ipwg is a password generator that can produce passwords of any length and with required types of characters.
A commandline tool is also available for all your commandline task needs.
pip install ipwg
For commandline use, you are all set. just run:
# 10 is the number of characters.
ipwg 10
# See all the options
ipwg -h
For use in your own code:
from ipwg import Generator
# You can customize your charsets globally
Generator.specials = '!@#$'
generator = Generator(enable_all=True)
generator.specials_count = 1
# generate a 10 character long password with
# at least 1 of !@#$
pwd = generator.create_password(10)
After changes are complete and unit tests are added,
run the following commands to verify the new package.
Note: You will need twine
and wheel
# Test publish to pypi test site
make tests && make publish-test
# Create a new python env and install from test
python -m venv test_venv &&
source ./test_venv/bin/activate &&
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ ipwg
# You should now be able to test your changes
ipwg -h
# Cleanup the test environment
rm -rf ./test_venv
If everything looks good above, publish to pypi
make publish