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Releases: enactjs/cli


10 Mar 18:29
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  • Template updated for Enact 1.0.0-beta.2 and React 15.4.2.
  • Template's .gitignore file now correctly includes dist.


  • Added a node Enact build option to support polyfilling NodeJS components. See here for more info.
  • All localized appinfo.json resources and assets will now be correctly copied to the output directory.


  • Added a polyfill for String.prototype.repeat, as phantomjs lacks the API.
  • Webpack build warnings will no longer spam the console in certain scenarios.
  • Test action will now automatically fail when no test suite is found. This was done to allows tests which build incorrect or have missing modules to correctly fail. See #38 for more background information.


10 Mar 18:28
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Several additional documentation files have been added to the docs directory, to cover common topics.


  • Template updated for Enact 1.0.0-beta.1
  • Template has been updated to use a single isomorphic-compatible entrypoint index.js.


  • Added support for --host option to specify a server host IP address to use.
  • Added support for --port option to specify a server port humber to use.
  • The host/port details will now correctly output when linter warnings occur.


  • Added primary support for singluar entrypoints for both regular and isomorphic code layouts.
  • Refactored build customization features (like --isomorphic and --stats) into separate files and cleaned up the implementations.
  • Depreciated isomorphic HTML-side rendering. Isomorphic entrypoints should render to the DOM when in a browser environment.


  • Fixed clean command failing due to missing internal parameters.


10 Mar 18:27
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  • Renamed init command to create for clarity of purpose.
  • Template updated for Enact 1.0.0-alpha.4


  • Fixed fs-extra depreciation warning about using a RegExp in copying.


  • Added support for overriding with a custom HTML template.
  • Viewport meta tags added to restrict user-scale to 1.
  • Documented package.json Enact build options in
  • Fixed app rendering in isomorphic code layout, where apps exported as ES6 default would fail to render.
  • Fixed ReactPerf bundling with React 15.4.x, with backwards support for earlier versions.
  • Fixed --watch support.


  • Properly ignore ./dist and ./build directories when searching for tests.
  • Removed unneeded sourcemap support to greatly improved memory management and avoid js heap crashes in PhantomJS.


10 Mar 18:26
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  • Sanitizes directory name so only valid characters are included as the package name.
  • Template updated for Enact 1.0.0-alpha.3


  • Added -s/--stats flag to generate a stats.html bundle analysis report.
  • Fixed development build failure when generating sourcemaps.
  • Refactored ESLint configuration with an optional strict mode.
  • Updated eslint to use 3.9.1 for new rule support.
  • Updated eslint-plugin-enact to 6.5.0 for new rule support.


  • Browser no longer automatically opens. Use -b/--browser flag to re-enable the feature.
  • Fixed serve failure when generating sourcemaps.


10 Mar 18:25
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Refactored entire project into a dedicated standalone global CLI with features/functionality integrated from


  • Added -h/--help information.
  • Verifies the user has a compatible Node version.
  • Verifies the destination directory is safe to create a project in.
  • Template now include webOS meta files (appinfo.json, icons.png, etc.).
  • Template updated for Enact 1.0.0-alpha.2
  • The package.json and appinfo.json will update their respective name/id to the project directory's name.
  • Added --verbose flag option to provide detailed logging.
  • Added --link flag option to link any dependencies that have been npm link rathen than install.
  • Added --local flag option to include enact-dev as a local devDependency (not recommended for general usage).
  • Rennovated user interface with basic NPM script usage information included.


  • Switched from using babel-polyfill to a more simplified set of polyfills covering Promise, Object.assign,
    String.prototype.codePointAt, String.fromCodePoint, Math.sign, and Fetch APIs
  • Scans files with ESLint as part of the build process, failing on errors.
  • Switched from OS-level to a local ./node_modules/.cache/ location for babel caching in development mode.
  • Support auto-prefixing of CSS.
  • Supports development-only CSS class .__DEV__ which will exist withing development builds but be removed in production
  • Includes CaseSensitivePathsPlugin to ensure paths meet case-sensitive requirements regardless of system.
  • Converted webos-meta-loader into a standalone plugin that will autodetect the appinfo.json and ensure its webOS meta assets get
    copied over during buildtime. Additionally, if an appinfo.json is found, the title value will be inserted into the output
    HTML <title></title>.
  • PrerenderPlugin now handles Node-based Fetch API to allow isomorphic fetch operations (via @enact/fetch).
  • PrerenderPlugin will output a stack strace on failure and allow continue the build without prerendering.
  • Isomorphic build format is no longer its own mode, but is now a -i/--isomorphic flag option, which will apply isomorphic layout
    to whatever the active build mode is (development or production). When the flag is present, the isomorphic package.json enact property
    will be used as the entrypoint.
  • The prerender enact property within package.json has been renamed isomorphic for clarity (backward compatible)
  • Simplified console output, detailing output files, filesizes, and changes in size from previous build.


  • Verifies the desired port (8080) is open and allows selecting of an alternate if occupied.
  • Simplified output with understandable messages.
  • Optional proxy server support.
  • Webpage will automatically open when a dev-server session begins.
  • The dev-server client in react-dev-utils allows build error details to render into the browser window.


10 Mar 18:23
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  • Initial internal release