proposes making the set of collections from `tracked-built-ins` built in to the framework, in a byte-wise opt-in in a brand new package (`@ember/reactive`).
+This RFC proposes making the set of collections from `tracked-built-ins` built in to the framework, in a byte-wise opt-in in a brand new package (`@ember/reactive`) and able to be used without `new`.
-Additionally, these APIs can unblock the implementation of [RFC#1000: Make array built-in in strict mode]( and [RFC#999: make hash built in in strict mode](
+Additionally, these APIs can unblock the implementation of [RFC#1000: Make array built-in in strict mode]( and [RFC#999: make hash built in in strict mode]( (but this is not the main focus of this RFC and only _could_ be an outcome).
## Motivation
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ while _most of this_ already implemented, here is the behavior we expect when us
- all property accesses should "entangle" with that property
- all property sets should "dirty" that property
- changes to the length, or overall collection, is represented by an invisible-to-users "collection" internal tracked property, so that iteration can be dirtied
-- changes to a collection (add, insert, delete, etc) should cause iteration (each, each-in) to only render what changed
+- changes to a collection (add, insert, delete, etc) should cause iteration (each, each-in) to only render what changed and not cause unneeded renders
- changes to a collection copy the original passed in data -- keeping inline with the existing `tracked-built-ins` behavior
- deleting an entry in a collection should relieve memory pressure
- deleting an entry in a collection should dirty the "collection"
@@ -104,7 +104,10 @@ while _most of this_ already implemented, here is the behavior we expect when us
How do we handle when the platform adds new APIs?
-For example, Set has had new APIs added recentlny, and `tracked-built-ins` had to be updated to support those, so if possible, it would be ideal to rely on deferring to the underlying implementation as much as possible, rather than re-implementing a class-wrapper for all known methods -- proxies are particularly good at this -- and while folks have had complaints about proxies in the past, the user-facing API and underlying implementation of all these proxies would be the exact same, so the proxy isn't hiding anything.
+For example, Set has had new APIs added recently, and `tracked-built-ins` had to be updated to support those, so if possible, it would be ideal to rely on deferring to the underlying implementation as much as possible, rather than re-implementing a class-wrapper for all known methods -- proxies are particularly good at this -- and while folks have had complaints about proxies in the past, the user-facing API and underlying implementation of all these proxies would be the exact same, so the proxy isn't hiding anything.
+Additionally, unlike in `tracked-built-ins`, we would not expose the _constructor APIs_; Mirroring the [Cell]( proposal, also allowing customizable equality checking.
### The import
@@ -112,8 +115,6 @@ For example, Set has had new APIs added recentlny, and `tracked-built-ins` had t
object and array:
import {
- // Our existing utilities
- TrackedObject, TrackedArray,
// able to be used in templates, no 'new'
trackedObject, trackedArray,
} from '@ember/reactive';
@@ -122,9 +123,6 @@ import {
maps and sets:
import {
- // Our existing utilities
- TrackedMap, TrackedWeakMap,
- TrackedSet, TrackedWeakSet
// able to be used in templates, no 'new'
trackedMap, trackedWeakMap,
trackedSet, trackedWeakSet
@@ -137,8 +135,20 @@ import {
These utilities wrap the call to their respective constructors. For example, for `trackedObject`, the implementation and type declaration may look like this:
-export function trackedObject(data?: Value): NonNullable {
- return new TrackedObject(data);
+export function trackedObject(
+ data?: Value,
+ options?: {
+ equals?: (a, b) => boolean;
+ description?: string;
+ }
+): NonNullable {
+ return new TrackedObject(
+ data,
+ {
+ equals: options.equals ??,
+ description: options.description,
+ }
+ );
@@ -268,7 +278,7 @@ But for demonstration:
Most of the API docs are already written in `tracked-built-ins`, so we can re-use those.
-We do have new template-oriented helpers tho (not requiring `new`), and it is worth showing how to use those.
+We would need to adapt all examples as well as the new template-oriented helpers to not use the `new`-able APIs, as those would not be exposed.
#### `trackedArray`
@@ -434,13 +444,13 @@ Existing places that import from `tracked-built-ins` would update to the new imp
- [This page]( needs to be updated as `@glimmer/tracking` doesn't have `TrackedArray` today.
-Something that could be used today, and definitely should be added is a page on how to handle referential integrity. Most of the "tracked" guides only touch on tracking _references_ (via `@tracked`). For example, each of `TrackedArray`, `TrackedMap`, `TrackedSet`, etc can be used in these ways:
+Something that could be used today, and definitely should be added is a page on how to handle referential integrity. Most of the "tracked" guides only touch on tracking _references_ (via `@tracked`). For example, each of `trackedArray`, `trackedMap`, `trackedSet`, etc can be used in these ways:
#### Static reference
class Demo {
- collection = new TrackedMap();
+ collection = trackedMap();
@@ -450,7 +460,7 @@ Changes to `this.collection` can only happen via `Map` methods.
class Demo {
- @tracked collection = new TrackedMap();
+ @tracked collection = trackedMap();
Changes to `this.collection` can happen via `Map` methods, as well as replacing the entirely collection can occur via re-assigning `this.collection` to a brand new `TrackedMap`. This also has a potential performance hazard, of re-assigning `this.collection` to a clone of the `TrackedMap`.
@@ -461,11 +471,11 @@ Changes to `this.collection` can happen via `Map` methods, as well as replacing
class Demo extends Component {
get collection() {
- return new TrackedMap(this.args.otherData);
+ return trackedMap(this.args.otherData);
-Changes to the collection can happen via `Map` methods, as well as changes to `@otherData` will cause the entirety of `this.collection` to be re-created, with the previous instance being garbage collected. Usage of `@cached` is important here, because repeat-accesses to `this.collection` would otherwise create completely unrelated `TrackedMap`s -- i.e.: Updating a `TrackedMap` would have no effect on a `TrackedMap` read elsewhere as they are different instances.
+Changes to the collection can happen via `Map` methods, as well as changes to `@otherData` will cause the entirety of `this.collection` to be re-created, with the previous instance being garbage collected. Usage of `@cached` is important here, because repeat-accesses to `this.collection` would otherwise create completely unrelated `trackedMap`s -- i.e.: Updating a `TrackedMap` would have no effect on a `TrackedMap` read elsewhere as they are different instances.
## Drawbacks
From b330383612ce7d4d81742e115971ae797ad2a146 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:39:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 08/10] Add migration
text/ | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
index 146906150d..1169829788 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -477,6 +477,9 @@ class Demo extends Component {
Changes to the collection can happen via `Map` methods, as well as changes to `@otherData` will cause the entirety of `this.collection` to be re-created, with the previous instance being garbage collected. Usage of `@cached` is important here, because repeat-accesses to `this.collection` would otherwise create completely unrelated `trackedMap`s -- i.e.: Updating a `TrackedMap` would have no effect on a `TrackedMap` read elsewhere as they are different instances.
+### Migration
+tracked-built-ins could use `@embroider/macros` to choose to re-export the built-in built-ins whenever they ship in ember.
## Drawbacks
From fc04d2cae5679b96feae15152157ebc26bef3786 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:46:50 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 09/10] Updaets
text/ | 36 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
index 1169829788..64a5ec41d8 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -112,24 +112,15 @@ Additionally, unlike in `tracked-built-ins`, we would not expose the _constructo
### The import
-object and array:
import {
// able to be used in templates, no 'new'
trackedObject, trackedArray,
-} from '@ember/reactive';
-maps and sets:
-import {
- // able to be used in templates, no 'new'
trackedMap, trackedWeakMap,
trackedSet, trackedWeakSet
-} from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+} from '@ember/reactive';
### `trackedObject`, `trackedArray`, `trackedMap`, etc
These utilities wrap the call to their respective constructors. For example, for `trackedObject`, the implementation and type declaration may look like this:
@@ -343,7 +334,7 @@ A utility for creating tracked maps, copying the original data so that mutations
See [MDN for more information](
-import { trackedMap } from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+import { trackedMap } from '@ember/reactive';
import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
@@ -371,7 +362,7 @@ A utility for creating tracked weak maps, copying the original data so that muta
See [MDN for more information](
-import { trackedWeakMap } from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+import { trackedWeakMap } from '@ember/reactive';
import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
@@ -395,7 +386,7 @@ A utility for creating tracked maps, copying the original data so that mutations
See [MDN for more information](
-import { trackedSet } from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+import { trackedSet } from '@ember/reactive';
import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
@@ -423,7 +414,7 @@ A utility for creating tracked weak sets, copying the original data so that muta
See [MDN for more information](
-import { trackedWeakSet } from '@ember/reactive/collections';
+import { trackedWeakSet } from '@ember/reactive';
import { on } from '@ember/modifier';
import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
@@ -479,7 +470,22 @@ Changes to the collection can happen via `Map` methods, as well as changes to `@
### Migration
-tracked-built-ins could use `@embroider/macros` to choose to re-export the built-in built-ins whenever they ship in ember.
+We should do a codemod to convert the newable constructors from tracked-built-ins to the direct-callable variants proposed in this RFC.
+Using Vite or Webpack (Embroider 3+), we can alias `tracked-built-ins` to point at the new modules, using a shim -- for example:
+// app/built-ins-shim.js
+import { trackedArray } from '@ember/reactive';
+export class TrackedArray {
+ constructor(arr) {
+ return trackedArray(arr);
+ }
+// etc
## Drawbacks
From 1ce45320bb6d4cde126ed61212d9b98af2d42423 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullVoxPopuli <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:46:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 10/10] Simpler
text/ | 12 +++---------
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/text/ b/text/
index 64a5ec41d8..1aaae9259e 100644
--- a/text/
+++ b/text/
@@ -251,17 +251,11 @@ For some utilities, we can place them under sub-path-exports, such as `@ember/re
### Consumption
-When a project wants to use `@ember/reactive`, they would then only need to install the package separately / add it to their `package.json`.
+`@ember/reactive` would be another virtual package built in to ember-source, much like `@ember/service`, etc.
-The proposed list of compatibility here is only meant as an example -- if implementation proves that more can be supported easier, with less work, that should be pursued, and this part is kind of implementation detail.
+For polyfilling, a library could be created that uses `ember-addon.renamed-modules` to instruct our build tooling about a virtual package -- the same technique that `ember-source` uses.
-But for demonstration:
-- apps pre [version available], would add `@ember/reactive` to their `devDependencies` or `dependencies`
- - importing `@ember/reactive` would be handled by ember-auto-import/embroider (as is the case with all v2 addons)
-- v1 addons would not be supported
-- v2 addons, for maximum compatibility, would need to add `@ember/reactive` to their `dependencies`
- - in consuming apps post [version available], this would be optimized away if the version declared in dependencies satisfies the range provided by the consuming app (an optimization that packagers already do, and nothing we need to worry about)
-- apps post [version available], would not need to add `@ember/reactive` to their `devDependencies` or `dependencies`, as we can rely on the `ember-addon#renamed-modules` config in ember-source's `package.json`.
+Once a project updates to a sufficiently new enough ember-source, the polyfilling library should be deleted.
## How we teach this