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	   Vida - Visual Interactive Datapipe

	   no (c) 2002 - Embyte & Lesion - README FILE

Datapipe is a pipe between two sockets like a "network pipeline".

From man bash:
A pipeline is a sequence of one or more commands separated by the character |. 
The format for a pipeline is : command1 | command2 
The standard output of command1 is connected to the standard input of command2.

Datapipe makes a pipe between a listen port on the machine it's being run on
and a port on the remote machine. For example if we create a datapipe like
this: 25-> all the incoming smtp request to machine pipe it's
being run on will be redirect to (and so telnetting to port 25 
on localhost is the same as telnetting to port 25 of tin smtp server). 

Datapipe can be used for a variety of purpose: 
redirect connection which require ident answer (sendmail or irc for example) 
so that identd show username of datapipe PID process;
redirect call for a daemon firewalled (for example if ssh is firewalled we
can create a datapipe on a non-firewalled port like : 5000->localhost:22);
using the future features dns-spoofing and arp-poisoning to redirect request
to own machine to sniff/hijacking/kill/log connection. 
This is the scenario:
normal connection:      victim user <--- telnet protocol ---> 23:server
redirected connection:  victim user <----> 23:attakker <----> 23:server
Attakker spoof dns-answer or make arp-poisoning (on switched LAN) and makes
unaware victim to connect to himself, then use a datapipe to redirect data
to server. Now attakker can see all traffic between victim and server, log it
or push his data into connection :-)
The same thing is possible using a html or javascript code (for example a
irc javascript client, like those present on web page of your favourite irc
server) so that victim girl think to join her favorite server, but connect
to attakker PC who bounce (or read/hijack) her private messages :-)    

Vida is a multi-datapipe handler, written in C with ncurses library
for unix and unix-like OS.

- visual interface built with ncurses library
- multiple datapipes
- multiple connections for each datapipe
- computes the total of sent and received bytes
- sniffing a routed connection (monodirectional, bidirectional and to colors)
- simple hijacking of a routed connection (in both  directions)
- dns-hijacking of a dns-spoofed connection over switched LAN
- some logging formats
- * some features are not yet implementated *
- * some features will be implementated in the future release *

Read manpage (type 'man help' form shell) or select 'Help' item from Vida
main menu

To install Vida you must:
0. Check and install dependence (ncurses, libnet and libpcap library).
   Retrive theme here:
   libncurses    <>
   libnet        <>
   libpcap       <>			
1. Extract tar.gz archive : 'tar xvfz vida-<version>.tar.gz'
2. Enter 'vida' directory : 'cd vida'
3. Read this README : 'less README' or 'more README'
4. Build Vida binary: 'make'
5. (Optional) Install Vida : 'make install'
   This command copy vida binary-file to /usr/bin and
   vida man-page (and online help) to /usr/man/man1
6. Run Vida with 'vida' or just './vida' if you have jumped previous point.
Type 'make clean' or 'make install' from src directory (vida)

Vida project web site is at :
Vida current version is downloadable at
Read 'LICENSE' file 
Read 'CHANGELOG' file for english version and 'CHANGELOG_it' for italian

I (embyte) owe a special thank-you to my family and my girlfriend having
bear myself, and a great regard to all acari and friends :* 


Visual Interactive Datapipe







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